Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring...........

Happy Spring
Sweet Friends!!

Where man see but...
withered Leaves,
God see.....
Sweet Flowers Growing.
~Albert Laighton~

Blessings for 
 your Best Spring yet!!

Hugs,  Nellie


  1. A very lovely post and I love how you used the letter dice.
    Happy Spring!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  2. Thank You Connie, and thanks for your visit and your sweet comments..........

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Happy Spring Nellie! My crocus flowers were blooming, but it has been cold here for the past few days.

  4. Hi Donna,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Hope this finds you doing well.
    I love bulb time plants and crocus are so pretty.....did cold ruin your Crocus that are
    blooming?? Sure hope not. It is suppose to be a high of 68 here tomorrow, and then it
    is back to hot temps each day getting hotter. We here in Florida are gonna just be
    skipping spring and moving right to summer, so it seems anyway.

    Hope you have an enjoyable Spring!
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. It is a really a cool spring morning today! I love to hear the birds when spring returns! I even heard a whippoorwill last night when I let the dogs back inside! I hate that the county came and cut down the big trees across the street. The hawks always made their nests in them. Now I won't be able to watch the babies hatch and grow up! Maybe they will build their nests in the trees in my back yard. However, they may not be tall enough. Happy spring to you and your blogger friends. Luv ya, Susan

  6. Hi Susan,
    Yes, it has been a nice cool morning, wearing some long pants today, instead of shorts.
    Course, think the temps will be back in the 70's this cool front will be
    very short lived unfortunately. lol

    Maybe the hawks will find a new nest close least you probably want lose power
    during summer storms or possible

    Hope you have an enjoyable Spring,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie