Tuesday, August 15, 2017

part 5 of creating a new look by changing colors and decluttering...

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So how are you today??
  Bet many of you are getting back on schedule
 and happy about it too!
I really hated sending my children back to
 school, but at the same time I longed for some 
structure to my day.....as we did not accomplish
 a whole lot around her in the summer.....we were 
for the Lazy Days of Summer,  for sure!!
So after all that time of fun and relaxation I 
was raring to go.......and to see something
accomplished.........lol  Can anyone relate
to that??

Last time in part 4, I left off with adding
 the lamp and decorating the walls. So in
 todays segment of our office changes I
 will show you a few small areas I haven't
shown you yet and the whole office, so
grab some sweet tea or lemonaide as
this is gonna be long,  as I am trying
to finish this series today........lol

Below is one of  the areas I haven't
shown you yet.
This is the shelves right by the door
were we enter the room.

It is actually a shelf  that goes on top of
my desk for the computer screen,  but it
 made the computer screen too high so I
  didn't like it there, so I turned it vertically 
and made it into a shelf for this narrow
 wall.  This was how I styled it when I
first did the redo,  but you know we
are always tweaking........

So this is how they look now.

Thought it needed something
 coral over there too. I am really
loving the coral colors in here.
I might tweak it again cause 
think there is too much coral
on one shelf......lol

Here is a close up of another one of our
French pictures....and close ups of all
the shelves.

Every room needs some flowers, candles,
and memorabilia.....
here is my new peach bellini candle........
it really smells heavenly, and love the
coral flowers and my lil eifel towers.

 a pot of lavendar is very french too,

and here is a pretty storage box 
with a lovely fleurist Shoppe.

Now I'm gonna show you the whole
 room all done and tweaked....at least
for now............lol
The above picture is what we see when
we enter our office.

I did tweak this area a bit since you
saw it last.  I added some peachy coral
flowers and took the white ones out,
and put some lavendar on top of the
white shelves.  I did have the floral
arrangement that was on the first
 shelves there before.

and here is my desk where I do all my
blogging and cardmaking.

Well Hello there......Surprise!!  
Decided to show up for the tour too!
How are ya???

Love my desk.... because it has a pull out
 shelf for when I am using my keyboard, 
 and when done I just push it under and
 it is out of the way.

Then I have a lovely view of our backyard
 out of the window.  Nice sunny day when
this pic was taken.............

One thing I haven't done yet is my chair.
I covered it with a towel because it is a
microfiber type fabric and everything 
sticks to it and we can not get it all off
no matter what we do, so just covered
it with the towel and also hubby took
 the arms off the chair so lil darling can
 still sit on my lap and look at ecards....
we have so much fun doing that and
singing songs together........
Eventually I will probably cover it
but just haven't figured out what I want
to do with it yet..........and I am open
to suggestions....if you have any!!  

This is just to the left of my
desk and this was the other wall
words I put up....sorry it is blurry,
I was too tired to do a retake, 
and was trying to show you
where it was in the room....

Here's a much better shot...........
I really like it there.....

Here is the futon and with the coverlet 
hanging down it completely hids hubbies
 lap top until needed.
Love that! Cause it used to just be on
 the futon all the time. 
Makes the room Look so
 much neater now.

Know yall have already seen a most of these
pictures but just giving you a complete 
picture of the room and a refresh since
it has been awhile on some of them.

You haven't seen this before....we have
 mirror closet doors as this used to be
 a bedroom for our kiddles years back...
Lil darling likes to use it as her dance

Now we are one the way out
 the door......

Hope you enjoyed the office tour,
and hope you might have gleaned
some ideas or inspiration along
the way.  I thank the Lord for his 
help and great ideas in all of this....
as I think it is such a bright and
 happy room now... and if you are
 interested in reading about that
 just click here  for part one..........

Also if you missed part 4 and
would like to see it, 

Have a great rest of the week and
keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and 
Mid August Blessings,


Can not believe it is August 15th

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  1. Hi, Nellie.
    What a great idea you had about the shelf (turned on end!) It fit perfectly and shows your
    plants and knick knacks really well! My favorite picture in this post is your table with the skirt and your really neat bicycle above your picture! That was a cute idea to add your picture in your chair! All the rain we have had has really made your grass thick and beautiful! Nice view out your window from your computer room! How does Sweetie Pie like it?
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Think she has enjoyed the change as well, and noticed it right away....very observant like
    her Dad was when he was little!! lol

    Thanks for stopping by and for all your sweet comments. Have had that bicycle in this room
    for awhile (just in a different spot) but I think it is so cute and different and I needed something to go over that picture to make it a bit higher, so they ride bicycles in France
    so figured that would work............lol Glad you liked it....

    Have a great day....off to the Drs. shortly,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie