Friday, May 27, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 26th, 2016,

America, America,
 God sheds his grace on thee, and
 crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea......

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy
and looking forward to some time
with family/friends over the weekend.

Hubby took off today so he will have
 a 4 day weekend,  so I am just gonna
 finish this up, and go spend time with
 him, as my list is all ready.

Please be sure to read #13 if you
don't have time to read anything

I am thankful

that we got our cars serviced
last weekend, always nice to
know that is taken care of,
almost like getting a good
Drs. report.  lol

that hubby and I got to watch
a movie for free at the car dealer-
ship, and it was quite good, not 
sure of the name but we think
it is Martian with Matt Damon
Could have done without some
of the language but it wasn't
 done a lot thankfully......

that they also washed and
cleaned both our cars for
free as well, so they look
really nice.

that we got to go to "cheese
cake factory" for an early dinner.
It has probably been 4 + years
since we have been there, as it
is an hour away from us, so we
just tend to go closer to home,
The dinner was fabulous.....

that even tho I had to go back
to the endodontist on Tuesday
because my face was a lil swollen 
 that the found nothing wrong, I
 had sinusitis but I have never had 
swelling before, but after taking the
 sinus meds it is better today,
 so hopefully that is all it was.....

that since my dental appt. was
last in the afternoon, I just did
a lil shopping till hubby got off
work and then we went to dinner
again.  Gee, 2 dates in one week.,
I could get  used to

that  I finally heard from a dear
friend that lives in another state
and things are okay.  I called her
cell and house phone and left
messages but never heard back
from her and it had been over
a week so I was getting a bit
 worried as her husband had
 surgery not too long ago. I had 
wondered if they might be on a
 cruise as they do that with all 
their family every year about 
this time, and that was why....
So happy to hear things are
mostly fine......

that I got to do a little
craft that I found at TJ Maxx
last week with Brooklyn on 
Wed. and she loved it, and did 
an amazingly good job( without
a lot of help from me) for a 3
yr. old.  She made these cute
lil flower magnets and did
one for herself, her friend an
Mommy and Daddy.  She was
very proud of her good work.

that we got to work in the
back yard again, there is less
dead looking stuff and more
green beauty showing, every
time we work out there. So 
that spells success to me.

for nice warm showers after
a long relaxing
and refreshing.......

for a challenge that Dayspring
 cards has been encouraging.....
and that is to do one thing every
day for 21 days to encourage
other people. The person can be
 family, co-workers, friends or
 others you just feel need some 
encouragement. I love doing that
 already but don't necessarily
make a point of doing it daily.
So, I just joined in and made a
special point of thinking of
someone different every day.
So go Dayspring, that is a
great this crazy
world we are living in that
is a much needed thing.

for computer games from
 AARP, that are designed
to help your brain function.
They are fun and it is nice
to think you are doing some-
thing to help your brain at
the same time.  lol

If you would like to check 
it out go to.......

last but definitely not least....
for all the men and women
who have served our country
and gave up their lives in the
line of duty to preserve the
life we all live here in the
USA.  God Bless them and
their families who have also
sacrificed a great deal for 
all of us.  

Jesus said:
Greater love has no one than this:
 to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 

Update:  I just had to come back today and
 post this utube link that a friend sent to us
 on Memorial Day. It is Monday morning and 
I just read it and  It is very touching and truly
what Memorial Day is really all about.
Know many have missed this,  but know
some will get to see it.....Just click on
the link.  It is called our country is in
mourning.........a beautiful tribute.


Thank You for coming by and
hope you will be remembering
those that have laid down their
lives for us..........

Have a Good, but Contemplative
Weekend.....with family and

Love,  Hugs and
Memorial Day Blessings,

Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. #1. Amen. I got the truck serviced as well. DeLand Nissan is great. My battery was going and they replaced it for free since it was still under warranty. I only drive it twice a week and they said the the absence of driving doesn't give it enough time to recharge the battery.
    #2. Nissan had Me TV on. Old time comedies were on.
    #3. Same here. Even the chrome wheels were shining!
    #4. I went home to a pot pie lunch, ha!
    #5. My eyes were watering and itching for a few days. It's gone now. I usually get allergies in May and again in November. I don't know what it is about those two months!
    #6. Great, two days out of the kitchen!
    #7. I haven't heard from Alice! I had called, but she couldn't talk. (I heard her stove clock go off and she had to take out food from the oven. She said she'd call me back, but never did.) I saw her back out yesterday when I let the dogs in. I waved out the door to her, but she just drove off.
    #8. These are projects she will always remember. I remember when as a little girl, mom and I made "sock" dolls.
    #9. Steve and wife are still doing a great job on mine. Front/back for only $60 a month. Not bad for 2 1/2 acres!
    #10. And more scheduled for today! I'm glad the depression is going N.W. of us!
    #11. That will keep you on your toes!
    #12. Oh the pleasures of retirement! I surely enjoy it! (Thank You, LORD!)
    #13. Even more so in this day and age!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and sharing your thoughts.
    Praying for Alice as I am sure this is a terrible
    time for her. Have a good weekend,
    Love ya, Nellie

  3. A beautiful post Nellie as always. My life has been crazily busy with Dance Eisteddfod season in full swing, so you know for me, that means lots of sewing, sequins and! I also had a complete technological meltdown which left me without computer or cellphone for over a week, so I really was incommunicado. That is now resolved, so hopefully we're back to normal here. I'm glad you are well (dentist appointments are always scary I think) and I second your sentiments on those who serve in the armed forces. God bless them. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. HI Mimi,
    So good to hear from you hon. Well, guess I figured right about some of your absence. Did you get all the costumes completed?? Sort of nice to unplug once in awhile, but bet you are happy
    to be up and running again.
    We can never thank our military men and women, or our policemen, emergency workers and others
    who serve the public enough........where would we be without them.
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your kind comments, as always. So glad you are doing fine and you are back in business
    Blessings Abundant,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie