Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday March 24, 2016, Sofa table gussied up for Easter

For God so loved the world
that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall
 not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a really
 great week.........

Been a really good week here,
really enjoying Spring!!

Did a lil Easter Decorating last week,
so thought I would show you the Sofa
Table today.

Sorta busy today so just gonna jump 
right in..............

I am thankful

that it is Spring.... and that Easter
is this weekend. Easter is my 2nd
 favorite holiday  with  Christmas
being my first...................

Remember I said I bought myself an
 early birthday present...well, this is one
 of the watercolor pictures....they are
matching and you will see the other
one later ................

for Easter, now I love all the cuteness 
of the bunnies, chicks and Easter eggs
I have to say,  but I am so glad that 
I know the real reason for the season. 
 That Jesus died on
a cross for my sins and your 's and then
 rose again on the 3rd day, to give new
 life to those that believe in Him, and
want to spend eternity in Heaven with
Him............ according to John 3:16
 in the Bible............

 That would be me,  how about you??
Something to think about!!

that my SIL Susan is feeling so much
better and so quickly too.  There was
a medicine overload and as soon as
she cut back she was fine.....and has
continued to feel better. We were all
very happy about that to say the least.

Decided to change the happy Easter
sign to this lil bunny.......just seemed
to fit with the rest of it.

for a long conversation with a
past neighbor who just lost her
hubby just over a week ago.  I
had not heard about it.......they
would have been married 53 yrs.
 this coming June, you don't hear
 that too much these days.
Was so glad she called as She 
 is a sweet lady, and we will be
 getting together soon.

that we have gotten to work in
the front yard a number of times
this week, and have loved every
minute of it....feels so great to
be outside doing that!! 
and making the yard look nice


for sitting in the sunshine.
It felt delectable, and was a
clear, not a cloud in sight azure
 blue sky day.  So Beautiful, a
great way to kick off Spring....

for banana pudding..........I made
it again this passed weekend and put
some strawberries in it this time.
Loved it...............

a fun time on Sunday having dinner
with the family..........and celebrating
Spring, amongst some other things
I will tell you about soon.

for all my neighbors beautiful azalea
bushes, they have been there for over
35 years ( 6 of them) , and they are
 large and gorgeous and a feast for the
 eyes every time we look out our front
windows......they are that purply
pink lovely!!

She said she must have scared them, 
because she was gonna cut them all 
down cause she thought they looked 
so scraggly about a month ago, and 
did do one of them.  so we were
laughing and saying I guess they
did get scared and thought we better 
get blooming or we are

for my "Magic bullet" that provides
me so many wonderful smoothies,
especially this time of the year!

that Netflik got the HGTV chanel
so now we can watch Chip and 
Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper.
One of my fav HGTV shows.

Side table

for You....Sweet Friends, for all
your encouragement, inspiration,
and creativity.  You help make 
life fun.......each of you in your
own way.................


Thanks for coming by for a visit,
always good to know you came
by........and hope you say hello.

Hope you have a really lovely
weekend and Easter with those
you hold dear................

Love, Hugs and
Easter Blessings to you
and yours.


Sharing With:

Kerryanne at Shabby Art Boutique 

Mimi at  A Tray of Bliss


  1. Hi Nellie! Everything is so beautiful and I've enjoyed reading your thankfulness. I'm so glad your SIL is better. Have a blessed Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Nellie,
    Your decorating is lovely! We do have so much to be thankful for, don't we? I enjoyed reading your list. :)
    Thanks so much for your recent visit and comment!
    Happy Easter!

  3. Dearest Nellie, banana pudding sounds lush! Please share! Your decor is so pretty and I love the bunnies. The new watercolour is divine too! So many pretty touches. Hope you are all well Sweetie. Mimi xxx


  4. Thank You nice that you came by and for all your sweet comments.
    Yes, we are thrilled... as she was not doing well at all, just exhausted, and no appetite.
    Amazing what meds can do to you!! Scary actually..........

    Hope you have a Wonderful Easter,
    Blessings, Nellie


  5. Thank you for coming by Gina and for your sweet comments, they are truly appreciated.
    and yes, no matter how hard life gets there really is always something to be thankful for....
    even if it is just for breathing and seeing!!
    Hope you have a Wonderful Easter.
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Mimi,
    Always great to hear from you my friend. Wish I could email you some Banana Pudding! lol
    We are banana pudding lovers around here, definitely hubbies fav dessert for sure. It really isn't that hard to make and don't know why I don't make it more often really.......guess I don't so it is special for hubbies
    Thanks for droppin in and for your kind comments as always.
    Have a lovely Easter Hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. #1. Yes, and the rainstorm overnight has made the blossoms on my orange trees bloom!
    #2. Amen! I thank Him so much for my salvation and all His new creation to come!
    #3. Praise the LORD, yes! Now my appetite has returned and I have to slow myself down, ha!
    #4. I'm so glad she let you know. I pray your meeting with her will be greatly blessed by our LORD! He is such a our comfort in all our times of need.
    #5. Steve and his wife came yesterday and mowed the front front and back, weed whacking too!
    #6. Spring sunshine has a warmth all its own!
    #7. It was delicious. I ate all of mine at one sitting, lol!
    #8. The LORD has given His blessings on our loved ones when we meet together, what love!
    #9. I can hardly wait for my bougainvillea to fill out in color!
    #10. I think I may need to get me a new one. Mine is so hard to get started!
    #11. I really enjoy the antenna Jim hooked up! I love the stations I watch!
    #12. So much so you mean to me too, Nellie.
    I love you all, Susan

  8. Thanks Susan for coming by and all your nice comments. Nothing like the first mowing of the season, Jimmy did ours yesterday too, and it looks so nice, as well. It has greened up
    considerably too which is really nice.
    So glad you are feeling so much better and have your appetite back now.....that's Great!!

    Have a good day and Happy Easter,
    Love ya, Nellie

  9. Forgot to say....Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week and Happy Easter! Love, Mimi xxx

  10. thanks Mimi...............that WAS SWEET of you hon

    Happy Easter!!

    Blessings, Nellie

  11. That is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  12. Thank you jamie and thanks for coming by and also for hosting at the home matters party,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...