Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 5, 2016, Mother's Day Table 2014

Give thanks to the LORD,
 for he is good.
 His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

 Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a fun
 week getting ready for Mother's Day.

I have.... spent some time Tuesday
shopping, then today I have set a
pretty table, and made a few gifts
and wrapped others for our sweet
daughter in love.  Every since our
Mom's went to heaven, I would
usually pick a single Mom or 
someone that I felt needed some
encouragement to do something
 for on Mother's Day, in honor of
our Mom's, but the last 3 yrs. we
 have a Mom in the family again,
so I have really enjoyed doing
things for her....
It has been my kind of day for
sure, creating and making things
 pretty, and doing something nice 
to hopefully, make someone 
else's day.  It always blesses
us to bless someone else.

As I share my Thankfuls today,
 I thought I would share a 
Mother's Day table from 2 years 
ago, and hope you enjoy it.......
If you would like to see the
original post.  Just click here!

Well, best get on with my list.

I am thankful

that I got all my windows on the 
front side of the house washed 
inside and out.  Even the small
ones on the garage door. I don't
know who put me onto micro-
fiber cloths for doing mirrors
and windows, but where ever I
read it,  God bless the author!
It sure made doing all those
windows quick and easy, and
I didn't use a bunch of paper

and very excited that I found 
a new rug set for my porch. I
have been looking for over a
year and couldn't hardly find
anything I liked and if I did
like it is was $80 on up, and I
really don't like to spend that
on porch rugs as they fade
 with in a year or two. So
found them on the Walmart
website but they are from
WayFair.  Love them and
looking forward to creating
a new look out there soon.

that we have been able to get
back to exercising 2 days a week,
and I seem to be feeling much
peppier,  so with my tooth in-
fection gone, sleeping better
and might just be
all 3 of them...............but it
is delightful whatever is 
causing it.

that we got our family room
furniture cleaned, as it has been
something on my to do list as
well.........our carpet cleaner 
also has a furniture cleaning
capablility as well,  so we just
cleaned it with hot water, and it
did a great job.

for beautiful roses that hubby
brought me on Monday.........
a lovely surprise.

that my root canal went well
pain wise, and that I got thru the 
other discomforts I told you about 
on Tuesday, without causing any 
delays. Cause there were a number
 of times I just wanted to have
 them set me up straight.

that my root canal was quicker
than what they expected, half
the time pretty much.  PTL!!

 that I got all my Mother's Day
shopping  done in one svelte
swoop, and think the recipient
will be quite happy! lol

for hubby being so sweet to get us 
dinner from Carrabbas Tuesday night
as I am bushed after the dental visit
 and shopping............

for yummy vegetable soup my
sweet neighbor sent me via her
hubby.  She makes the best soup.
It is so delicious!  We had it for
lunch on Wed. and it really hit
the spot...........

that I was featured over at Art
and Sand blog this week.  Thank
the Lord for sweet unexpected
surprises that delight us.
Click here, if you would like
to check it out and see the
other features.

for all the conscientious, loving 
and sacrificial Mom's out there,
 Cause if you read the news much, 
 these day it seems they are getting 
more and more in short supply.
Very Sad Indeed.................

God Bless Everyone of YOU!!
for all your hard work, loving
support, courage, sacrificial love
strength, beauty and servant hearts. 
 I think YOU are unsung heros! 

and hope you have a Wonderful
and Delightful Mother's Day.

Thanks for coming by, love hearing
from you............

Hope that you are feeling blessed

Have a lovely Mother's Day
weekend,  and yall be sure to
be extra good to your Mom's
and Grandmother's this
weekend...........After all
this is their day to shine!!

Oh Yea, and don't forget
to Pray for our country.
Today is the national
day of pray!!

Love, Hugs and
Happy Mother's Day 


Sharing at:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

A Tray of  Bliss with Mimi

Seeking God with Jaime

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. I love that you always have so much that you are thankful for!

    I went to the post you had linked- Best Household Tips, but I got a page saying that the post no longer existed.

  2. Hi Nellie,
    I'm so very grateful to you for the lovely comment you left on - My little old world - and when I arrived here I found such a beautiful, cozy corner ... I cannot help but follow you, sweet friend !

    Have a wonderful remainder of your day, today, and joyous days to come, and Happy Mother's Day to you too, !

    much love ...


  3. Morning Carol,
    Thanks for coming by and for your warm comment. Also thanks for letting me know my page wasn't coming
    up.....I posted it again so it is up now.....think when I went to add a link for someones linky party I forgot to
    repost it.........sorry about that!!

    Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Daniela,
    You are so welcome...........
    So nice to have you come for a visit and happy that you
    found it enjoyable enough to want to become a follower.

    See you again soon,
    Blessings for a lovely weekend and Mother's Day,

  5. #1. I'll have to try those on my windows!
    #2. I see the TV advertisement for WayFair. It looks like they carry just about anything you'd want to buy without having to leave home!
    #3. I've been feeling much better too. I've been doing more walking around and eating better.
    #4. Doing it yourself is surely cheaper than using professionals and it makes you your own professional, ha!
    #5. I saw those today! They are beautiful!
    #6. I'm praying you need not to have to go for anymore!
    #7. An answer to prayers!
    #8. Won't that be exciting for her!
    #9. That was very thoughtful of him! You got a good hubby!
    #10. And me, some great coleslaw and bean salad from you! Thanks a bunch!
    #11. A joy to know others are thinking of you!
    #12. As well as those who have gone on before us!
    Love to you all, Susan

  6. Happy Mother's Day! So glad your root canal went well--those can turn bad!! Thanks for linking up at #HomeMattersParty

  7. Happy for all your happiness, Nellie.
    I know you'll enjoy Mother's Day today...
    Be blessed!

  8. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your sweet comments. So glad you are feeling so much better and getting around more and eating better. All that stuff makes such a difference for all of
    us.Thanks for your prayers about the dental issues, am hoping I will get good news when I
    go back for the recheck on the 17th. Your welcome about the salads!
    and Thank you for my lovely Mother's day card and Azalea plants, so pretty.
    Have a super day,
    Love ya, Nellie

  9. Hi Crystal,
    Thank you, I really did have a nice Mother's Day............and hope you did as well.
    Thanks for your warm comments and for coming by, and also for hosting and allowing us
    to share at Homematters party.

    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Thanks so much Rebecca for all your kind and sweet comments.
    Hope you had a great Mother's day. Bet you spent a lot of it
    loving on your sweet Mom. Have a delightful day hon,

    Blessing,s Nellie

  11. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays. I look forward to posts again this week. I loved the red and white and you table setting. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and a great week!

  12. Thanks Jaime for hosting and allowing us to share at Sitting among friends.
    Our table was actually hot Pink, but it does look like red in some of the pictures.
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your kind comments.

  13. Hello Nellie,
    What a beautiful tablescape you created here. What a blessing to read all the things you are thankful for...such inspiration here! So nice to visit you today from Jaime's Seeking God link up. Have a wonderful week and may God richly bless you and yours!

  14. I love your beautiful, yet simple Mother's Day table-setting!! And loved reading your list! I had a root canal done many years ago and it is not fun, for sure!! So glad you got through it so quickly! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day weekend!! Blessings, Ann @ Christ in the Clouds -

  15. Hi Ann,
    Thank you so much for coming by........and for your sweet comments. I enjoyed your post and your thankful list........and I can tell you from experience that I have been doing a thankful Thursday post for 7 yrs. now, and it has totally revolutionized my life.......I was always a positive person, but I am a much more positive person now, I don't seem to see the bad circumstances as much as I used to......which is great! Good for you that you got going again, as it truly makes such a difference.
    Sometimes we fall off the horse, but each time I think we get back on quicker and it takes a longer
    to fall off than the time before!! lol
    Looks like you had a lovely day with your Mom, and your hubby took good care of yall. Sweet!
    Have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  16. Hi Horace,
    Thanks for dropping by and for your encouraging comments, they were a blessing to me.
    Hope you have a really great week ahead too.
    Blessings Galore,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie