Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cleaning Tips #2, and Green and white living room

Good Morning Sweet Friends,
(well, it was morning when I

Yeah..........It is Spring Time!

Bet there are a lot of you that are
very hap hap happy people since
it has finally officially arrived.

It has been cold here yesterday and
 45 degrees this morning, but is suppose
 to go to 75 today and 80 tomorrow, and
even higher temps the rest of the week.
 So just enjoying these
last few days of cool temps, as think
this will probably be the last of it.......

Sniff  Sniff - only cause I live in Florida!

Have to say I am loving.... seeing the 
grass greening up and the Azaleas are 
blooming and the grapevine is popping
 out all over the place. 
All that new growth/new life always 
reminds me of the Resurrection of our 
Dear Lord, and how he was dead...
 but rose to new life, 
so that He could give us a new life.
 we get to celebrate that this coming
Sunday.........so Happy Easter to you,
as well...................

Guess I will get on with my new series
Cleaning and Household Tips, and added
in the rest of my Green and White living
room Pictures......this is the last of them.

Tip #7
Need to clean your Microwave............
Put a cup of water in a mug and heat
it for about 3-4 mins. and then just let
it sit in there for a couple of minutes,
so that it can steam can do it's job,
then with a wet cloth/sponge just 
wipe it clean.

The steam works like magic!!

If you would like to see Part l with the first
6 Tips just click here!

Need to get rid of pet hair.....

Scott Brite lint Roller to the rescue.
   Works like a charm and the best way
 I have found, so far!
Just wish those lint rollers weren't
so expensive.......but I have tried
the cheaper ones and they don't
usually work well, think I did get
the Target brand once and they
worked fine.

Sometimes we find them at Sam's
in a larger package, definitely
less expensive that way!

Are your drinking glasses coming
 out foggy/ cloudy in the dishwasher??

Put a cup of white vinegar in a plastic
bowl or margarine container on the 
bottom rack and run your dishwasher 
with no soap, only the vinegar. You
may have to do it a number of times.
The vinegar will clean up all the excess
 soap that clings to the inside of the
 dishwasher, and those cloudy glasses

Good to redo this vinegar wash
at few times a year!

We learned this the hard way...
we actually got rid of what was
probably still a good dishwasher
 because we didn't know about 
this...................and when we
learned this (after we bought 
new one)  we were bummed
cause all it probably needed was
 a good vinegar cleaning.

  Live and Learn!!

what to do with those cloudy, foggy
 drinking glasses  

  Soak them in the sink with a cup or 2 of 
vinegar and add just enough water to cover
 them or just employ tip # 9, 
 rewash them in the dishwasher, once it is 
nice and soap free.
  You might have to put the glasses thru 
the vinegar wash a number of times
 as well.............

With omni lighting affect

Water Spots on your shower faucets?? 

The best thing I have found is
 "Lime-a-way",  it works great.
However, it is strong and not the
greatest fragrance I might add!  lol
but it does work..............

But another good idea is to make an
 agreement with family members that 
the last one out of the shower will
dry off the faucet and back plate.
Just takes seconds, and Works great!

This was actually my hubbies idea, 
right after we redid our bathroom about
 4+ years ago, as we have brushed nickel
 and gold faucets and the water spots
 really show up and look very messy......

 With equalized affect

Want to disinfect and make
your faucets and counters shine?

Use some rubbing alcohol...it's what 
they use at the Drs. offices to disinfect, 
and it makes your faucets and counters
 shine as well.  I also use it on switch
plates and door knobs and cabinet handles
 after someone in the house has been sick.
(if I don't have any lysol/clorox wipes) 

I get no kickback or compensation
in any way from any products that I 
mentioned.....they just work well for
me and and wanted to pass it on.......

It has been changed to this now!!

Thanks for coming by.............

Hope you have a Super Fun Week
enjoying Spring...........

 Bunny Hugs, and 
Blessings Galore,



  1. These are fantastic ideas, Nellie. I bought the lint rollers at Costco recently and have placed them all around the house. With a dog and a cat, we definitely need them. I tried the alcohol on the kitchen counters idea awhile back and it worked. Now the part you're leaving out of the tips is the part that says DO IT! :)

  2. It will be so great when we are finally resurrected with the LORD! What beauty we shall see!
    #7. I'll do that in the morning!
    #8. I have one, but I can't pull off the old sheet to get to the new sheet! Wouldn't it be great if they made rollers big enough to roll on the carpet, ha!
    #9. Good sanitizing too!
    #10. It would surely help if our water could go through a purifier first as well.
    #11. I never thought to just wipe it dry afterwards, ha!
    #12. It cleans quicker than the high costing stuff too!
    Now, to get myself up and do it, lol!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Stacey,
    Thanks so much for your visit and all your warm comments, enjoyed them. That's great that you have already tried some of them and they worked well for you too. Think next week I will add a something about trying them, good idea. Thanks!

    Hope you have a lovely week and Easter, it will be here before we know it.
    Happy Easter,

  4. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for coming by and hope you had a good day hon.

    Yes, it will be really great when we are home with our Lord but meanwhile we have to enjoy
    the beauty He has given us, and maintain and do our part while we are still on this earth.....all while we are looking for His coming!!

    Actually the cure for hard water is a water softener I think, the purifier is good for making
    getting bad things out of it and making it taste better, I think!! lol

    Have a great day tomorrow.
    Love ya, Nellie

  5. Lovin' those tips Nellie Hon! The rubbing alcohol one is genius! I'm off to try that right now! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week and Happy Easter! Love, Mimi xxx

  6. Hi Mimi
    Glad your are enjoying the tips, and thanks for coming by and sharing that with me.
    aLso thanks for hosting 5 star frou frou every week,

    Blessings for a lovely EASTER!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie