Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Kitchen rearrange Part 2 and kitchen tablescapes.

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you
 well and happy.

I am doing well, and am happy for the
 most part, other than a little meltdown
at least once a day.  I am allowing my-
self 10-15 mins. a day to grieve this 
coming move,  and hopefully, by the 
time it gets here I will be good. 
 So amazing how what you know in your
 head and your heart, just sometimes 
doesn't help the emotions of the heart,
  but that is okay, Jesus had emotions
just like us,  and he cried and grieved
too, just a natural part of life.

Well, am finishing up the kitchen
tour today, and gotta get this posted
cause I am watching Brooklyn today,
so she is napping and should be
awaking soon.

So come on in and invite a freind.....lol

The header picture was the before shot
This was the after on the table vignette

Asked hubby to get me some white flowers when he 
was at Sam's, so he found these lovely white
chrysanthemums, and they fit the bill perfectly.

Don't know if you can tell it or not from this picture
but the wallpaper has this same tone of color as
the tablecloth in it.

That would add $6.50 or so to my original kitchen
rearrange, forgot about them.  So that would make 
close to $20.00 for the rearrange.

 This is the after with another picture on the Wall.....

Vignette with colored pencil affect just for fun!!

Since I changed the tablecloth and  had a new vignette,
decided I should play some..........and see how the 
table would look all set nicely.  So below pics are the 
results, and we have also enjoyed using them 
for dinners ourselves.

Oh.... if you missed Part 1 of my kitchen counter

rearrange and would like to see it,  just click here!

 This could be a breakfast or lunch table.
Decided to make everything very 
simple for this table.

Decided to dress this next table up a little
for dinner.............different napkin fold
with some added pearl stick ons..........

goblets and different silverware and candles.

Oops, see anything funny............

forgot my pearls stick ons...........

Since I have been tweaking I decided to get some
 placemats. These rounds ones really work so much
 better on round tables than normal placemats do......
added some dishes so you could see the contrast, but
 think I just may have made a mistake
with this color..............

They had some that were blue that had the same color 
as my chair cushions and countertops, but wasn't sure 
about them, so got these, but think I might just go back
 and get the blue and try them at least.

 This vignette is now on the breakfast bar.
Not crazy about the kerosene lantern, but don't know
what to do with it.  Tried to put in the cabinets above
the fridge, but it is too big even with the chimney off.
and it is hurricane season, so sometimes we need it so
don't want to get rid of it either, so this was the next
best place for it..............................

 Another tweak was these cute kitchen 
towels I found at wally world $1.57, got
2 of them. Couldn't believe the price, 
cause you can hardly find a kitchen towels 
less $3-4  anymore. 
 Unless it is the $ tree store.

and another tweak was the white crock in the back,
I had an cream colored urn there, but this was bigger
and things fit in there better. Just happened on it,
  so it came home with me too!!  lol

My total kitchen rearrange turned out to be a total
of $33.00,  that was with 2 extra towels I haven't
mentioned, they are just plain white and only 
.99cents each, and also included the placemats.  

Thanks so much for coming by,  Sure hope you
enjoyed your  visit today.

Please make sure to leave a comment so that I
know you were here.

Linking up with:

Cindy's over at Dwellings,
Just click here to go visit.

 Marty over at a stroll thru life,
to visit there,  just click here!

 Kim's @ Southern Saavy Style
So to check it out,  Just click here.

 Beckys over @ Timewashed
So go on over.....Just click here!

Ivy and Elephants for what's it Wednesday
Enjoy it here

Kathleen over at Cuisine Kathleen
Click here to see tablescapes

Have a Fun....
 Rest of the Week!

Love, Hugs,  and 
Happy Kitchen Blessings,


  1. I'm so sorry to hear your girl is moving away. That must be very hard to have to deal with! I'll be praying for you.

    I love the kitchen redo! Makes me want to get into my kitchen and redo some things!


  2. So it's really, really happening then. No turning back. It's a little sad you are right. But for them it might be a step towards a fantastic destiny. I wish them the best. They sound like a terrific couple.
    I love your wallpaper with the tone of the wood in the door. This is so dollhouse worthy!! You did a great job redoing your kitchen. It's adorable!

  3. Great tablescape, I love the soft beige check too, my new favorite thing. I have been adding check everywhere. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Nellie,
    Great table scape. Love the simplicity of it and how pretty. It is hard when our kids move on in their journey of life. It is hard to let go but just know you set her up nicely to start her journey.

  5. So sorry about the move. It's really a growing experience for all of us, so sad it's just so hard. Your sweet rearrange turned out wonderful. I love the colors and adding those pearls to the napkins is soo clever.. love it all. xo marlis

  6. Hi Nellie!
    Love the changes you made. Especially love the plaque with the oil lamp. I have the exact same lamp with yellow oil in it to. It's so pretty. Maybe add a ribbon. I vote for keeping it. And I agree about the placemats. Blue would be better. I have the same placemats on my round table. Mine are red. I think you did great with a minimal amount of money spent. My kinda girl! lol;)
    And the white flowers hubby brought looked so cheerful. You need to get him in the habit of bringing them each week. heehee Just tell him the colors you'll be glad to accept. LOL!
    I hope you're having a pleasant and blessed week. See you tomorrow for Thankful Thursday!
    Looking Up!

  7. Your tablescape looks so pretty Nellie! Love your sweet napkins with those little pearls...sweet touch! I like your hurricane lamp. I keep one on a dresser in our guest room and on a small table in the hall...love hurricane lamps! Thanks so much for sharing both of your kitchen touches at Amaze Me Monday...so nice having you!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love your pretty white and beige table! I agree, round mats on a round table work so much better.
    My friend's son and family just moved to Singapore. She is sad, but we must let them fly. Mine live only 90 miles away, but once school starts, we don't see them very often. I love having them near weekends during the summer. Good thing we live at the beach, or that probably wouldn't be the case!
    How far away are they moving?
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish.
    When my only child was leaving for college I promised myself I wouldn't cry. My sister's son who was to leave for college also, had been hit by a car and killed 2 weeks earlier. I realized how selfish it was for me to be sad, I would see my son again, she never would. It puts things in perspective.
    It will all work out, have faith.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie