Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Zero $$ Spring/Summer changes to Guest Bath Part 1

Hello Sweet Friends......

Hope your week is going well and 
you are still enjoying Spring!

Our week is going well....I went back
to the endodontist yesterday and it seems
 the root canal took well, and there is some
 healing in the gum tissue that has taken
 place, which is a good sign.  Have to go
back again in 3 weeks and hopefully will
 know for sure that the tooth is saveable 
and can get my permanent crown and be 
done with it.........that would be fantastic.
Meanwhile, next week I have to go for
another crown prep on the tooth behind crazy! I had a lot of dental work
done as a teenager and it seems the last
3-5 yrs, it is all having to be replaced,
but can't complain as it has lasted 
between 45-50 years. 
Amazing Really!!
Now if the new dental work last
close to that long, it will be great!!

Our Spring seems to quickly be turning 
to Summer, at least in the day time,
nights are cooler and this morning
was really nice and cool and breezy,
think we must of had a cool front
come through that brought a good
soaking rain.  Our yard needed and
loved it~
Am hoping with everything in me,
it lasts months longer,  but June
will soon be here, and it's truly a
wonderful blessing it has lasted
 this long.

I have been wanting to change up
our guest bathroom to a more Spring/
Summer look, but couldn't figure
out what to finally
had a light bulb moment and began
playing on Monday,  so here are
the pics of the results.

Remember this arrangement from

It was my inspiration

I thought why not try it in the guest bath....
so I did and I liked it.  This is the only other
 room in the house that I can use lavenders or
 purples.  Now I have used lavenders in here
before but typically it is a good mix of
green and purple.  This time I concentrated
on the purple hues mostly with just a titch
of pale yellow...........and I am quite happy
 with it,  a very nice change.

 an overall shot

FYI:  You can click on any pic
 and it should make them all larger, 
for better viewing pleasure.

Had a container that held lil bottles
with flowers in them, but I used
the bottles in our master Bath,
so it was empty other than with
this one lil faux lavender plant,
So pressed it into service for
hand towels and a wash cloth.

All these framed pics you will see,
in this post, I made years ago with
 the wall paper from the opposite wall, 
 but you want see that wall until Part 2.

For the pictures:  all I did was buy
 some pretty frames and then cut the
 wallpaper to fit and stick it in the
 frames......Easy Peasy!

Once again I just shopped my house
for everything I used.

Wave affect,  Just checking to see
 if you
are still with

Nothing changes a bathroom up 
quicker than a change of color in
 towels and shower curtain............

Oops.... my one expense.....I forgot, the 
candle for less than $1.00..............

A look from the Tub to the door.

Rather than floating the candles like I did
in the tablescape............
I just put a stationary tealight candle in it 
this time.....
The tealight is sitting in the top of a yankee
candle jar lid.........they make great candle just have to pull the
plastic off, and turn them upside down.
  My hubbies idea years back.

Also had these wonderful lavender dried
hydrangea petals, so added them in.....

 Bath and bodies sprays and candles are 
always a nice color touch as well.

Well, there you have it..........

my Lavender inspired Spring/Summer look!

Look for part 2 Coming Soon!

If  You would like to see the before?


  1. I love the bathroom. The purples are so pretty and I cannot resist a candle! Visiting from Jann's today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Morning Cindy,
    Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments. Have to say I am enjoying the purple
    hues since it twas a bit more neutrel colored last time.
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Very Provence! Looks terrific! You have a great flair for bringing new life to rooms. It's very very pretty! I'm doing very well. Took my little dog and cat to the beach. Yes the cat went on the beach too. I just like her to see everything. And since she's such a calm kitty she can handle it. She just looks around, smells the sand and goes back in her bag to relax while watching the waves. Lizzie(Yorkie) is always so happy on the beach too. We had a great and safe trip. Now I better get back to dollhouses!
    I'm glad things are going well for you. Enjoy your cool weather. It's too cold for me! It's 59 degrees right now. Yuck!
    big hugs♥♥♥,

  4. Oh, my! I didn't realize you had another crown prep to have care for! I'll keep you on my daily prayer list for the LORD to bless you with the procedure!

    I need to have these kind of rains to keep the pool filled up, ha!

    The lavenders and purples are very pretty in your bathroom. I like darker/richer colors. The wave effect is really eye catching! The picture with the mirror effect is great!
    Talk to you later, Susan

  5. Your bathroom looks great!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. Hi Caroline,
    Glad to hear from you as always, and thanks so much for your sweet comments. Guess I kinda
    have learned to bring new life to rooms just thru necessity since we have lived here
    for 35 It is something that has kept me sane, as I like a good change
    now and again. Hubby was a military kid and was always moving, and our first years married
    we moved a lot too, so once we settled in here he was a happy camper. Course, so am I...
    but it is nice to make simple changes.

    Sounds like you had a fun time at the beach, that is too cute that you take your kitty too.
    Since Dee moved to Asheville, we have not had a beach trip, as we are always going there now, I sorta miss it tho..........but miss her it is a no brainer for me. lol

    Wow, surprised you are having 59 degree temps there this time of year, figured yall would
    be hot like us. We have had lots of rain lately.....and I want to get my porch cleaned but
    now it is raining all the time..........we were gonna do it last Sat. but our poor kitty
    Molly had some TIA's (mini strokes) so we wound up taking care of her instead. She is doing way better than we would have imagined, but it did affect her vision more, so now
    she is bumping into stuff.......bless her heart.

    Well, keep making those wonderful doll houses, and so glad to hear you are doing well hon.
    Love and Blessings,

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Susan,
    Well, they delayed my crown prep till June 21st, so I can take a rest till then I guess. lol
    Sure appreciate the prayers.

    Thanks for coming by and for your warm comments.

    Hope you are having a good day,

    Love, Nellie

  9. Thanks Carol
    Have a great day,
    Blessing,s Nellie

  10. So subtle and classy! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


  11. Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.
    Thanks for letting me share at My Flagstaff home..........

    Have a wonderful weekend, hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. Nellie, your bathroom looks so pertty. Love the soft lavender color you've incorporated.

  13. Thank you Stacey,
    glad you liked it........I have to say I have really been enjoying it.....
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

    Blessings, Nellie

  14. Nellie, the lavender is beautiful for a soft spring design! I love botanical prints, so the framed ones you made have to be my favorite thing you did! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Hi Jann,
    Hope this finds you doing well. Thank you so much for your sweet comments and for coming
    by, always so nice to hear from you hon,
    Blessings, Nellke

  16. That is such a beautiful way to decorate your guest bathroom. I love the color choices!

    Thank you for sharing this on the #HomeMattersParty. We hope to see you again next Friday at 12AM EST when we open our doors.

  17. Thank You Crystal for coming by and for your warm comments.
    Thanks for allowing me to share at Home Matters Party as well.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie