Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Just to say Hello and Merry Christmas

Scenes from Cozy Place 2010
Click here if you want to see more.

Morning Sweet Friends,

How is your week going so far??

Our weekend was all the Fall
decorations down and packed away and put up
the outside Christmas lights, and brought in the
Christmas boxes to start decorating the house,
and got all my pillows out and did the mantle,
but that is as far as I have gotten this far.

I decided since I was so tired on Monday that
I just needed a down day with no where to go,
and not much to that is exactly what
I did,  not much of anything and went no where.
Just what the Dr.(ME)

Cause Tuesday I had a dental appt.  to get what
I thought was my last crown,  turned out I needed
another one,  so they did 2 crown preps yesterday,
so was in the dental chair almost 4 hrs.  No pain
tho, so really can't complain, and it wouldn't do any
good anyway,  lol,  but was hoping it was my last
 visit for a while,  but now I have to go back to get
 the permanent crowns in early January.  Course,
like the saying goes,  "Life is what happens when
we are making our plans" true!
Afterwards,  I grabbed a Chocolate Elvis at
Planet Smoothie to reward myself for not giving
the dentist a hard time!!  lol  
Then...........I commenced with my
Christmas shopping..........bought my first Christ-
mas presents finally, cause I am way behind my
normal routine.  Then hubby joined me later and
we shopped till almost 9 then went to din din
at Carrabbas.........finally got that in.... since we 
wound up missing out on that for our Anniversary.
and guess what??  They were playing wonderful
Christmas music,  ones with the real meaning
of Christmas,  we were pleasantly surprised!!
Also got some really cute clothes for the baby
 for Christmas,  and a few other things,  so I have
officially started..................Yeah!!

Today we have our lil darling,  so doubt I will
get anything done today,  since this is her day,
we just play all day...............
I am typing this cause she is taking a nappy.

So.........Just wanted to say Hi and hope you are
 enjoying the Christmas Season...........

Love, Hugs, and Fun 
Christmas Season Blessings,



  1. Hi, Nellie!
    I know what you mean about tired! After coming back from seeing the Tran Siberian Orchestra Saturday night, I could hardly walk Sunday morning. There were about 30 steep steps I had to side step down while hanging onto the rail! When it was over, I told Alice there was no way I could go back up! The attendant showed us an elevator that was five steps up and over! I wish I had known that before! My right thigh muscle and left calf muscle I could hardly stand on the next day!

    My week's been busy too! Monday I was invited over to Jeanette's house for a brunch with other church ladies. Tuesday I had a chiropractor appointment. Today was our last day for Bible Study until the New Year. We ladies went to Appleby's for lunch and I used my last gift card. However, I forgot my leftover box on the table :-(

    I'm finishing my Christmas cards today to get in the mail tomorrow.

    Boddy's back and glad to be! The weather was snowy, cold, and wet!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I love Planet Smoothie. We don't have them here, but I always go when we are in Florida. I always get the same thing, the Twigs and Berries!

    Four hours in the dentist chair is my idea of torture. It has happened to me, but only when something has gone wrong...not anything scheduled that way.

    I am decorated, shopped, wrapped and ready to go. I still want to bake a couple of things, but other than that, I think I have a handle on things. I will buy my daughter's clothes when I get to Florida so she can exchange them if need be. It has been so long since I have seen her and she has lost so much weight, it is hard to judge what to buy. I think it is a good thing I am ready. It is 63 right now and going to be 23 tomorrow afternoon with ice and snow headed right at us (and most of the country).

  3. Hi Sweetie,
    Glad you got a little break while little missy was napping! I have been working at catching up on orders...whew...about 5 more and I'm there!! And need to make more stuff. My MIL went back home tonight. She has pain again, and I think she is going to require surgery. She can't remember to take her meds all the time. So if she has surgery, she will be back here again. Will cross that bridge if we get to it.

    Hope the rest of your week is good. I have been working long hours, and have to Thurs and Fri, too.

    Hugs and love,

  4. That's funny my Dad just went to get his permanent crown put in today! Must be crown season! Christmas shopping is fun! I have to admit I kind of love to go on Christmas Eve in that huge crowd. It's fun! I might be the only one feeling that way. A Christmas with a baby is going to be so terrific for all of you. They are really the meaning of life. Oooh! I love your blog all dressed up!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: