Friday, January 23, 2015

Thankful Thursday - January 22, 2015 and Southwestern White Chili Recipe

Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
 Your kingdom come.Your will be done,On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Matthew 6:9-13 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So,what cha been up to this week??
Whatever it is....
hope you are enjoying it.....

Seems I have been getting every thing done but
getting my house redecorated,  I am sort of stuck
in transistion for some reason,  so hoping today
will be the day for my creativity to kick in.....just
need to figure out a starting
and get going for pete's sake.

Meant to post this
 "Southwestern White Chili" Recipe
 this week and didn't get time,
so since it is a Kraft recipe,  just gonna give
you the link to it.  Just Click Here.

This is a super easy and super delicious Chili

All the pictures show how I like to top it off.

Well, since I am late again, guess I had best get 
finished up..........all my Thankfuls are done,  just
 gotta do the closing.......
Think I might have to rename
this post Thankful Thursday, Friday soon!!  lol

Just the Chili

I am thankful

that hubby had off for Martin Luther King
Day, making it a 3 days weekend.  So that
was very nice.

to have all our Christmas things down 
and packed away for another year.

Chili with mexican style cheese

that I got called for a dental cleaning appt.
since someone had to cancell,  and I had
to cancell myself a couple of weeks ago
cause of my coughing, so would not have
gotten in till April. 

 for the good dental report as well,  always
 nice to know things are well and good
 with our health in any way......

Chili with cheese and fresh ground pepper

that I finally found some nice brown flats that
 I have been looking for quite some time.
Could hardly find anything I liked and if I did they
 were sold out or really pricey,  and I only wear 
them once in awhile in the Winter, so didn't feel 
like investing that much.  So glad I waited...
found some Life Stride leather flats for just $16.00. 
and they are comfortable, and I was super happy
about that!!  lol

that I found 2 items I heard about from a utube
tutorial that I wanted to use with my card making
that they said Michaels Crafts had,  but went
there and they didn't have it and no one had
 even heard of them,  but was happy to find them
online at Walmart,  and they should be arriving
by Friday or Monday.

Chili with cheese, pepper and tomatoes

that Dee has been training a new girl at work
and they really seem to hit it off and she is
closer to Dee's age than any others friends
that she could turn in to a good

for mail carriers, and thinking about mine
this morning and how easy he makes our
lives by delivering mail to our mailbox 
every day and then when we get packages
he brings the mail up to the door too,
my old carrier never did that, just think
it is just a nice and thoughtful guesture,
and am particularly thankful for my SIL
 Susan's mail carrier because he is the one 
who found her on the driveway last Oct. 
when she broke her hip, and got an 
ambulance there.  So if you or your 
family member is an mail carrier, we
appreciate you very much.

Chili with cheese, pepper, tomatoes and fresh chopped cilantro

#9 for Del Monte peaches that come in small
containers so I can have them anytime.
Had them for breakfast with bread and
butter and a glass of milk. 
Now that's some good eating!   lol

that I was able to take a lil time to sit
in the sun for a few minutes,  it was a
gloriously beautiful day today mostly
sunshine, and it has been cloudy so
much in the last weeks, so what a
simple pleasure..........

Chili - Time to Eat and Enjoy!  Yum Yum

for a lovely story I just read on yahoo was about a police officer
that found an abandoned 9 mo. old
baby 51 yrs. ago,  and they finally met
for the first time.  Love hearing those
stories,  they are so neat and they are
true, and such an encouragement.

for this fun song me and lil darling have
 fun dancing too.  She just loves it, and so
 do I, it always puts a smile on our face
 Think it will put a smile on your face too.
It is called "It's a beautiful Day"

Click Here to hear it. 

or you can copy and paste it yourself if you want.

Thanks so much for your visit,

 and hope you try this chili recipe, 
 don't think you
will be disappointed............

Also, just in case you needed it,
hope I sparked some 
remembrances of good things 
that have happened to you too,
this week..........

Sharing over at 

The Style Sisters

The Road to Domestication

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Have a Fun and Restful Weekend

Love, Hugs,
and Good Chili Blessings,


P.S.  Finished decorating my mantle so will show
 you next my creative juices are finally
 flowing.....   Whoo Hoo!!


  1. Happy Friday Nellie, I'm going to check out the recipe and also your g.f. banana bread one. Had a good week so far; just waiting to learn more about the surgery. God's grace has been so incredible.
    I always love reading about your grateful heart. Have a fantastic weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Bless your heart, Nellie! I was sorry to read that you had a cough. I hope you are feeling better now and am thankful to know your dental appointment went well. I haven't had a chance to come by for a little while, so was very grateful to be able to stop by your sweet place tonight. It is always a blessing to come here, and I always leave refreshed! Thank you for your kind words left on my blog. I have been so far behind in getting back to every one, but am trying to catch up. So much has been going on. I appreciate you and your prayers more than you will ever know. Much love and many blessings to you and yours in this new year!

  3. Oh, the chili looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty :) Hope to see you again next week.

    Life With Lorelai

  4. #1. I forgotten and had put mail in the box to picked up, ha!
    #2. My decorating is easy, one thing!
    #3. I had an OLD filling replaced. I didn't know that I now need to always take an antibiotic before I go. Since I have metal in my hip, bacteria in the bloodstream from the dental work will collect on the metal like a magnet!!!
    #4. Yes! I haven't had to have a new filling or one replaced in 20 years! Now I've broken that record, ha!
    #5. Good shoes make for happy feet!
    #6. We will see all kinds of surprises on your cards!
    #7. Beginning a great friendship!
    #8. The first time I saw him after getting home, he jumped out of his mail truck and gave me a hug!I still thank him every time I see him!
    #9. I also love the RIPE fresh peaches!
    #10. It didn't take long to get cold again. There are warnings for the north eastern states for a snow storm they are expecting to be the worst ever. We need to keep those people in our prayers!
    #11.It is like the story of Christ finding us! I'm so glad I am no longer abandoned in my sin, for He has forgiven it all!
    #12. Is it like "It's a Beautiful Morning?"
    Love you all, Susan

  5. I love that you look at everything so positively and I am now thinking it might need to be chili for dinner tonight.

    Thanks for the kind words on my blog post. It is interesting that I have visited 3 blogs so far this morning and all were focused on all the good in life.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie