Thursday, May 22, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 22, 2014

 You are my God, and I will give
you thanks:  you are my God,
and I will exalt you.
Psalm 118:28

Greetings Sweet Peas

Hope this week has been good

 to you!

My week got better as it went along,  thankfully!
In case you didn't read Tues. post have been
having trouble with my back and foot.

Yesterday, I got to watch Brooklyn, have to say
I was wondering if that was gonna be possible
at the beginning of the week.  So the Lord
was good to me.  Was feeling much better
yesterday and even better today.  I went to
 sleep at 9 last night and woke up for about
 an hour around 4a.m, but went back to sleep
 and woke up at a nice surprise!
It's on my list ..........

Thought I would take you on a tour thru
Violet blue hydrangea land..........along
with Thankful Thursday.........

I am thankful.....

for these gorgeous violet blue hydrangeas
that were a Mother's day gift from my
sweet hubby.  Have been enjoying them
for a few weeks now,  but most of them
have withered now. (sniff, sniff)
Was trying to find just the right place for
them,  but the kitchen table was not it.

for Blue Buffalo grain free cat food. Our
pretty black and white kitty is looking and
 feeling beautiful again.  Since she has been
 on this cat food,  she has stopped itching 
and pulling her fur out and has almost
completely gotten all her fur back and is
also eating better than she has in a long
time, and you can just tell she feels so
much better.  Wonderful to see!
Bless her lil heart............
Thank You Blue Buffalo Co.


For a  really good belly laugh from watching
a video someone put on facebook. A 4 yr. old
 called 9ll to ask for help with his Math.....
it was so cute cause it shows him talking to the
9ll dispatcher, and at the end the Mom comes
 in and said what are you doing on the phone
and he said  you told me to call someone to
help me and the policeman is helping me,
 and she says what??  of my gosh,  I didn't
mean call the police.  Such a riot!

Click her to watch it....

Have to say I have never heard of a 4 year old
doing subtraction,  so maybe that is why he is
having so much

for the fun and enjoyment I got from receiving
a cute pic of one of my blog firends.  She and
her hubby did one of those wild west photos,
while on vacation and sent it to me and Susan.
Thanks for thinking of us Janet!!  It brightened
up my day............

for recycling.........not only is it great for the
environment but in our city they take the money
they make and give it to people for scholarships
for college, which I think is great! Plus I think it
 is such a shame we throw away so many great
 containers, bottles and stuff that could be used
 for something else, so at least they aren't going
 to waste.

an analgesic gel called Biofreeze that I got at
the Chiropractors office.  Have used it before
but it has been over 10 yrs. and I forgot how
great this stuff is..........  Just put some on
 my lower back,  oh my,  it is amazing,
my back is doing the happy dance!! 
Well,  it would if it

Tried the plant here and this wasn't the place either!

for a new book I am reading called "God is able"
by Priscilla Shirer.  Easy, but great reading.

that I was able to pray for and be an encouragement
to someone who really needed it last night.

Finally found the perfect spot!!  lol

for a story I read in the book I am reading
 by Dr. Ben Carson because it might be
something that will help the lady I spoke
 with last night who was so discouraged.

that I had no back pain or any problems
 picking my lil darling yesterday,  and....
 that I am feeling great today. 

Extremely Grateful for That!!  This really should
have higher on my list but I have been adding to
 the list all week and this is where it fell..........
but in my heart it is way up there on the list!!

that I woke up this morning to a call from my Sweet
 daughter! We haven't gotten to talk since last Wed. cause
 she has been working all day, and we usually don't talk on 
the weekends cause hubbies are home.  We did email
 a lil but she was so busy it was hard to even do that!
So have really missed her.... especially since I was out
 of commission and had so much time on my hands.

for you my friend and that you take the time to come
by and visit and to read my posts.  I do enjoy writing
them so much, and had pen pals when I was a kid
growing up and always enjoyed this,  so this is sort
of like electronic pen pals for me.  So thanks for your
 visits and your blog/pen pal friendship!!
Also thanks to you for the encouragement, inspiration,
and enjoyment you give to me with all of your
wonderful posts too!


So glad you could visit with me today!

Hope you will share a thankful or two 
with us.  Would love to hear them!

Have a Happy Happy Happy

Love,  Hugs and 
Sweet Blue Hydrangea Blessings,


  1. Your blue hydrangeas are a fabulous theme, and how good your back is feeling better. I still have a couple pen pals who I treasure, I agree blogs are akin to pen pals on paper.

  2. #1. I'm thankful you are doing better! I went to the "cracktor" today (chiropractor, ha!)I really held up good from my last visit!
    Your hydrangeas are gorgeous!
    #2. Sarah has been doing better since I am feeding her little meals throughout the day.
    #3. A 4 year old doing take away!! I guess he wasn't shown initially how to do it, ha! Give him 5 m&m, let him eat 5 m&m and ask how many are left!
    #4. It certainly did!
    #5. I have even been separating the cans, plastic and paper, for what good! They dump it all into the same place. I thought they had different bins!
    #6. It goes on cool and gets warm!
    #7. I got Randy Alcorn's Heaven!
    #8. Thank you for being there for them!
    #9. It really helps to have others (like you) to help us with things in our lives!
    #10. Wonderful! The exercise lifting her probably helped! Did she go over to your hydrangeas?
    #11. Wonderful surprise!
    #12. Pen pals delivered super sonic lol!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Nellie, I am thankful that I finally have time to comment on the posts of my blogging friends!! I did not see your Tuesday post and I am so sorry that you have not been feeling well. Your Hydrangeas are so pretty. Everyone we have planted in the yard, where we live now, has died. Oh well, at least I can enjoy yours!!

  4. I love this idea- it is so important to remember to be thankful and share our thanks with God... beautiful hydrangeas too!! Thank you for coming by my blog yesterday:) Great to meet you!

  5. Lots of things to be grateful for in your life.

    I will have to check out Biofreeze although I am having no back issue lately.

    Love your gorgeous hydrangeas. I bought two blue hydrangeas yesterday and have them sitting in the garden right now.

    Have a lovely Memorial weekend.

  6. Lots of things to be grateful for in your life.

    I will have to check out Biofreeze although I am having no back issue lately.

    Love your gorgeous hydrangeas. I bought two blue hydrangeas yesterday and have them sitting in the garden right now.

    Have a lovely Memorial weekend.

  7. Just wanted to say hi. I love your hydrangeas. They are one of my favorite flowers (peonies take the top spot).

    I know you are having some very hot weather. My son is currently in FL, visiting family, and he has let me know that it's been hot and humid. Since the in-laws live in a coastal town, he's been able to get to the beach.

    I've decided to dispense with my film blog. I'm not deleting it, but I've disabled comments and am not writing on it anymore. I just grew weary of reviewing took the joy out of watching them!

    Also, I've missed blogging about other things, like life, family history, lessons learned, God's whisperings,, etc. Unfortunately, someone snagged the address for my old "beautiful things" blog. Weird, because they've never posted a thing on the blog...just snagged the name. So, I will probably start another new blog.

    Anyhow, hope all is well.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: