Thursday, December 5, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 5th, 2013

The virgin will be with child
 and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel
 which means "God with us."
Matthew 1:23

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you this Most Wonderful
 Time of the Year???  Hope you are
doing well,  and pacing yourself,
and taking some time to just enjoy
the wonder of it all................

I am doing my part......reading the word and 
singing along to my Christmas CD's most of the
 day, as I go about my chores.  Made a list today
and got so much more done,  and not at a frenetic
 pace,  but was happy with the results.....

Hubby is putting up our tree,  so gonna go
see if I can help or at least watch!!  lol

So will leave you now with this weeks

I am thankful
for the beautiful day outside,  it really is  glorious
and has been for a number of days now.

I am thankful
that we have finally found a new artificial Christmas
 tree that we love as much as our old one of 25 years.
Have been looking for a new one for quite a 
number of years now,  but couldn't find anything we
 liked as well as the one we had already, even tho there
 were some gaps and missing pieces in the branches and 
stuff. I just filled them in with Large items like birdhouses
 and angels, but this new one already has lights and sort of
 folds up,  so will be soooooo much easier for hubby to
 put up.........hopefully he want be having to crawl on 
the floor anymore............  That stuff is getting harder
for both of us as we get older!  lol

Happy to report we got the tree!  yeah!!
Now just hoping it looks as good as the one at Sears!

I am thankful
that Dee,  has found a new job in Asheville, 
working just 2 days a week,  and they are gonna be
very flexible with her so if she wants to come home
there should be no problem.  She isn't starting till
Jan.  but she is doing a few training days right now.
It appears to be exactly what she wanted,  so we
are so happy for her..................

I am thankful
I had worked on a card I was doing for someone
early,  didn't think they would need it till just
before Christmas,  but they are celebrating
earlier than I thought and needed it this week.
So the bulk of it was done,  and I finished it
today.  Shew................maybe that was the
reason for one of my sleepless nights!!  lol

I am thankful
it is almost 4:30 and it has been a very pro-
ductive day,  I have gotten everything on my 
list done accept for the Christmas decorating, 
 but have done some,  just need to do lots more,
but it is coming along..........slow but sure!! lol

I am thankful
for the fun of Christmas Shopping for a baby has been a longggggg time,  and even 
tho we are am buying her mostly clothing, it is
 still so much fun........We did get her neat mouse 
puppet, really a rat, I think, while in Asheville, in 
this cool lil toy store there in Dee's town square, 
where she lives.  We have a lil mouse puppet book 
that Brooklyn is crazy about,  so think she will really
 like this bigger version of Mr. Mouse, as I call him.
My whole hand fits inside so you can work his
head hands and feet,  so cute...............

I am thankful
for Christmas music,  I love to play it all season just so puts me in the mood and is a
 great reminder of the real reason for the Season,
 as they say.  When I went to the dentist office on
 Tuesday I felt like I was at home cause they were
 playing a lot of the same CD's that we have.  Very
cool to hear that at the dentist and then later that
night we went to Carrabbas and they were playing
it there too.......we thought that was just great!
We mentioned it to one of the employees and he
said he loved it too,  and that was why he liked
to work at Carrabbas cause they were much 
more family oriented that other restaurants,
cause they were closed on Thanksgiving and
Christmas, and other places he had worked,
they had to work on those days.  I think that
people should be able to be home with their
 families on these few days of the year..............

Didn't know that about Carrabbas,  but it makes
me want to give them or send them business.

I am thankful
for a quick chat with my friend Becky,  we
haven't had time to talk at all lately,  so that
was a nice few minutes,  course, it was really
about 45 mins. I would say!!  lol
Even nicer!!

I am thankful
that now I will have all the free greenery
I want from our old Christmas tree, since
we can't use the real stuff without going
allergy crazy............and it seems like I
can never find any artificial that I like 
either.  So I have struck paydirt!!  lol

I am thankful
for Sam's rotisserie chickens especially
this time of the year when we are so
busy.  Already have leftover mac and
cheese and shredded lettuce,  so all
I have to do is throw together a nice
salad and I'm done.........whoppee!!

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan's house was not
broken into today.  When she got home
what seemed like their alarm system
was going off....  it turned out to be the
smoke alarm,  other than the piercing
noise,  there was nothing wrong.
Praise the Lord!

I am thankful
 for a fun walk down memory lane
tonight with hubby as we looked at a
Mother Goose Book I used to read all
the time as a kid.  It was given to me
back in 1978 by my Maternal Grand-
mother, she bought it back in 1919, but
 it was copywrited in 1915.  We looked
 it up online just for fun to see what it 
might be worth........not that I would sell
 it,  but it isn't worth anything really.
It has the neatest Illustrations.........
Some I remember so vividly!

I am thankful
for an eggnog coffee I made for myself
today.  It was yummo,  just poured 
some decaf coffee in a cup and added
eggnog till the coffee was blonde color,
Absolutely sugar necessary!

Hope you enjoyed your visit, 
 would love to hear from you,
 but I know most of you are
way to busy to leave comments,  
so just happy you came by.....

and..... Come again soon!

Wise Men still seek Him!

Love,  Hugs and 
Merry Christmas Blessings,



  1. #1. The weather has been beautiful! I have been blessed by last year's "catastrophe." My house has been at a constant 76 degrees! My electric bill was $76.96!
    #2. I can hardly wait to see it. I bet Brooklyn will really be interested in it when she comes! It is so wonderful when things are made easier (for us older folks, ha!)
    #3. Great is our LORD and greatly to be praised! The LORD is really blessing Jerry and DeeAnna! You as well are being greatly rewarded by our LORD for your love in raising her in Him!
    #4. Tired, but wait until their joyful response occurs from the love you put into it! GOD's Joy is contagious!
    #5. Won't it be so worth is all when you can look upon your finished work that will bless all who visit in your home!
    #6. She is going to really be excited! It is so wonderful to see these little Joy of the LORD babies express their joys, ha!
    #7. I have many Christmas musical CD's by Manheim and others that I still listen to on into the New Year, ha! Can you imagine what the music must have sounded like when the angels were singing of Christ's glorious birth!
    #8. GOD's Love brings about long conversations that don't really seem like they were that long!
    #9. Isn't it great and uplifting when these kind of surprises the LORD "springs" upon us, lol!
    #10. Whoopee! I had leftovers from Appleby's when we ladies went out to eat after Bible study. But, you know what happened! I didn't realize until later in the day, I had walked out leaving the leftovers in the container box on the table :-(
    #11. I hope there was no smoke from something and had dissipated by the time she had gone in! Maybe the batteries need changing.
    #12. I bet PBS Antiques show would give you a different and better estimate on it!
    #13. You'll have to have that at Christmas dinner!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Oh Yeahhh!!! for Dee. Things sound like they are really working out up there for both of them. Glad you are getting ready for Christmas. The weather here is ugly! Ice fell all night and it won't melt away anytime soon. I'm hoping Monday will clear?? That's it I'm moving in with you! LOL! But thanks to the Lord(I'm praising him today!) we still have power. I'm soooo thankful. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost power.

  3. Sweet list, Nellie! It does seem to be difficult to find a really good Christmas tree, without spending half of one's savings, anyways! Glad your found one you like as well as your old one. Also wanted to say 'thanks' for stopping over at my blog and commenting, after I posted about the loss of my Chihuahua. Your kind words and prayers have been a help, as we attempt to get through the loss we feel.
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: