Friday, July 25, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 24, 2014 and part 2 of Summer Table Tops

coffee table pics - summer 2014

 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
 strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
 and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6&7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

What was your week like?
Hope it was a good one.

I have had better weeks, and then I have had way
 worse weeks too!  We have both been so tired this
 week, and really don't know why.  Maybe it is just
 a let down from our trip.  Feeling much perkier
 today tho, so guess I am coming out of whatever
 it was...............Thank Heavens!
So didn't accomplish too much this week other
than unpacking, and catching up on mail and
 emails and doing the lawn, but thankfully,we left
 the house in good stead, so there really wasn't
 any housework I had to do, other than the usual
straightening up and dishes
Should have been sewing on my porch cushions
but just wasn't in the mood........
so there you go!  lol

Oh yea, almost forgot...........
told you in Tuesday post that I would put the 
rest of the pictures of my summer family room
table tops in today's post since I always put
 some sort of pictures, and they were handy
so decided that would work. on with Thankful Thursday......

I am thankful

for a safe and uneventful trip home
  from North Carolina, and for all the
fun we had while there.

for the discovery of strawberry lemonade
 at a Cracker Barrel in Savannah. Have had
 Raspberry lemonade but never strawberry,
  it was wonderful. I am typically a water
 drinker but when I saw it on the menu just
 had to try it, and so glad I did.............
Will be wanting to visit there again
 before the summer is over and they
 quit serving it!  lol

for seeing my son and lil darling on
Monday morning, Megan just happened
to be working unfortunately, (which is
 not her typical schedule) played 
with Brooklyn till nap time, then had a
 quick lunch with Scott before I 
came home.  Nice!

for some Key Lime cookies we bought
(like the ones in my giveaway a month
or so ago) while we were in N.C., and
boy are they um!!
Got them at Home Goods, same place
I got them
They could easily become a fun treat!

sofa side table pics - summer 2014
for a sweet email from Dee on Monday
morning saying she missed us already.
and to Come

for the delicious peaches we picked up
in Ga. on the way home.  Have been
enjoying them for breakfast every morning.

Our lil darling - she was 11 mo. here

that Molly did well why we were away,
as always, and thankful it is because 
of the great care my Sweet SiL Susan 
gives to her.  Thanks Susan!!

That the last 2 days have been sunny,
even tho we got rain later in the day.
We had a lot of gloomy days before
we left on our trip and then the last
3 up in N.C. were like that too, and
the start of our week here was too.
So hap hap happy to see
 Mr. Sunshine..........

Posterized affect
for a cute show put on by some drop by 
young Sandhill cranes early this morning.  
They were playing and jumping and 
fluffing their feathers and picking up 
bread we had fed them and grass
 and tossing it in the air playfully.
Such a delight to watch.

Tweaked from Spring into Summer mantle - 2014


that we were finally able to mow our grass
Wed. evening, as it had been almost 2 weeks.
 and grass grows quickly in Florida in the summer
 especially when it rains every day.
Besides being gone all last week and then all
 the rain this week, that was why it took so
long, because even when the sun was shining
 earlier in the day it was raining every evening
 by the time hubby got home.

 but.......... it looks like a lovely lawn now. 

for some really good things that have happened
 for Scott (our son) to do with his job.  This was
 the Jumping up and down exciting that I was
 talking about a few weeks ago...........and it 
turned out even better than we expected........

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....

an unexpected and neat visit from 2 young
 ladies that were missionaries, who stopped
 by my house yesterday. I could tell they were
 sooo hot and sweaty, so I invited them to
 come in and cool off and gave them some water,
 we had quite a lovely chat about the things 
of God.  They were really lovely young ladies, 
and I really enjoyed talking with them, and
they were so grateful for the cool respite, 
 so think we were all blessed by our
time together.

Well, there you have it...............
another week at cozy place.

I am sharing over at the style sisters
for centerpiece Wednesday
just click here

I am sharing with Patti and Paula
over at Ivey and Elephants
Please click here for a visit.

I am sharing with Kathyrn over
at theDedicated House,
click here to visit her.

Hope you have a great weekend,
full of the blessings of God.

Thanks so much for stoppin in.........
always great to have you visit.

Love and Hugs,


If you missed Part 1 of the summer 
table tops and my new curtains and
would like to see it.   Just click here!


  1. Hi sweet Nellie. Your summer mantle is your collection.
    Fresh peaches is always a treat in the summer. My Grandparents had a large peach tree in their back yard. We looked forward to enjoying those sweet peaches every year. Your table looks sweet with your treasure. Here's a to a great weekend. Blessings, Linda

  2. I've noticed since I've gotten older, it takes me longer to recoup from things like travel. Last year when I was gone for the two weeks in August, I was ready to come home a few days before we did! I think "vacation" can tire you out, ha! There's no place like home!
    #1. Praise the LORD. I was praying for those two things for you and Jim each day!
    #2. I was introduced to the Peach Tea 20 years ago and I still like it, but I can't drink it anymore due to the caffeine!
    #3. What a nice surprise. I bet you could see growth in lil darling!
    #4. It's great when we can find a new snack! I like crisp cookies and "pudding" based pies!
    #5. No matter how "old" we are, we always miss our moms.
    #6. Guess what, I have been on a peach binge this week myself! Publix has had some really good ones.
    #7. Your so welcome! She is a beauty in letting you hold and cuddle her!
    #8. Me too! The less it rains, the longer I can go before having to mow my yard!
    #9. They love fresh cut grass. I think it must have grasshoppers and other bugs they like to eat in it!
    I always love your mantle displays
    #10. It rained every day but one the week I took care of Molly! I think mine will go until Monday. I got my hair done today, so I didn't want to mow it before Sunday!
    #11. YAHOO! Each morning I get up, I sing that doxology song to the LORD! "We creatures here below" my dogs, and Sarah my cat are all around my feet!
    #12. Since I have everything fenced in due to the dogs, I don't have unexpected visits unless it's people who know me, or occasionally an UPS delivery. Then the dogs go into barking and birds into a squawking mode! ha!
    It's always a joy for me to visit your Thankful Thursdays posts!
    Love to you all, Susan.

  3. Yum! The mention of those GA peaches makes my mouth water - and I KNOW how good those lime cookies are :)

    Hope you find your energy level returning to normal soon. You've been on-the-go, Woman!

  4. Yum! The mention of those GA peaches makes my mouth water - and I KNOW how good those lime cookies are :)

    Hope you find your energy level returning to normal soon. You've been on-the-go, Woman!

  5. Loving your summer table top and thankful list. It's amazing how His blessings flow when you stop to count them one by one! Thanks for sharing with us and keeping us grounded in faith.
    Big hugs,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: