Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday March 17th, 2016, Green in the Living room

 Do not be anxious about anything,
 but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
 with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

Top of the Mornin'
Sweet Friends, and


Day !

Hope your Irish eyes are
smilin' and you get a chance
to kiss the blarney stone!!
 and hope your wearing green you miss out
on any pinching!! and may
the Luck of the Irish be
with you!!  lol

I have some Irish blood running thru
 my veins,  can you tell???  

Will show you a few pictures from
our Green and White Living room,
which will be perfect for today!!  lol
and today 
is also Thankful Thursday so on with
my thankful list...............

I am thankful

for a fairly restful weekend,
with a lil yard work and a lil
work in the garage as well.
Nothing monumental, but 
both look a tad better than
before!!  lol

1st shelf on the etagere - how it started out!

that we cleaned our bedroom 
carpeting this week, and it looks 
great!!  Nice and fresh!  Now
I can't wait to do our living
room and computer room.  lol

How it ended up!

for a nice long chat with my daughter
 on Tuesday. That always blesses
 my heart..........

Our Florida State Bird - 
The Mocking Bird

for a new chicken recipe I made this
 week, called "Slow Cooker Honey
Dijon Chicken".  It was good but
next time I think I will make it on
the stove top instead, as I think It
must have overcooked some, but
I cooked it like they said.

2nd Shelf - how it started out and ended up!

for God's word always...but this week
 in particular, as I was shocked over
the political situation of Ben Carson
endorsing Donald Trump, as it made 
no sense to me, as to how he could do
that, but when I read the scripture 
from our Sunday School lesson in 
1st Samuel chapter 8 where Israel 
was asking for a King and Samuel.
 the Prohet  was not happy about it
 but took it to God....
 God's answer to Samuel gave me
 a whole new perspective.
The Lord's timing is always perfect!

with Poster edges affect

for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
of which I have not eaten in a long time,
but we got a jar of Dickerson's Strawberry
Jam, (it's the jam Cracker Barrel uses in
their restaurant) at our local grocery store
and it is just such a great jam, and makes
awesome PB and J sandwiches....and
you just gotta have a big glass of milk
along with eating!!

Tried this too, but liked it better with 2 creamers

for "Jergens Natural Glow"/tanning
 lotion, especially in the Spring when my
 legs are so white... but it is so hot out, I
 gotta wear shorts.....and I haven't had a
 chance to get a tan yet, it at least gives 
me a lil color!!  It also kinda helps to
 keep my tan once I get one, too.......

It has been in the upper 80's and low 
90's already here in Florida..........
Have a feeling we are gonna be in
for a very hot Summer...........

3rd Shelf  

for being able to sit out in the back yard
 now that it is daylight savings time.  
Just such a nice change.

that our new Serta adjustable bed we
 found on line, was delivered yesterday,
and the delivery men were so nice to
bring it all the way into our bedroom,
as they typically leave it at the door.

Remember these Pear boxes?
 I did a tablescape with here
well, thought they looked good 
stacked on this side table.......

that the bed was easy for hubby to put
 together, just putting the legs on and
 hooking it up to power, and it works
great, and doing it this way saved us
$1200.00 at this point anyway.           

 The new problem is we don't
know if the mattress we ordered is
 gonna work, it seems way more firm
than it was suppose to be.  So gonna
give it a try and see.............

Who knew getting a new bed could
 be such an ordeal.............course
I guess most people don't have the
neck and back issues that I have, so
that does complicate things to say
the least.  We are hopeful that this
will be resolved in the near future.

for paddle fans that we have in our home,
I have been reminded of that lately as the
 one in the guest bedroom where we are 
presently sleeping went out....think it is
 just a capacitor, so have one ordered
 and that should be taken care of shortly.

With posterized affect

that my Sil Susan has a Drs. appt today,
as she has not been feeling well lately.
So hopefully they should do bloodwork
 just to make sure there is nothing 
serious going on.  

Well, That's all Folks as Porky
pig used to say.................

Hope you have Fun celebrating
St. Paddy's  Day..........
I am making Potato O'Brien, with 
corn beef..........better known as
corn beef hash,  but doesn't that
sound so much more

Thanks for making my blog a stop-
over in your busy day...............

Love, Hugs, and 
St. Patrick's Day Blessngs,


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  1. Oh, everything is so pretty and you have lots of greens! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Sheila,
    Thanks for stopping very nice to hear from you!
    Thanks for your warm comments hon, they are appreciated.
    Hope this finds you doing well. and hope you didn't get
    pinched today!! lol

    Blessings and Happy St. Paddy's to you....

  3. #1. I can't believe the things we collect over the years!
    #2. Wouldn't it be great if it would stay that way, ha!
    #3. I know you look forward to those times!
    #4. Wouldn't it be great if it would fix itself, lol.
    #5. His timing is perfect even when we have to persevere for it.
    #6. I've been eating a lot of it too. That may be why my cholesterol was up.
    #7. The cooler temperatures are coming again.
    #8. I always love when we go back to (the original time!)
    #9. What a restful sleep you will have!
    #10. I hope all is settled soon!
    #11. Yes, yes, yes, I couldn't do without my fan at night!
    #12. Praise the LORD all went well and my tiredness was from one of my meds!
    I love you all, Susan

  4. Morning Susan,
    See you came by and left your comments as always. Thanks for stopping by and also for
    doing the dishes for me last night, it was very appreciated. So glad you are feeling
    so much better and so quickly too, really amazing! Glad you could be with us for dinner
    last night.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie