Friday, December 13, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 12, 2013

 Scenes from Cozy Place 2011

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him,  rooted and built up in him, 
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6 & 7

Good Morning Sweet Folks,

How are you this fine morning?
Hope all is well with you and yours.

We are doing a bit
more of a handle on things this week
which is great..........feeling good
today, got enough sleep and get to
watch my lil darling later this 
afternoon.........just finishing up
the decorating in the living room
and I am packing stuff away!
So looks like it is gonna be a 
great day!!  Had planned to post
on Wednesday, but since I didn't
have access to the computer just
waited till today................

and here's my list.

I am thankful
for all the online shopping I have been
able to do this year.  Not my typical way
to shop,  but it has come in handy I have
to say............

I am thankful
for a sweet time with Brooklyn yesterday,
we stayed at her house as she was up 
lot during the night with congestion, so we 
all wanted her to sleep well and have her
humidifier.  She was having trouble sleep-
ing lying down anyway tho,  so I  just rocked
and held her upright on my lap and she was
 able to sleep for 2 hours,  and was in such
 a great mood when see awoke.  She really
cracks us up all the time anymore.  Just so

I am thankful
that we got to have dinner with Scott
and Megan,  as she picked up Sonny's
b-b-cue for all of us,  so that was nice
and we adults all got to visit a little bit too.

I am thankful
for a fun night out with hubby shopping
on Tuesday night again,  and that it pretty
much finished up my shopping,  accept for
a few things I want to get for hubby still.
So let the wrapping begin soon!

Yeah, I officially finished my shopping
 tonight!!  Only grocery shopping left.

I am thankful
for a nice dinner at Outback on Tuesday
as well..............

I am thankful
that all our menus are set for the Mon.
Tues. and Wed. before Christmas, thanks
to DeeAnna helping me make plans since
they will be here less thing
for me to be concerned with.......She is
really getting more organized that me
these days...... and I am loving it!!

I am thankful
that we are gonna get to celebrate Jerry's
birthday with him while he is here.  It isn't
until early January but  we figured hey, 
why not!!  We are all getting together 
that night anyway.

I am thankful
I got a fun idea for Jerry's birthday table
tonight while at Wally World.....It is gonna
be a Merry snowman theme!  and just
a simple fun pizza and salad night, his
favorite sort of

I am thankful
that hopefully tomorrow I can put away
all my Christmas decorating stuff...finally!
It is mainly all in the dining room and all
over the dining room table, everything
else looks pretty good........but it is time
to get the dining room tidied up so I can
start thinking of tablescapes............
my most fun thing to
down 3 to go.................

I am thankful
for a sweet Christmas card and note that 
we recieved today from the lil gal (with the
broken rib) who stayed with us back in
October.  She is such a sweetie,  we also
got to attend her lil ones first birthday party
last weekend.

I am thankful
for Christmas movies,  we have gotten
to watch a few, some were silly but fun,
like Snow and Snow 2.  Haven't finished
Snow 2 yet, we fell asleep,  maybe we will
finish tomorrow night and wrap some at
the same time.................we love all sorts
of Christmas movies................

I am thankful
for the Marvelous Gift that God has given
to each and every one of us, who will accept 
Him as the gift He really is............
Jesus,  God's one and only Son!
and what a gift He is to me and my family.
can't imagine life without Him.....

Well, there you have it.... from Cozy Place
once again.............

Hope you are enjoying this Beautiful yet

Sacred time of the year!

Love, Hugs and 
Merry Christmas Blessings,

I have to say I have heard Merry Christmas
used more this year than in quite a few years, 
and it is like a well of refreshing everytime
I hear it.........
hope that is because the people of our nation
 are just so sick of this nonsense of political 
correctness and small groups of people try-
ing to change things that have been around
for 2,000 years................

I'm off my soapbox now!!   lol

Have a great weekend,  sing some carols,
have some fun, watch some movies or
bake some cookies,  just do something
fun with someone you love...........

Christmas Blessings!


  1. Hey Merry Christmas to you. Your list of thanks is long so you are blessed, as am I.

  2. Everything looks beautiful Nellie! You are so organized, so happy you've gotten so much done and are finished with your shopping. Your #12, MEEEEE TOOOOO!
    Blessings sweet friend,

  3. #1. I have been doing on-line shopping too! I can get used to this! I don't like to be out in crowds anyway!
    #2. I bet she's working on standing. Has she tried to walk by herself yet?
    #3. Fellowship around the table is so uplifting. I don't know how so many families today don't make an effort to do so!
    #4. I'm almost done!
    #5. Sylvia and I met at Gram's Kitchen. They really make great omelets and grits!
    #6. I'll be the clean-up! Ha!
    #7. Great! The 4th is surely precious indeed!
    #8. What a great theme & dinner!
    #9. I can hardly wait to see your new tree!
    #10. Cards mean so much! I have saved all of my for some years now and love to go back and read them. I'm surprised the ones that have music still play!!
    #11. I still love to watch the old version of "The Miracle on 23rd Street"
    #12. I wake up every morning singing, "Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow..." before I get out of bed! I love the song too that sings, "I'm a child of the King!"
    I praise our LORD that GOD has blessed all our family to be His children forever to be with Him, Love Susan

  4. So many wonderful things to be thankful for.

    Continue to have a wonderful Christmas season- you sound organized enough with all your meals planned.

  5. So many wonderful things to be thankful for.

    Continue to have a wonderful Christmas season- you sound organized enough with all your meals planned.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: