Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday May 12, 2016, pics of things I have talked about, but not showed pics of yet.

  But I trust in your unfailing love;
  my heart rejoices in your salvation
    I will sing the LORD’s praise,
   for he has been good to me.
    Psalm 13:5-6

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very
good week, and Hope you all
enjoyed Mother's Day and
are still savoring it a bit.

It has been a good week here,
a bit less activity this week,
than last, which is always nice
after a busy week, and I have
been savoring Mother's Day still,
enjoying roses, an azalea bush,
eating goodies and drinking
from a new mug, rereading
lovely cards, looking at some
decorating magazines and
waiting on an opportunity to
wear a beautiful and sweet
bracelet.  All sweet gifts from
my sweet family

Disclaimer:  Came back to
say I have NO idea why this
is posting with tiny and large
print, but I have tried a 
number of times to correct
it but it seems to just get
Trying it one more time,
so if it doesn't look wierd
then you will know it worked.
Cause if it does.... I am not
coming back to tell ya!! lol

Pictures today are gonna be 

from things I have talked about
in recent posts, but didn't have
the pics taken/ or uploaded yet.
So if you have been reading,
you might recognize them.

So on with my thankful list.

for a lovely Mother's Day
and that I got to spend it with
Scott, Megan and lil darling
and Lola, so at least I had 4 
out of 7 of my kiddos, and did
 get to see Dee on facetime, so
 was happy about all of that.

that Megan seemed to love
her Mother's Day gifts and have
 a nice day.  Also that she got
to spend Friday, Sat. and part
of Sunday with her Mom at
the beach.  I am sure her
Mom was thrilled.............

Card I was made for Megan,
it has glitter but it didn't
show up in the picture.

Bought the clip board frame
but then embellished it with
the cute pic of lil darling
and the sign and flower.

and excited
that I saw 3 small hydrangeas
coming on my bush, I don't
know how big they will get
as the bush has been on the
porch for awhile. so only gets
diffused sunlight, so not sure
if that is enough, but the sun
gets so hot here it will quickly
burn a hydrangea up.

we were able to hire someone
to clear out our side woods a lil
cause it was starting to grow
over out neighbors fence, so
glad that is taken care of.........
Now we just need to find a way
to hide their very unattractive
fence that we can see more of
than ever..........we are thinking
maybe some lattice.........


that things worked out where
I can watch lil darling for another
year, as she will be starting pre-
school in the fall, and they have a
choice of 2 days (Tues. and Thurs)
 or 3 (Mon, Wed. and Fri), so they
are gonna go with 2 since I want
to watch her another
happy I still get to keep her on
 Wed.  Although she is very excited
 about going.....think it will make 
for an easier transistion for her
too, as her Mom is off on Mon.
and Fri., and she will still get o
come here on Wed., then see
her other Grandmother on Tues.
when she picks her up. and at
times on Thursday, so maybe
it want be too big a schedule
change for her now.


that some pics I took of lil darling
last week turned out way better than 
I expected, I was only wanting one
good one for her Mom's frame you
saw above, but 5 of them turned
out really well, so I was able to
do a collage as well, and print
them on large magnets.

  She was watching out the window
 for Mommy.........


that a dear friends family member
who had a drug addiction and went
to jail because of it,  has been clean
for 2.5 yrs. now.  What a wonderful
thing that has been for his entire

With Paint daubs affect

for a nice chat I had on Monday
with an old friend who has been
sick for quite a long time and was 
very depressed.  She seems much
 better emotionally, so thankful to
 see that.


that we got to work in our back
yard again.  We are now cleaning
up the mess the power company
left behind, but what they did had
to be done, so that is that!!

With photoshop affect


for 'Toasted coconut Vanilla"
Oikos yogurt and Bare naked
"Maple-icious Pecan Granola,
as they are our "go to" break-
fast, when we can't figure 
out what we want.......... Just
 makes life a bit easier.  lol
it is an added benefit now,
since one the ingredients is
Maple Syrup, as now they are
saying it can help keep you 
from getting Alzheimers!!

and nobody wants that!!

Our new shower curtain. Not
easy to get a pic of without
the potty in it, so thought
I would spare you!!  lol


for all the darling young squirrels
We have running up and down
our tree and  in our front yard.
Yesterday lil darling and I saw
one just sitting on a limb and
looked like he was sleeping
and he had his tail completly
folded over his body like he
was cold, it was a lil cool and
 breezy at that time,which
was early morning.

Lil darling in her soccer 


that hubby has ordered me a
new keyboard and mouse for
my computer and it will be
wireless.  My present one
has lost a lot of the letters and
symbols on it for some reason
and the one before that was
sticking all the time.  So will
be very happy to get the new
one...........and think having it
wireless will be quite nice 
as well...................

Well, that's a rap as they say!
Nice you could drop by
today,  and hope you might
be encouraged to think about
you own blessings

Have a Fun-tastik.. rest of

 the week.

Love, Hugs and

May blessings,


Sharing with:

Holly at McCall Manor

Lois and Friends at Walking on Sunshine Recipes


  1. We certainly enjoyed you sweet moms as well! I found if I go back and add more writing throughout the post, it will mess up the font size. Since I haven't done that, it doesn't mess up the sizing of the letters.
    #1. We did get to see DeeAnna on the IPAD, next best thing. It was a very enjoyable time!
    #2. I'm so glad she had all that time with her mom. One Day we will spend time with ours again, thanks be to our LORD! Your cards are so pretty and greatly appreciated. Thank you for mine! Lil Darling wanted her mom's for herself, ha!
    #3. That's how it is with my Amarillo plants!
    #4. I hope my fence line will be done in the next month or so. Lattice sounds nice. That may be my answer too!
    #5. She is growing up so fast!
    #6. They did turn out beautiful! You did a great job!
    #7. What a great "Mother's Day" gift too!
    #8. I'm so glad you were able to talk with her.
    #9. I hope they didn't leave you to have to take it to the curb side.
    #10. I've gotten to like eating a mountain mix I get from Publix.
    #11. I don't see many anymore since my tree(s) are isolated and there are hawks around.
    #12. It makes a difference when things are working the way they are suppose to!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    I will have to notice if that was what I did or not.....cause I might have and just didn't

    Your welcome about the card, and so glad you liked it.....and it was so nice to get to
    see Dee on Megans phone. That is such a nice feature.

    The power co. did leave some stuff behind that we had to take care of, but they did take a lot of it most of that is gone now but we are also trying to clean up a lot of the dead grapevines and stuff that died afterwards that looks so messy and ugly............

    Hope you have a good weekend,

    Love ya, Nellie

  3. Oh my such a great post! I sure enjoyed it, specially the family photographs.
    Thanks for your sweet visit my friend.
    Enjoy your week.

  4. Thank you so much happy you enjoyed it.
    Your welcome, always enjoy my visit with you as well.
    Hope you have a great week too hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Thank You Jacob
    Have a lovely day,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie