Thursday, July 31, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 31, 2014 and summer dining room scenes

Summer dining room scenes from 2012

"As long as the earth endures,
 seedtime and harvest,
 cold and heat, summer and winter,
 day and night will never cease."
Genesis 8:22

Grateful Greetings to you 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and 
happy this last day of July!!
Can hardly believe tomorrow is
Well, two really hot months down,
 about 21/2- 3 mos. more to go for
 us here in Florida.We have been
 in the 100's,  so if it doesn't rain
 it is swelteringly hot.......
fortunately, it has been raining
most days..........ahhhhh....

My week has been a good one, busier than usual,
 but good.  Today I spent most of the day either 
cooking, preparing this post or talking off and on
to my girl in Asheville. 
 I made some Lasagna to take to my friend who is
laid up, but so many people have been bringing food 
she doesn't need any right now (a great problem to
 have) so guess I will freeze it for next week. 
 Then made dinner for us too,  and earlier I did the
 flax seeds wraps (from yesterdays post, so if you
are interested, (Just click here) and the flax seed
 muffin in a cup, you will read about later.

Tonight after dinner we worked outside for about
 40 mins. and got a lot of bush cutting done, oh the
 wonder of gas hedge trimmers............
Thank the Lord.
We even got all the debri cleaned up, still a few
 more bushes to do,  but hopefully we will get to
 that tomorrow night or Saturday, since the yard
 has already been mowed.

Posterized affect

Well, on with my list....................

I am thankful

that our Sunday School class is
continually growing........not that numbers
matter,  but it is just more young people
that we can possibly help have a better
marriage, and we are all about that!!

for our co-workers in this labor of love,
because without them, we would not be
able to take these trips to see our
daughter and son-in-love.

for a fun time with our other kiddos here
on Sunday......catching up on what has been
happening in their lives while we were away
and we even got to play some cards.

colored pencil affect - I love how this pic came out.

that a lil kiddie tea cart we found while in
 Asheville was quite a hit with Brooklyn
She is having lots of fun with it to say 
the least.

for finding one of my favs coffee at the
grocery store,  that I haven't seen in a
long time...........It is Publix Brand coffee
Decaf "House Blend or Breakfast Blend.

for having a few minutes to just sit down
with the paper and drink my coffee and have
a few cookies. ah such a simple pleasure
as it was pouring rain outside and looked
like it is night time, and made me feel bit the coffee made it cozy!

for the ability to put a smile and sometimes
even evoke a good laugh out of our lil
darling...........such fun!!
and on Wed. we saw her kiss her big pink
bunny we gave her from our last trip, and
then say I love adorable!!
That was all said during her baby babble

for a new recipe from another blogger
named Debbie from over at "My favorite 
things"blog.  It is called a muffin in a mug, 
 and is made from ground flax seed and is
 gluten free, so if you are interested you can
 just google muffin in a mug,  and find all sorts
of recipes for it.  Just made my first one and
 was pretty impressed,  am gonna tweak it a
 bit the next time tho.  Mine was cinnamon
 flavored.  I will add more cinnamon the next
 time, and who knows what

for still another fun and beautiful song that just
 brings a smile to my face and makes me feel
 like dancing every time I hear it.
It is becoming another dancing song for me
and Brooklyn.  It is called "It's a beautiful day"
by Jamie Grace.

Click Here to see her video 

for a husband and family that loves me, and
that most of all..... Jesus loves me!

and of course, He loves you too!!

that 2 ladies who were walking along a  railroad
trestle survived being run over by a freight train.
Amazing...............I can't even begin to imagine
how scared they must have been.

Click here (nothing gruesome, so don't worry)

I don't know how the 2nd woman got flat

quick enough.  Amazing!!  
Definitely, the amazing grace and protection
of God

for all you folks that visit my blog,  and those
that leave comments and those that don't,
and for all the inspiration I gain from each of
you.......spiritually, recipe and decorating wise,
 and just enjoying hearing about your lives
 and projects, and many times prayer wise too.
Blessings and cudos to each of you!

So glad you could come by............

Hope you have a lovely weekend
 with those you love...............

Love, Hugs and
End of July Blessings
 to each of YOU!



  1. It was fun to read about all your comings and goings and to see the things in your house that make you happy!

    It DOES sound like you have your energy back. I'm waiting on mine to return :)

  2. Since there was no rain in sight, I am so glad I took the initiative (well I should say the LORD gave me a nudge, ha!) to mow my grass Wed. twilight!!! It was cooler, no direct sunlight, and pleasant! I was glad to see Thurs. morning that I hadn't missed any "strips" of grass for it was dark before I finished, ha! I need to see how to turn on the lights on the mower!

    I need to see if there is someone in our church that has a lawn service that I can pay to clear those annoying vines that have taken over my front fence and now my side fence! It's too much for me to do!

    #1. I'm sure they were very overjoyed to have you back! I know I feel that way when my teachers are gone!
    #2. Praise the LORD for those willing to assist!
    #3. The joy of family!
    #4. What a sweet granddaughter!
    #5. I don't drink much coffee unless I'm at your house, ha!
    #6. I so enjoy my retirement of sitting and doing nothing; not having to be in a hurry to get all the things done before going to work, then doing the same again after I got there, lol!
    #7. Oh, my! She's now talking!!!
    #8. Yummy for your tummy!
    #9. That reminds me of the song, "It's a beautiful morning." (...think I'll go out for a walk...)
    #10. Yes, I do love you and I praise our LORD for your love too!
    #11. The angel of the LORD protected them!
    #12. Thank you, Nellie for helping me to get started blogging! I can't believe it's going on 5 years already! Where does the time go? What I have done, I have learned from you as to how to do it!
    See you Sunday, "If GOD willing and the creak don't rise," as the old saying goes!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. I like your Thankful Thursday idea - you have much to be thankful for.

    I am trying to come up with an idea for a weekly post and I might just copy you. I hope you don't mind.

  4. Hi Nellie, Happy August to you. The days are just flying by, but I'm hoping they'll slow down a bit.
    Haven't been visiting much lately-just too much going on.
    I have made the muffin in a cup-it is good! Sounds like your thankful heart is blessing others.

  5. I love the way the seashells look on that shimmery blue fabric - almost like they are in the sea. I have a lot to give thanks for also. That video of those 2 women on the RR tracks is amazing! laurie

  6. Hi Nellie! It's so good to hear from you. You sound like you are having some terrific busy fun! Brooklyn sounds so adorable! I'm working on a new doll so it's taking a long time to do the hair.
    Have a fantastic week!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie