Thursday, May 8, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 8, 2014 and Happy Mother's Day

Pic compliments of

Every good and perfect gift is from above,
 coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

Greetings Sweet Friends
and Happy Mother's Day, as well.

Hope you are having a very
good week..............

Mine has been good..........
and since my post is so long
already, and I am just now 
adding the opening, I am 
gonna just launch right in.

I am thankful

for all of you who take the time to read my
posts,  even if you don't leave comments.  As
much as I do love your comments, I get it as
to how time consuming that can be. Cause
I am doing that a lot myself these days.

for Spring and  all the wonderful nature sightings
I have had just in the past week and a half,
My first one was  a lil brown bunny, with very
 short ears, grazing in our backyard, and he
 is just so adorable.

for a cool sighting as I was sitting outside
sunbathing on Monday  I saw a bug that looked
 like a wasp, digging a hole in the ground.
I watched him for awhile,  and he would
go in the hole and come out with lil piles 
of dirt and every so often he would level
 the pile by kicking his feet and spreading it.
  I get such a kick out of stuff like that. 
Am assuming maybe it is to lay her eggs.
Has anyone else seen that???

for another cool sighting this (Tues.) morning
 a redheaded woodpecker on a tree in the
 backyardhe was huge, don't think I have ever
 seen a bird that big, other than a sea bird. 
I really think he was bigger than a crow.
I tried to get a picture of him,  but he
 unfortunately flew away.  Poo!

for a new book a friend gave us that we
are reading called "Think Big" by Dr. Ben
Carson.  Only 2 chapters in but what a
great book. He and his Mom are really
trophies of God's grace, what wonder-
ful testimonies they have.

that we found something we had lost
 months ago but had no idea where or how
 we lost it, but happened to find it as we
 were looking for something else.
Quite happy about that!!

for this song.  I absolutely love it and
can't sit still when it plays..........It
makes me want to it has
become Me and Brooklyn's dancing song.

Hope it brightens up your day too.
I loved being able to hear all the words
to it finally.

for the truth of this song in our life.
It is true that when you know Jesus and follow
 Him,  it is a beautiful life he gives, doesn't
 mean you never have any problems cause
 Jesus is clear in his word,
 "I have told you these things,
 so that in me you may have peace.
 In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart!
 I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

So the great thing is He is with us 
and helps
us and can give us peace in those problems. 
Then we also have the gift of prayer and 
sisters and brothers in Christ who love, pray
 and encourage us,  and then Jesus is the only
 one who can change our hearts and change
 us as people. Got any bad habits......
 like lying, cheating, jealousy, gossiping,
wanting what others have (covetousness),
being envious of others, lusting, just to
name a few, and have tried and tried
to change, but it just never lasts........
Well, Jesus calls these things sin, and He
has made a way for all of our sins to be
paid for or taken care of.

 "For God so loved the world that he gave his
 one and only Son, that whoever believes in him
 shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
If we confess our sins ,(wrong things we have done)
 he is faithful and just (he will keep his promises
and do what is right) and will forgive us our sins and 
purify us from all unrighteousness. (wrongdoing)
1 John 1:9

  He has taken
care of the dying part of our life cause
if we know Him, we no longer have to fear 
dying, because we know to be absent from
 the body is the be a home with the Lord.
 2 Corinthians 5:8
and I have never understood more what a
great salvation we have from Him, than when
I am sitting at the funeral of a loved one that
knows Him, and I know this is not good bye
forever, just so long until I see you again in
Heaven..............doesn't get any better 
than that folks..............

and also that we have a home in heaven.
Jesus said:
 In my Father's house are many mansions: 
if it were not so, I would have told you.
 I go to prepare place for you.
John 14:2

Not sure why I am saying all this but got woken
up at 4 in the morning with this song going thru
my head over and over and just thinking about
how true it is, then got up cause my back was
hurting,  and decided to work on my Thankful
post, and all of this just started coming,  so
 think there is someone out there God wants to 
hear this.....and if it is you,  I want you to
 know how Special you are to God!
and if you feel so led, butdon't want to leave
a comment, you can always send me a private
 email.... the address is on the upper right hand
 side of my blog right under my profile.

the baby did not get hurt any worse that she
did this morning (Wed.). Right after she got
here she tripped and fell against the brick on 
our fireplace hearth, think we were all expecting
 blood, cause we thought she hit full face down,
 but fortunately, no blood cause she hit on her
 cheek,  and of course, it hurt and she was crying, 
and good Mommy was still here to comfort her,
but we were all relieved, that it wasn't any
worse,  and so we will pad it from now on.
She typically stays away from it..........
Thankfully,  she is doing well today!

for a young lady named Joanna Harris,  she
used to be in our college and career bible
study over 11 years or so ago.  Anyway, she
has been a very sick girl for probably close
 to 10 years, and they finally found she has 
what they call an "Envirionmental Illness".
She is a lovely christian young lady,  and 
has kept the faith all these years and also 
has written some wonderful books during
these last 4-5 years now.  I have read one,
of them and it is called "Grace in time of
need" for those who are suffering with ill-
ness of some kind.  It is a very encouraging
book,  and really helped me some years
back when I was having a lot of health
 issues myself.  Just ordered one of her
others called "Seeing God through the
storms", lessons from Job.

  Here is her personal blog address or just
click here.

If you should be interested in getting one
of her books (they are on sale right now) 
Just go to her blog,  and leave a comment
 and she can tell you what to do............
You can also tell her you came over from 
my blog.....Just so she will know, I don't
  profit from it in anyway,  just want to see
her books get out there, cause they are
very helpful and she is a great writer.

Well, since this post is so long
 already I am gonna stop on

So glad you could join me today,
 and hope you come by again soon.

Have a Wonderful Weekend...

Love, Hugs,and
 Special Mother's Day Blessings 
to all you great Mom's out there with
 babies, toddlers,elementary age,
 middle school age,teenagers and
 adult and furry children!

Sunday is your day
 and hope it is Lovely for you.

Happy Mother's Day



  1. Hi, Nellie!
    I especially enjoyed your notes about nature today. Finally, we are getting some warm weather - actually HOT. I could wish for something more "in between" but won't complain. Our lilacs are opening and our beautiful flowering cherry tree is about to burst into color...It's a beautiful time of year.

  2. #1. You always get my mind thinking with your Thankful Thursdays. I just have to share it with you!
    #2. The last two weeks there has been a young pair of Sandhill Cranes with their fuzzy baby (short wings like a duckling! I let the dogs out without looking first. The bird family was in Lillian's yard. The baby immediately laid down in the bushes while the parents went in opposite directions that would lead "the enemy" away from the baby! I called the dogs back into the house right away! The LORD also blesses me to watch a hawk pair raise their babies (every year)in a tall pine across from my house.
    #3. I hope it wasn't a termite! The "queen" is pretty big.
    #4. Did he sound like a "jack hammer?" Ha!
    #5. I got my book, "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. I can't put it down!
    #6. Isn't that like a gift from GOD! I find here lately I lay things down I have in my hand and have to retrace my steps to find it, ha! Something that comes along with this time in life!
    #7. I have been so blessed to find songs on YouTube. This song reminds me to always look at the good things in life that Christ blesses us with!
    #8. GOD's grace is so great! I pray always that I grow in His grace, mercy and faith! I thank Him so much for family and friends as we grow together in His Love!
    #9. Thank the LORD she is okay. The incident may very well place a memory in her to stay clear of the fireplace.
    #10. I thank the LORD for Christians sharing their life experiences. It helps us know we aren't the only ones who experience things in this manner.

    I thank my GOD that He already knows every aspect of my life; past, present, and future! I'm so humbled to know Christ Jesus sits at the Father's right hand making intercessory for me. Christ speaks my praise and thanks to the Father in glorified words I know not!
    Love to you all, Susan

  3. wanted to let you know I just posted about the tart tins (tutorial) on my blog today! thanks for your interest in learning how to make these! xoxo, tracie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: