Friday, May 20, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 19, 2016, Beautiful pics of our world

For he will command his angels
 concerning you to guard you
 in all your ways;
Psalm 91:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So... how  are  you  today ??

Doing well I hope!!

I am late again.....this time it really
 wasn't my
Microsoft decided to download 
Windows 10 (without our asking for
 it), to my computer and we didn't want
 that, so we had to shut my computer
 down until hubby could figure out if 
there was a way to get it off.  He did
some research and found there was
an app that takes it off.  Shew!
So he did that and I am back in
business again!  Thank heavens
my hubby knows what to do or
I would be sidelined as far as
the computer goes..........
It was good I was late, cause late
last night, I got a wonderful email
from a friend of ours with all these
lovely pictures, so thought they
were perfect to share on Thankful

How about my header pic......
sure looks like an Angel, doesn't it?

The heavens
 declare the glory of God;
 the skies
 proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1 NIV

So on with it...............

I am thankful

that the Lord let me see something
that looked like a long pc. of grass
in my living room as I passed by
on the way to the computer room.
It was a small snake and he looked
 like he was dead, and hubby had
just run to his sisters house to take
something so I called him to come
home before he went to pick up a
pizza.  Well, before he could get
here, it popped it's head up, so I
knew for sure it wasn't dead, so
 thankfully I remembered this
 happening to my SIL Susan, and she 
used one of those grabber things, and
 we have one too, thank the Lord.  So
 I ran and got it, and by the time I got
back he was starting to move. (Now
 you have to know that I am scared to 
death of snakes and it doesn't matter
 how big or lil or if they are poisonous
 or not) So he was starting to crawl
and I thought Nellie you better grab
him or he is gonna be lost in this
house, so I went after him with the
grabber and after a lil chase, I caught
him and took him outdoors. I thought
 I was gonna have a heart attack, my 
heart was beating so fast, took about 
15 mins. to calm down, so that was
 my feat of bravery for the year!!  lol
and hubby came in right after I got
rid of, so I told him
guess you can go on and get the
pizza now....Crisis over!!
Guess the Lord knew I needed
some stretching.....I am very thank-
ful it was a small snake and that
the Lord gave me the courage to
go after it...........

Ice cave, illuminated by a torch

for a very long phone conversation
with a good friend that I have not
seen in quite a while, as she has just
had so much going on in her life
these days. So it was really great to
have some time to talk with her.   

that our kitty is still alive and has
improved quite a bit in most ways and
 has been eating, so she is doing okay
 as she had about 3 or 4 strokes this past 
weekend and we thought we were gonna 
have to have her put to sleep, but so far,
 she is doing way better than we ever
 could have imagined at this point. 
 This cat truly does have 9 lives.....
Unfortunately tho, it has made her
vision worse, so that she is running
 into things now and seems confused. 
 Which would be normal if you can
 hardly see. So now we are walking her
 on the leash like when we go to Ashe-
ville. Thank goodness our trips have
gotten her used to that, and I think
it makes her feeling safer hopefully.
It is hard to know what to do.......
cause her quality of life is sad, but
 she is still eating and seems deter-
mined to live and doesn't seem to be
suffering physically, so we feel bad to
 have her put down just for our con-
venience.  So we pray that the Lord 
will take her if she is suffering and 
we are unaware or that he will
make us aware if she is............

in the morning dew

that we finally found a bed frame to go 
around our adjustable bed at a great 
price with no shipping charges, and
 should be getting it by early June.
  Then we can finally get our bedroom 
completely back to normal, as I have
 not rehung pictures in the bed area,
cause I am not sure where to put
 them yet. This has been such a 
process............but well worth it.

that I rec'd my new keyboard and
mouse a few days ago, and am
really enjoying them both. No
more skipping on the keyboard
or trying to find letters and no
more wires.  Works for me!!  lol


for the hopeful news from the
endodontist on Tuesday.

incredible picture

for take out from Texas roadhouse
on Wed. night......every bite was
delicious....and always so nice
not to have to cook after a long
day playing with lil darling.

for some homemade cinnamon
Kefir my sweet son made and
brought us today.  It is really good!!
 My daughter and I think he is just
such an interesting and brilliant
guy......he loves reading and
 learning and trying new things......
I am happy to say!
Hopefully he will instill that
into lil darling as well.

for a delicious lunch of diced 
red ripe juicy tomatoes with
italian bread and butter and
a glass of milk.  Can't remember
the last time I have had that ....
it was perfectly delicious....
and healthy as well.  Yum!

Rain over Tavninoi - view from an airplane

that my new crown prep has been
 delayed until after the endodontist
 says everything is healed completely.
  So I have a month reprieve......
So that is nice........although for once
 I was geared up to get her
Go figure!  lol

that hubby brought home yummy
bagels from has
been a while......and they smell
so heavenly, can't wait for break-
fast in the morning.

for our friend Dan, who sent us 
all these lovely pictures via email.
 There are more... so will probably 
share them in a few other Thankful
Thursday posts.  I thought they were
 all amazingly beautiful...............

One in a million

Well, there you have it...............

Glad you could stop in, and hope
 you had a good visit.

Have a Lovely, Lovely Weekend,
sweet friends.


  1. What an interesting life you live, Nellie!
    Your encounter with the snake would be traumatizing for me..... Way to go!

  2. #1. Good for you, Lady! I'm glad you remembered my escapade! As I threw "my" King snake out the door into the yard, I called out, "This is your lucky day!" LOL! Those graspers are good for more than they were created for, ha!
    #2. I have called Alice since she has been back home, but she was busy and said she would call back...she hasn't. I guess she has much on her mind too as she and Boddy are going through a divorce. Pray for them.
    #3. Thank you, Nellie, for sharing about Molly. I had been meaning to ask each time I have "talked" with you by e-mail! It may be easier on you both if she had access to a litter pan on the porch.
    #4. Have you found your new adjustable bed to help your neck/shoulder to feel better? I've recently pulled my right shoulder (bringing in groceries). It really hurts when I lay down.
    #5. Sounds great!
    #6. Yea! I've been praying for your dentist visits!
    #7. I have gotten spoiled on take out!
    #8. A man of many talents! Reminds me of my dad(in his younger years) who was a great cook as well!
    #9.I broiled some fresh veggies with different spices and olive oil drizzled over them. yum
    #10. It will soon be over before you know it! I can't get over how fast time is passing!! The end of May is around the corner!
    #11. You had to say that, ha! I remember quite some time ago when I was in Panera. The aroma is definitely mouth watering. I wished they had a store closer by.
    #12. They surely are amazing! Natural wonders that can only be temporarily captured! I can hardly wait to see the others! I love you all, Susan

  3. This is my first time stopping by and what an encouraging post to land on. I am thankful for the reminder to be thankful. I keep a gratitude journal but have neglected for a few days now. I'm going to get it out again today! Have a blessed day! -RaShell @ Mommy's Apron

  4. Hi Rebecca,
    Always nice to hear from you.......yea, sometimes it is interesting, first time to ever find
    a snake in my house, that is for sure, and hope it's the last. It was traumatizing for me,
    and know it had to be the Lord that motivated me for sure. So happy that he gives us the
    strength and courage to do what we have

    Hope this finds you well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi Susan,
    Yes, I am most thankful for grabbers..........we used to joke about them, but they really
    are quite handy at times. LIke when my back is out and I can't bend over, and Jimmy has used them to grab Locusts so he can dispose of them. So guess now they have made us snake

    Yea, I have been praying for Alice. Glad to hear she got back from her trip, I have been
    meaning to ask you about that. This is a very hard time for her I am sure.

    Molly want go in a litter pan, so we just walk her on the leash now, and it is working fine.

    It new bed has really helped my back a lot, but my neck will still give me trouble at
    times and fortunately I don't have any shoulder problems.

    Glad you enjoyed the pics, I thought they were phenomenal....

    Have a great day,
    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Hi RaShell,
    So nice of you to visit and glad you were reminded about your thankful does
    make such a wonderful difference in our lives, when we count our blessings, doesn't it??
    Thanks for your visit and your encouragement hon.
    Hope you come again soon, Have a lovely week.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. I love reading your thankful posts. The world would be a better place if people just stopped and thought about what they have to be thankful for instead of being negative.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  8. Thanks Carol -
    and your are right.... It is definitely harder to be negative when you are being thankful.
    Thanks for coming by hon, and letting me share at SYC.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie