Thursday, January 15, 2015

Modani Fun Faux Shopping Expedition Online

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how is your week going??
Can hardly believe we are the 
middle of the January. Wow,
 that sure went by quickly......

Watching our lil darling today so while
she is napping trying to get this post
done that I was asked to do back in
December, by Modani Furniture. They
contacted me, then sent me some pics 
  and asked me to choose the things that
 I liked the most for a living room or
 family room, and to do a post on it, So
was not familiar with them, but went to
their website, and they are a Modern 
furniture store located in Fl, GA, TX, 
Il, and NY and Canada.
that carries lots of accessories too. You
  can check them out here if you would
 like. or click here

Thought it would be fun (to shop without 
spending any money) so told them would 
love to do it, but it would have to be after

Just so you know............
 I am not being compensated in any way,
nor can I vouch for the quality of the
 furniture or anything about their store.
But do think things look great.

 As you can see I didn't get it finished

So I am finishing up today.  Hope you
enjoy it.  Sorry but it did turn out to be
a longggggg post!  Hoping you have
fun with it............I did............

Did the above collage during the Christmas Season but it
 did not encompass all the catagories they sent me, so I
 wanted to look around again, and did go online to their
store,  and picked some other favs I liked .
Think they have added some things.  So that was nice
too..............I do love the pattern of the rug above
but would like it in a more lively color, like lime, or
turquoise or hot pink.
I was a very modern decorator when I was in my 20's ,
then as I had children and  got into my 30's and up
 I began to mix my decorating ...cozying it up a bit....
but I will always love the look of modern,  love those
 nice clean lines and the simplicity and design........and
now that I am an empty nester I find myself draw to
the more modern look again,  not entirely, but find
myself really loving modern again and am enjoying
adding in some of those touches here and there.

Added new curtains this past years with the
modern look.  Here's a look at the fabric. Some
of you probably remember that.

The fabric is actually a greyish blue and 
vanilla color, know it looks grey and white
 here.  Have to say I have so enjoyed them,
and think they would look good with
these sectionals below.

Loved this light grey sectional above but liked the style
 and possible comfort of the darker grey one Below too.

So this darker grey
sectional might fit the bill even better.

Love the texture and color of this blue throw to
warm things up a little, but might like this bright
color better but not sure...............

Indore Pillow 18x18

Also love the color yellow and think it is really
pretty with grey and that turquoisy blue.  So
chose both these patterned pillows along
with these solid ones below.

Now for a rug............this was hard
cause there weren't a lot of choices....

However I do love this one.........
but don't think it will go with the other
choices, but think it is.....
 such a pretty rug.

Personally,  I would like a fluffy
shag rug like this black one but
only in a light grey toned white

Black Fluffy Carpet

Now for a coffee table....I like both
of these............

Love the crisscross design and the one
below has nice clean lines,  so I like it
as well, and it is a lil easier on the 
pocket book..............

I would put some books or magazines
on the coffee table along with about
2 of these pretty chrome candlesticks.

with this chrome apple as a grouping.
They also have the apple in white.

Medium Apple Silver

and I was gonna say this vase with
fresh flowers in it..............

Jare Large Vase

but it is enormous.......about 4-5 feet
tall,  perfect to fill an empty corner, but
definitely not for a coffee table.  lol

But adding a nice white vase with some
pretty yellow flowers would look great!

Since I couldn't think of what to use
as a header picture,  I decided to play
a lil and see if I could come up with
a pretty vignette or 2 or 3 or 4,  lol
that I might put on those coffee tables,
since they said I could use some of my
own things too.  Had forgotten about
that actually.............

 same as header picture.  Thought using the white
basket would add some texture and the blue napkin
would add color and softness.

 Dont' have a lot of yellow flowers around so these 
had to do..........also had this pretty bowl and
a book in sunny yellow, so added in a bit more
 yellow and like the curvy lines for more softness
and of course,
candle light in all of them for atmosphere and
a feeling of warmth.

 More Blue with touches of yellow, but this vignette
 has texture, and plenty of softness with all the 
curvy vases and pear, and
the white and blue along with the 
magazine cover make it look summery.

This was my least favorite, but it adds in the
chrome look with the white. Just thinking I
 might like this one with no napkin in there
 at all.

 Since I still had everything out decided to go try
 it without blue napkin and really liked it.

This could be for someone who loves the neutral
look with all the whites with a lil bling!!  This
might just go on my living room coffee table.  lol

Sacha Lounge Lime

Absolutely love this yellow chair.
The color and style,  also explains
those yellow throw pillows I chose
above.  lol

I would probably choose these pictures
 to put on the wall behind the sofa
as well.

Paris 1 Framed Art

Paris 4 Framed Art

Because they would be meaningful to both hubby and
 I, as we lived overseas when we were first married
 and we got to go to Paris France.  So love all these

Well, probably could have chosen some other things
like a table and lamp,  but am realizing this is
already a very long post,  so will refrain.

So anyway, I thank Modani Furniture for inviting me
on this fun faux shopping expedition,  and hope you
as a reader enjoyed it as well.

Thanks for stopping by and
hope you come again soon.........

I am off to start taking down my
Christmas decorations.....cause I
am finally ready.

Also working on Thankful Thurs-
day but probably want get it
finished till tomorrow. So see
ya then..............

Love, Hugs and
Middle of Jan. Blessings to YOU!

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  1. Hi Nellie, What a fun opportunity; you have a great eye. So glad you got to do a review and got some treasures too.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. How fun! Nice unique pieces. Your vignettes are lovely and would do any table proud!

  3. I've learned the older I get the "taller" the couches and chairs have to be, ha!

    The chrome and glass reminds me of the tables mom and dad had in the trailer they bought in the Keys!

    Baskets are a great idea! I wouldn't have to worry about things getting "scattered out!" ha!

    Neat post!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...