Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 15th 2013

(Our lil Sweetheart,  5 months old now......
From the Album, you will read about)

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope  this finds you are well and happy,

with lots of reasons to be thankful.

I am happy, but I am not sooo well......that is why this is
the first time you have heard from me this week.  I have
been sick since Tuesday but.....................

I am thankful
that I am feeling better,  I am not quite up to par yet,
but feeling considerably better than the last days. 
 Now I feel like my back is trying to go out on me...
Probably from all that lying
when it rains it pours, as they old saying goes,  but
 hopefully a trip to the chiropractor tomorrow will
 take care of that.  Doing my best not to overdue
it today, in fact, am about to go take a lil nap
here in minute.

I am thankful
that I got to have an unexpected, nice leisurely lunch
 with Dee at Cracker Barrel on Monday,  since she 
had some patients that cancelled their appointments.
That was a nice blessing, cause typically we go out
shopping for her birthday then to Cracker Barrel,
so at least we got one thing in,  since she has no
days off this week. we will get some shopping in
 at the end of the day on Friday,  I am hoping!

I am thankful
for a beautiful photo book that Scott and Megan
had made for us of their family.  It is really  so nice,
and all the pics were professionally done and just
great shots of all of them.  Wonderful gift!

 Here is just one of our lil darling,  I took others
 but they just didn't come out unfortunately,  
other than the header picture.
  Will try again when I feel better.

I think she looks like she needs a halo
and some wings here!  lol

I am thankful
for a great evening with some new friends from
our class last Friday evening.  They are just so
much fun,  and we just laugh so much,  it is really
refreshing and joyful.

I am thankfulful
for Tim Tebow and what a faithful young man
he is to God.  I read a story this week about
him that I just loved............

There was a cameraman in the Patriots locker
room,  and he dropped his camera,  and used
the Lord's name like and expletive....
saying "Jesus Christ"
and another team mate said Tim Tebow just
looked at the cameraman and Said
 "He loves YOU! 
What a great way to handle that situation!!
 What a truly neat young man he is, nice to see
a sportsman that is worth looking up to............
Go Tebow,  We love you!

I am thankful
for these gluten free cookies ( picture below)
that hubby found at fresh market last week.
  They are both really good and the almond
ones remind me of almond bear claws that
I used to get at publix,  but they have bad
oils so these almond cookies are a great
 replacement item.  Wasn't sure I was gonna
like the chocolate cookies, cause I was
expecting a choc. chip cookies dough 
with just double the choc. chips,  but they
are really good..........and you must have
a glass of milk with

I am thankful
that I was able to find blue placemats like
the tan ones I had bought for my new kitchen
look.  Got them at Bed, Bath and Beyond,
but ours didn't have the blue anymore, but
I was able to find them at another BB&B in
 a close by town,  and I really like the way 
they look so much better!





Remember my countertops are the same color, sort of
a denim marbled look,  and my chair cushions are that
sort of blue too.   So liked it much better...........

I am thankful
for some sweet surprises my hubby picked
up for me at the grocery store,  cookies, organic
coffee, (had some this morning and it is very 
good),  kefir for my throat, (it is like a drinkable 
yogurt, just in case you never heard of it, and is
 very thick and coats your throat and stomach), 
which I really needed, and something else
but can't remember what it was right now.
Just nice to be thought of........and he has 
been taking good care of me.

Hadn't downloaded my other pics yet so figured might
as well take a picture of this too!   lol

I am thankful
for my breadmaking machine that my SILSusan
gave us many years ago.  We do drag it out and use 
it every so often, and it is really an amazing lil machine.
 and does a great job.  Hubby is fascinated with it and
 we both get a kick out of watching it do it's thing..........
we are so easily entertained.   lol

I am thankful
that I recently found a gluten free bread mix at 
Publix grocery store.  So we made it yesterday, and it 
is really pretty good, at least better than most I have tried
 so far.  I had it with some butter and then had it with some 
chicken salad, so far, so good!  lol 

I am thankful
we are having a birthday celebration here for Dee
on Sunday.  Just realized this morning I hadn't even
 thought about the table,  so have had some ideas
 rattling around in this foggy brain but think I have 
figured it out.............want be real fancy but nice.
But it will be good food and good fellowship!

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan will be home soon.  I know she
has had a great time... but the last time I talked to
her I could tell she was really tired and ready to
be home.  She has had a lot of trouble with her
knee and foot,  if it wasn't one, it was the other.
Bless her heart!  Not a lot of fun to be traveling
when you are hurting,  and I am sure that has
to be pretty painful.................

Well, that is my list for the week..............
hope you have a great list all your own, and
if not,  let this remind you to at least think of a 
few things the Lord has done for you this week.

It will make you smile,  I promise!

Thanks so much for your visit,
 it is always wonderful to
 hear from you.

Hope you have a good Friday

 and Weekend with your family, 
friends, and/or pets!

Love, Hugs,  and

Healthy Blessings to you!



  1. Hi Nellie, So thankful for blogging friends like you! Love your list as always-your grand is so adorable. I've stopped posting pics of our grands because of all the predators out there. I am gluten free-have been for about 3.5 yrs now-there are some really good products out there, especially at Walmart(who would have thought). Hope you start feeling better dear one.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Your lil sweetheart is adorable, and your list of things you are thankful for is a full one. I am thankful for Tim Tebow too, what a nice reaction that was in the locker room. Those gluten free foods sound tasty.
    I am having a give away of a book today on my blog.

  3. Nellie,
    Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, but glad you are doing better.
    Your photos are ADORABLE! Aren't grands...well,...GRAND! I thank my Father everyday for my little princess, and I'm sure you do likewise.
    Your blue placemats are perfect! And such a pretty color of blue.
    The other day I was surfing some blogs and saw your wallpaper pattern on a set of dishes in a tablescape. I said, "Nellie's wallpaper!" Did you know there were dishes? If so, do you have them? They are so pretty, right down to the little blackberries.
    Well, must run. Hubby is here and we're going to dinner.

  4. Sweetness - that little darling!
    Sorry you haven't been feeling well (and thankful I am OK eating "regular" food). It must be challenging finding things that agree with you.
    I like your new placemats. (Blue is "my" color.)
    Well, have a good weekend. Glad you got some birthday celebrating in with your daughter. Sure wish mine lived closer....♥R

  5. So sorry you haven't been feeling well, but hope you are on the mend now. Your little Brooklyn is just a little doll!

  6. I tell that your precious little "Sweetheart" is the joy of her Grandma's Heart! So glad you live so close to each other.
    Blessings~ Jess

  7. Hi Nellie

    I hope you are feeling better. I am keeping you in my prayers.

    Your little one is so cute, hard to believe how big she is getting

    I am trying to get back in the blogging mood.

    We have our wood floor project completed so I want to Blog about that.

    I think we may have a Cracker Barrel coming to Portland. One of my favorite places to eat at when I am back home.

    It is nice you get to spend time with your daughter Dee. I look forward to hearing about her birthday tablescape.

    Take care of yourself
    love & Blessings

  8. #1. I'm so sorry, Nellie, you weren't feeling well! I praise the LORD for chiropractors! I surely feel better when I go to mine. I go every 6 weeks to keep me in alignment. As sure as I don't, I get really bad off.
    #2. Aren't those the best surprises!
    #3. Thank you for giving me mine! They are so precious to my heart!
    This one of Brooklyn is so beautiful! It looks like she is praying!
    #4. There's nothing like friends to bring out the joy of our friendship!
    #5. I pray the LORD is growing the seeds Tim plants in those around him.
    #6. It is so good that the stores are selling more of these "purer" foods.
    #7. Blue is my favorite color! It looks great (as all of your settings do.)
    #8. Dr. Jim did a great job!
    #9. I need to use mine! I haven't in years. It's amazing, you just "dump" in the ingredience and it does the rest; mix, rise, kneads, bakes!
    #10. I'll have to try this!
    #11. It was a beautiful setting and delicious food! I'm sure DeeAnna was blessed by you so very much!
    #12. Thank you for your prayers. I was ready to be home the Tuesday before we got home Friday, ha! I was really tired! But what a blessing to see the sights of this beautiful country!
    Love to you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie