Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Tuesday - December 30, 2013

scenes from 2013

Give Thanks to the Lord Almighty,
for the Lord is good,
his love endures forever.
(Part of Jeremiah 33:11)

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have a Lovely and 
Joyful Christmas...would love to
 hear what you and your family did,
so leave a comment and tell me...

Our's really was wonderful, we all had such a great
time just being together and visiting,  course, had
some good food and gifts thrown in there as well.
Christmas really is our all time favorite holiday!

I am not changing the day for Thankful Thursday
 just didn't get to post since Christmas.... cause I
got really sick with a  wicked virus the day after
 Christmas,  and am just getting over it still.....but 
wanted to say hello and see how yall are............so
 figured I would just do my Thankful Thursday post
late early!!  lol  just a combo of last week and this
week,  since not much was going on but sickness,
sleeping and resting between Thurs & Monday! lol

Also wanted to wish you all....
 a Joyous, Loving, and 
Hopeful New Year!

Will sort of catch you up on life here with this
Thankful post.

I am very thankful
for the Lovely Christmas that we had and that
we could all be together for Christmas once
again this year!  That just means everything
to us,  and then to have the addition of our new
 lil granddaughter just added so much to the fun. 
 She did try to open some packages,  just not 
quite there yet,  but she did give it a good try, 
 so hopefully,  by her first birthday in March 
she will have it down pat.  lol

I am thankful
that I was able to pre-plan and set aside all the
things I needed to set 5 tables from Mon thru
Christmas Day, and the plan worked perfectly.
Imagine that!!  lol   Some were paperware and
some were dishware,  but all came together well
and easy...............that was the plan.............. and
for once it worked...........God's grace!
He knew how tired I was.............

I am thankful
Scott, Megan and Brooklyn were unexpectedly
able to be with us some on Christmas eve, which 
was ininiated by Megan. We are very blessed to
have a daughter in love,  that loves and enjoys
our family so much and loves to be with us.
It was also nice that they were so helpful and
 brought us subs for lunch, as Dee and I were in
 the kitchen cooking all morning, a fun time
 for us tho.................

I am thankful
for a new camera that hubby got me for Christmas
that was very unexpected.  Works very well,  or so
it seems........hubby has been trying it....can't wait
to feel totally back to normal and try it out myself.
Also thankful for the Cricket Cuddlebug embossing 
machine and accessories that I got from my sweet
 SIL for Christmas,  it will be a new and fun addition
 for making my greetings cards hopefully, just have
 to learn ways to incorporate it in my designs.
Of course, I am thankful for all the lovely cards
and  gifts I got they are always special to me.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry made it here and back home
to Asheville, safe and sound and dodged the virus
 bullet, and so did Megan, but Brooklyn, Jim, Scott,
 Susan and myself all got it,  but amazing that the 
symptoms were different for each of us, lucky me,
I seemed to get them all at different times, but we
were all pretty sick folks...............it has been a 
long time since I have been that sick,  and it is
taking me quite awhile to recover. Justcan't think 
of anything that appeals to me to eat really,  but tea 
and pretzels or saltines, and today is day 5,  and we 
are hoping to go see the Hobbit movie today and 
go out to din din since hubby has been on vacay
 but has been sick most of it, or preparing for
 Christmas. So that would be really fun for him!

I am so thankful
that we didn't get this virus until Christmas was over,
cause we would have definitely not had a fun day as
sick as we were......................so God is good!

I am thankful
for all the rest we have gotten since Thursday,
not the way we would have expected to get it,
but we did get it....................so guess that is
what really matters..............lol

I am thankful
that I lost 5 pds.,  course,  it is probably all water
weight............and again not the way you would
desire to lose it,  but it was exciting to see that
scale drop if even for a lil while.  lol.....as I haven't
been able to budge it much ...seems like since 
hit my 60's.  Just got off the scales and it is slowly
  going up and I really don't know why cause I really 
haven't eaten much.  Crazy!

See our new tree.........it was au la naturelle,  but
I did throw some snow on it...........lol

I am incredibly thankful
that the worst of our virus lasted about 8 hours, as 
it  does enough damage in that short span of time,
so can't imagine having it longer.........oh my!! 

I am thankful
that my back did not hurt me the whole time I was
so sick.........cause I was able to lay in the recliner
flat on my back for 48 hours,  and that was only by 
the grace of God,  for sure.........cause I can't do 
that sometimes for even 8 hours........
So amazing!!

I am thankful
that our bed felt like a piece of Heaven last night.
We changed the germy sheets and put the heavier 
comforter on and I slept like a baby. It is amazing to
 me how much better your bed feels and how good
 food tastes after you have been sick like this. 
 Saltines and Pretzels, coke,sprite and ice pops....
oh my gosh.....they taste incredible, like the most
exquisite meal you've ever had..........lol
you are so thirsty,  you just want to chug a coke,
water or sprite,  course, you know better,  but you
sure want to.........just seems like all your senses
are heightened by it for some reason.
Another grace from God..........

I am thankful
that we will be starting our new ministry to young
marrieds soon.  We are still working out some
issues,  but just about there. Some of these kids
(young adults) we have known their whole life, we
were friends with their parents, they were friends
with our kids, and we love them too death,  so it 
should be a lot of fun too.  What a priviledge!

This post has been almost ready since early this 
morning,  but I got to feeling bad again, and just didn't
feel like finishing it, then I went back to bed in the
 afternoon,  and then Jimmy got me some pedialyte
 tonight and after drinking that I started to feel a lil better,
 then we had a nice but simple dinner, so I am feeling 
considerably better,  so hoping it is just that I was still 
dehydrated. Course, none of the plans we had happened 
cause I just wasn't up to it, too weak and tired, so that
 will have to be another time,  but we did watch a really
 good movie at home, called "Storm Rider". A very very
 good movie, I might add.
  Sure hope this is my last round with this virus...every
time I think I am done with it.......it seems to rear it's ugly
 head again!     So I am drinking more pedialyte and
heading to beddie bye land.

Again Happy New Year to all of you Sweet Folks,
Hope 2014 will be a very Blessed year for you!

Love, Hugs,  and
Joyous New year Blessings,


  1. Wow! Sounds like VIRUS was your theme for Christmas 2013!

    Ours was quiet and quite peaceful. Over the past days we've enjoyed various Christmas programs at our church, a few gatherings with friends, a quiet day with my mother and father, 3 NOT so quiet days with two of our grandchildren, a movie and a few meals out. (Having had our family Christmas over the Thanksgiving holiday proved to be rather nice actually....)

    Happy New Year, Nellie.

  2. #1. It was surely blessed! GOD's presence was surely all around and in us! She did like holding the scrap of the wrapping paper, ha!
    #2. As always, you did a beautiful job, Nellie! Thank you too goes to Jim, Scott, Megan, DeeAnna, and Jerry!
    #3. Isn't that great! You surely don't want to have to cook "on the side" while preparing for other meals!
    #4. I can hardly wait until you have it all set up and some cards in process so I can see how it works! Thank you for giving me the list of what you wanted!
    #5. I've been feeling better. The bout has brought on acid indigestion that is slowly dissipating with each day.
    #6. AMEN!
    #7. Isn't it amazing what rest can do!!!
    #8. I stay the same no matter what! Thanks to GOD there is no gaining!
    #9. It really makes me thankful I don't have this all the time!!!
    #10. It scared me for a while because my right side under my ribs started paining, but when I started drinking liquid it went away.
    #11. I didn't want anything in my mouth! I realized it had been 12 hours since I drank anything! That's when my side was hurting. I slowly started drinking orange/mango juice and crackers. It did taste good when I started to eat and drink again!
    #12. The LORD's blessings are on your planning and the departing of His knowledge that will make them strong in His Spirit with their marriages.

    I pray all is well with you now, Nellie. I guess as we get older we have to slow down the activity that we used to do with no tiredness! GOD bless you and Jim, Scott/Megan and Brooklyn, Jerry and DeeAnna! Love, Susan

  3. What a terrible siege of illness you endured, yet thank goodness you and family enjoyed Christmas, and some of your relatives escaped the dreaded virus. Be well my friend.

  4. Oh Nellie,
    I'm so sorry that you have been so sick. I was sick through the entire holiday too. Strange. Aside from that, your house looks beautiful, and it seems that you did enjoy some time with loved ones. So cute about the baby...I'm sure she will be able to rip open her birthday presents by March! Congratulations on your new ministry. It sounds like the Lord is blessing your 2014 already!

  5. I am so glad you are all better, and sure hope we can visit on Friday!!

    Also so thankful you didn't get sick until after Christmas!! God is good!
    Everything looks pretty, and love your tree!!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie