Thursday, November 28, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 28, 2013 - Thanksgiving Day!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4

Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Friends,

Since today is Thanksgiving Day,
I am gonna do a different and
 quicker format...................

I am thankful for:

 My relationship with the Lord,

My Sweet hubby and kids

That Dee could be here this week,
and we at least got to see her for
Thanksgiving, even tho she goes
home around noon.  It is has been
snowing up there, so we are hoping
some will still be on the ground.......,
as she was a lil bummed not to be 
there to enjoy this first with hubby,
but it is gonna be a sunny 40 degree
 day there today, so will see........

For good friends of many years

For our church of 33 years

For all of our wonderful Pastors
and their families

For our marriage of 43 years

For all the joy our new lil grand
daughter has brought us over these
 passed 9+ months.

For a heart that overflows with
 Love,  Joy and Peace

For blog friends and new friends

For our lovely home

For our nice newer to us, van and 
car, the van was great for our trip

For our fun trip to Asheville

Well, there you have it...........

Happy Thanksgiving 
Sweet Peas...................

Hope you have a Most Loving
and Joyous Day, Thanking God
from whom all Blessings flow...

Hugs,  Nellie

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Modern Romantic Fall Tablescape

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are things going at your house???
Getting ready for Thanksgiving, I'd bet,
if I were a betting woman!!  lol

That and more has been going on here.
I have also planned and finished a nice
birthday dinner for my daughter-in-love,
Megan this passed Sunday.  Was gonna
do a post about Asheville today, now that 
I have the photos, but decided someone
 might still be looking for ideas for a fun,
 easy and suitable for Thanksgiving table,
  so  thought I would share Megan's table
 with you instead.

Will be working on make ahead Vegetable
gravy, a recipe I got from Yahoo some 
years back,  cause I really disliked that last
 minute rush to get the gravy done after the 
Turkey cooked. Although,  I am not making 
a Turkey,  we are having a great chicken 
recipe that is a family favorite and much
 easier than a Turkey,  but I am making
stuffing to go with it, so hence the gravy.
Also will be working on my Thanksgiving
table too probably.  Have all the grocery
shopping done, unless there is something
I forgot.......which I probably did,  but 
don't mind those quick trips to the store
as they are much easier.

DeeAnna has been here at our house since
Sunday afternoon when she came with Scott
and Megan,  she spent the night at their house,
and has and will be working thru Wednesday,
and she leaves to go home on Thursday
morning before noon.  So we have gotten
to see her last night and tonight,  and then
Thursday morning before she goes back.
We are thrilled they are gonna be able to
be here for Christmas for a few days and
can bring Rosie since they are driving down.

Well,  better hush and get to downloading all 
these tablescape

Made a lil sign and glittered it,  but it doesn't show
in the pitcture.  Hung it from the chandelier.Did it with 
print shop, and it could be a
 Happy Thanksgiving Sign as well............

Found this gold and cream Chevron Paper in one of those
lil shops underneath Dee's apartment,  it was called the
Baggie Goose, I believe,  it was a florist and gift shop.

They had a gorgeous table set with it,  I will show it to you,
when I do the photos from Asheville,  probably next week.

Since the paper had such a modern look to it,  thought what else
can I do to make it look modern,  and I remembered I already
had these glass cylinder vases filled and ready and on a tray on
my dining table,  so just pulled them off the tray and lined them
up,   then added some mercury glass gold votives in between.

a look down the table.

I used lace and satin ribbons and some pine cone
Christmas ornaments and a cylinder filled with nuts,

another cylinder filled with samll faux apples

and a cylinder filled with preserved leaves,
I have had these leaves forever!  lol

 Here is the birthday girls place setting.  I used sleek and modern
silverware with clear goblets since I was using the clear glass
cylinders.........but think my new brown glasses would have
gone well too,  but thought they might be better if I was doing
a guy went with the clear stemware.

Here are some of the last leaves we picked up in Asheville,
but didn't preserve these,  so some of them were starting
to lose their color,  so decided to glitter them with gold.
I just sprayed some hair spray on them and then sprinkled
on some fine glitter.   

A look down the table from the opposite side.

I used stick on, 3 dimensional scrapbook pine
cone imbellishments on some of the votive candles.
and afterwards they come right off, with no sticky
residue or anything.  A nice bonus!
This pic has a posterized affect just for fun.

I used  some real pine cones on this side

and some fall candy of course!!  lol

an overview from the top

The parties over, so playing as usual,  just put all the leftovers
in the mix to enjoy the centerpiece for a few days before I change
it up for Thanksgiving.  I had wanted to glitter more leaves and
do this before her dinner.............but ran out of time.

 These are all after shots.................

Sharing with Susan over at 
Between Naps on the Porch
To go visit just click here!

Well, Sweet Folks, 
 Hope you have a Wonderful,
Grateful, Fun Filled, Loving and Joyful
 and lots of good food too!!

colored pencil affect

 Love,  Hugs and Blessings 
Abundant to You and Yours
This Thanksgiving!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 21, 2013

Click on the pic to see what the verse is............

Morning Sweet Friends,

and I do mean is only 5:49 a.m.
woke up feeling hungry, so had a bowl of cereal
and was wide awake, so decided to come work
on finishing my Thankful Thursday post.

 Told you I think Fridays were gonna be my
 norm for

This is my first post for this week,  but you will
see why when you read my list.  So guess I 
shall just get on with it....................

I am thankful
for a safe and uneventful drive up to Ashville,
 N.C. and back.  We got home about 9:45 p.m.
Wed. night, and made very good time since we
left there right a noon.  We only stopped twice
once in S.C. and not until we got past Jackson-
ville,  Florida for din din...............

I am thankful
for the beautiful and Wonderful Fall scenery.
We have been up in those areas many times, 
but never in the it was  truly
 delightful and and greatly enjoyable drive 
and visit to N.C.

I am thankful
that we got to watch our lil darling today, and
that we weren't exhausted.  I sort of expected
that we would be really tired today,  but we
both felt great, and had an awesome time with 
Brooklyn today.  She just gets more fun all the
 time,  and I suspect she missed us just as much
 as we missed her.  She had us laughing most of
 the day,  and is really working on that walking, 
 she is standing alone at times and of course,
 pulling up on things.  She is much more stable
 and doing so much more since the last time we 
watched her 2 weeks ago,  and she has perfected
her crawling and is quite fast now, altho,  she
doesn't really prefer it.

I am thankful
that sweet young woman Jennifer, we took
 in a month or so ago, is doing very well and that
her healing is miraculous.   It has just been just
over 4 weeks now and she is doing pretty much
 every thing she normally does and she even put
 up her Christmas tree,  all by herself.  lol
She is finally able to lie down in her bed and sleep
 for the first time since this all started.  She has
had to sleep in a recliner all this time, bless her
heart.................and she looked wonderful today.
Her healing time was suppose to be 8-10 weeks.
She does still have to be careful with some
 things, but is doing amazingly well for this 
period of time.

I am thankful
for a lovely painting she brought us today
for our Anniversary.  It is a french painting
that she customized just for us.  It is a painting
 of the Notre Dame Cathedral and Paris backdrop. 
 She gave it color because the original artist only 
used black and gray colors,  so she noticed I had a
 lot of french accents in my work/computer room,
 as well as the colors,  so she made it colors she
 thought would go in here.  It is wonderful, and
can't wait to find just the right spot for it.
Hopefully, we will be working on our computer/
work room sometime in the New Year!

I am thankful
our kitty, Molly did fine while we were away, 
since she had been staying in at night.  I made 
her a lil den in one of our chairs (out on the porch)
for her to get in just in case it turned cold, which
it did for a few nights, but only in the 50's.

I am thankful
for my sweet SIL Susan,  who always takes such 
good care of Molly while we are away,  It is such a
 blessing and peace of mind knowing she is caring
 for her, cause she always goes above and beyond.
Thanks again Susan!

I am thankful
to know that DeeAnna has been safe and sound
the last few nights.........cause with Jerry being
gone she has to go walk the dog at night by 
herself,  and it seems like a very safe area, but I
sleep much better knowing she is back in the apt.
safe and sound.  Her hubby will be home tonight.

I am thankful
I will be able to unpack my suitcases tomorrow,
(meaning Friday) and start working on food and
 table for Sunday's birthday celebration for Megan. 
 I started to play a lil with the table today for ideas
 for her table and our Thanksgiving table while our
lil darling was sleeping...............

I am thankful
that Rosie was doing much better today, she
was a lil mopey yesterday,  but back to normal
today........Dee said she does go in the guest
bedroom where we stayed and sniff around

I am thankful
for some really cute clothes we found at Dillard's
 for the baby while we were in away.  If you are
not a Dillard's shopper,  just let me tell you they
have the best sales on children's clothing,  so if
you have never checked them out,  you really
should...................I found that out years ago when
Dee was little,  when they have a sale it is really
a sale...............

I am thankful
for all the fun we continued to have with Dee
this week as well. did I mention that hubby was 
working in the daytime remotely, so she and I 
really had a blast doing simple things...........
we made some cookie and
brownies in a jar gifts for a baby shower she is
 doing for her best friend., we went to the party
 store to look for decorations for above said 
shower. It was our first time to do the cookies
in a jar things but it was fun,  and we were
 pleased with the results........
We collected more leaves, as we were out
walking the dog, just so hard not too, cause
they are all so unique and beautiful, but I didn't 
dry them this time,  we made beef stroganoff
together, we shopped at her grocery store which
is called Ingles,  what a great grocery store,  it
is huge,  and I found some gluten free pretzels,
and a few other gluten free things, and we made
 those rolo pretzel candies,  so we loved those,  
and we made some gluten free choc. chip cookies
for us to eat................and she and hubby fed
their starbucks I even
got in on the action when I found out they
had decaf coffee and cold ones. Have you ever
 had their caramel iced lattes??  
My My they are pretty good I have to say.........
We also tried a few new restaurants, one was
"Tupelo Honeys",  Dee said people rave about
that place,  but none of us were impressed, in
fact, we didn't like our food at all,  well, Jerry
did ...cause he got a burger......we sorta wished
we had gotten burgers too!   lol
 We also watched some HTGV, and we walked 
around at night in the town square with the dogs, 
Rosie and her friends dog, and Dee took pics with 
her ipad,  (have to wait for her to send them till
 Jerry gets home, cause she is not sure how to do it) 
 unfortunately, she takes after her Mom with that, 
course, think she isn't quite as technically challenged
 as I am, thank goodness). We also went shopping at 
the mall and was able to get Megan's gifts for her
 birthday,  and she did my hair early, so it was nice
 to get a few things done early, to make it easier
 for when I got home... since I knew I was gonna
have to hit the ground running with all that is
happening and Thanksgiving coming up too.
It was just so nice as always to get away and
to see some new scenery, and to spend time 
with visiting and doing things with her, and it
was also restful and comfortable.  She is really
a great hostess, and thought of everything to
make the time great............
Seemed like we were really gone a long time. 
 Eleven days, all together, but 2 of them were
 travel time mostly.............It takes 81/2 hrs.
to get there but of course, if you stop it takes
longer...........and who doesn't stop!   lol

I am thankful
that my SIL Susan's friend who had breast
cancer,  had good results on some tests
that she had made today, as we think they
were looking for primary or secondary 
cancer in other areas of her body,  and
praise the Lord,  found nothing cancerous.

Well,  here's my list from Cozy Place...
Remember.....God is good all the time.....

So glad you could stop by..........
and hope you will leave a comment
to say you did...........

Hope you have a lovely weekend,  and
a good week next week preparing for
Food and Family wise and Heartwise!
Cause we truly have so much
 to be thankful for!

Love,  Hugs,
and  Thanksgiving Blessings 
to you all,


Friday, November 15, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 14, 2013

  Happy Friday Sweet Friends,

Late again............seems like that is getting to
be my new norm.........and just as I thought
I was finally getting back on schedule.  lol

LIke the old saying goes...........Life is what
happens when you are making your plans,
that has been my story lately,  for sure!!
and since I am soooooo behind on every-
thing,  it will probably be the norm through
the Thanksgving and Christmas season.
Ah,  who cares really..............

Well, I am gonna get on with it................

I am thankful
for a conflict that finally came to resolution
after several days.

I am thankful
for the conflict resolution information we had
 learned about prior to, and how much it helped
 us with this situation. 

I am thankful
for a really difficult and also wonderful week,
 all at the same time.  The first part was full
of busyiness getting ready, then the conflict
then the fun adventure.

I am thankful
we are in Asheville, North Carolina visiting
with Dee and Jerry since last Sunday.
Well, mostly with Dee cause Jerry is away
getting schooling for his new job.
So happy to see them all,  and Rosie (our 
grand daugher DOG) will hardly let us out of
 her sight,  so happy to see her too,  just too
 bad we have to miss our lil darling, Brooklyn,
 our real grand daughter,
Am hoping Rosie isn't gonna be depressed
when we leave.  Think she might have thought 
she was never gonna see us again.............
We should get to see them all again at
 Christmas time hopefully.

I am thankful
to be experiencing a new adventure this week,
and that is apt. living on the 3rd floor with all
 sorts of neat lil shops, restaurants, a Barnes and 
Nobles book store and a movie theatre and a really
 lovely town square area with trees all full of beautiful
autumn leaves, that are all just about gone now.
All of this just below us and in walking distance,
 where we can walk and talk and enjoy the much
 cooler weather....and look off the balcony.  
What a fun way to live!
Good thing we have our lil darling and other family
members at home or we might just pack up and 
move here!  lol
Very Tempting I must say!!  

I am thankful
for the wonderful and fun time we are having......
just visiting and enjoying their new lifestyle, 
so different than what we are used to.......
exploring the shops, and taking walks with
 the dogs, searching for all the beautiful Fall
 leaves they have here, and also drying them 
so I can possibly use them on our 
Thanksgiving  table.  

Note:  I am so mad at myself because I
forgot my camera..............ahhhhhhhhhh!
Dee did take some pics when we were
drying the leaves, so I can do a tutorial for
 yall. She has an ipad so took them on there,
am hoping we will be able to take some
more, but it is now raining so don't know
if we will get any good ones before we
have to leave .............poo...........
but Lord Willing maybe we will.

I am thankful
for some pretty new amber brown glasses
 I found at Walmart this week to use for our 
Thanksgiving table, since all my pretty smokey
 green Wedding goblets that I would normally
use were smashed in that crazy china hutch
 accident earlier this year.  Not totally sure if I
 will keep them or not,  cause I really wanted
stemware,  but am having a very hard time
 finding any amber stemware unless they cost
 a fortune,  so they will work if need be......

I am thankful
that I found some new light gray loafers that
 I needed.  I had these really cute silver flats
 that I loved and were so comfy,  but they are
looking rather shabby,  much to my chagrin. 
 Can't wait to get the new loafers broken in,
 cause they have almost given me blisters,
which was a lil surprising cause they are
so comfortable, guess I just did a lil too
much walking for wearing them for the
first time

I am thankful
that a friend that had a pinched nerve and
 that I was able to encourage to go to my
 chiropracter was helped by him in just 3 visits.
  She was just about to leave on a missions trip
 and was beginning to wonder...........
but she was able to go!!

I am thankful
that we got to experience some snow flurries,
and freezing temperatures, that if it were not
windy, would not seem freezing at all,  definitely
a different cold from ours,  think because of
less humidity maybe.....................

Note:  It has been strange... as cold as it is,
I am having hellacious hot flashes,  and am
still hot at times, can hardly believe it.

I am thankful
for a mexican restaurant we went to last 
night,  there food was fabulous and we have
leftovers for lunch, yum!  We also went to 
steakhouse on Sunday night but we weren't
overly impressed...........hubby says, he thinks
he likes Dee's family restaurant the best!  lol.

Speaking of that...............

I am thankful
for what a great cook our daughter has become
even more so than before.  She made lasagna,
and beef stew and some chicken and potato
soup and froze them all.  Delicious every one.
Course, we haven't had the chicken and potato 
soup yet, but I have no doubt it will be great
.  She made us western omelets yesterday...
I told her, I am not used to having someone
take care of me,  and I could really get used
and She is also a great hostess................

Well, that's it for this week.................

Thanks for coming by and for your sweet
comments........They are Always appreciated.

Love, Hugs,
and North Carolina Blessings,


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie