Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Our Mother's Day Table 2016

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a wonderful 
Mother's Day!

We sure did...had a simple yet
very delicious dinner....London
Broil, mash potatoes with all
the trimmings to make them like
 loaded baked potatoes, and a new
make ahead Mexican style salad.
It was a Kraft Foods recipe, and
I will share it with yall sometime
soon.  Since we are definitely in
salad season....here anyway!!  lol

Lovely cards, lovely gifts and just
a fun time being together around
the table..........think we all enjoyed
it much, and even got to face time
with our daughter, so nice to be
able to see her face while talking
with her.  I definitely want that
feature when we get new phones,
which should be some time soon,
as ours are almost 15 yrs. old.  
So think it might be time!!  lol

Figured I would show you are
table.  Wanted to use my new
green tablecloth Scott and Megan
gave me for my birthday, and was
gonna do a pink and green table,
until I visited over at StarFish
Cottage blog, and she was using
all these wonderful lavender 
accents, so thought oh wow,
green and lavender would look
really nice too, so began searching
the house for lavender or purple
things........I love doing that, it
is like a challenge to see what
I can come up with..............

(Click on the Starfish cottage if you
 want to take a peek at my inspiration)
 and you might also like to click on
a picture which will help make them 
all larger for your viewing pleasure.

So got to thinking about that lavendar
and I remembered I had some green and
lavender napkins I had purchases months
 age, then thought, think I might have some 
lavender wrapping paper I can do some-
thing with, hence the table runner.
I used some double stick tape on the 
ends to keep it in place.

Then I found this lovely hand painted 
margarita glass that was from one of my
sons friends wedding, he was almost like 
2nd son to us.  The brides aunt did all
that lovely hand painting and they floated
candles in them for the reception tables.
They have lavender butterflies on them,
but think you can't see them because I
took them from the wrong angle.
The faux Lilacs are from some years
back when I was making floral arrange-
ments and selling them in a friends
hair salon.

Here is the napkins, they look like they were
 Batikked! While I was out on Tues. went to
 Godiva chocolates, to get a lil box for Megan
 and then saw these pretty choc. wrapped in
 lavende paper for our table, and they were
delicious. Molten hot lava cake flavor!

Have been wanting to use thes adorable
 scalloped salad plates I got from Dee and Jerry 
for Christmas, in an actual tablescape.
I have been using them as a table top decoration
on my shelves....they sit on plate holders, and
look very pretty that way too.

The Girls all got the scalloped plates.
The guys got the plain square ones
with rounded edges, and put a napkin
on top of their plates.  I did the ends
of the table a lil differently since
the runner didn't come all the way 
down to the end.  Made a napkin
placemat.  You just have to iron
them a little.

Used my clear glass candleholders with
 green stones and green candles

Had some daisies that I pulled off a bush
 to embellish the candles a little, since the 
hand painting had some in it.

I like doing the place settings differently 
at the same table sometimes,
Adds a lil fun and Interest.

used clear crystal stemware to match the
 other glassware on the table.

The little square dishes were for 
butter.....for the rolls.

This was from the my end of the table.
I sit at the first place there, and I put
lil darling right on the end between
her Mommy and Me, so I can try and 
help, so Megan can eat in peace, but
lil darling usually wants Mommy's

But.......I do try!!  As I remember
those days...........

with posterized affect

All the rest of these are the 
"Parties over" shots.
I didn't take any of these pictures until
afterwards because I totally forgot
cause I didn't put the water and candles
in till Sunday afternoon and I did the
table on Thursday, so was gonna wait
and take some pics with the candles
burning and the whole table set,
but Mrs Forgetful stuck again.
oh welllllllllllll......lol

Life is what happens when we are
making our plans.........lol

 You can't hardly see it,  but she wrote
"Count Your Blessings"  around the top.

Just love the painted glass

Poster edges affect

with paint daubs affect

Glad you stopped by for a visit,  
and hope
you enjoyed yourself.

Have a really lovely week.


Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and
Lavender Blessings,


Sharing with:

Cindy at Dwellings


  1. It was all so beautiful to see in person! I like the candles floating in the water! It was very pretty! I loved playing catch with Brooklyn and her tissue paper ball!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan, glad you enjoyed it, and think lil darling enjoyed playing catch with you
    just as much..........
    Love ya, Nellie

  3. I enjoyed seeing and reading about what you did for Mother's Day. You were very creative in "shopping your house" to set such a lovely table. Great colour combo and that centerpiece is perfect. I like to mix and match dishes too when I don't have enough to go around or want to use two different kinds. Glad you got a pic of the centerpiece afterwards with the candles lit - so pretty!

  4. Hi Lori,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your warm and sweet comments.
    I see you enjoy being creative with your mixing and matching too, I think it makes a table
    it more fun and interesting.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, and thanks again for the visit.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Morning Jacob,
    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind commments.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie