Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Part 4 of creating a new look by changing colors and delcuttering.

Happy August
Sweet Friends,

Can hardly believe it.......
and you, are you reeling from
the shock too......course, most
of you are probably getting ready
 to send your precious ones back
 to school or maybe already have.
My friend in Tenn. said her gran-
daughter started school yesterday, 
and I was like wow...that is so early.
I remember when we were young
we didn't start back until after
labor day.......I used to really not
like sending my kiddles back so
soon.........and always wished
they had as long as we did.

Well, on with part 4.........of
a new look for the office............

Last time I left off with how the
 futon came out with the new 
covers and

 so this week I will start with
 the new look on my work table.......
If you recall from post #2, that I 
wasn't quite happy with it, and
told you that would change....lol

This is the before pic.....

Decided that I really needed a
lamp on the table as there is only 
an overhead light and when I am
 working there I sort of block the light,
so went on line looking for an 
inexpensive candlestick lamp like 
the one I have on the other table,
but wasn't finding any, well, did find
one but the price was outrageous....

So thought well, maybe I should
borrow a lamp from another room
just to see if I actually like how it
looks first.......so decided on one of 
the matching lamps I have in the 
livingroom....so tried it and liked
it, and thought it looked fine and it
did what I was hoping for, giving 
me the right amount of needed 
lighting, so got to thinking the
lamp was rarely used in there, so 
decided to just keep it here and
replace it with a larger item on
the livingroom side table. So 
solution found and no $$ spent....
boosted the lamp up some with books
 so it gave me the proper amount of 
lighting, but it just still needed a
 little something around it as the
 walls looked too bare, so as I told
you before I happened on these
 great wall word stickers at the
Dollar tree, and you guessed it 
for just $1.....
 It was all one piece but I
 Cut it into 3 pcs. to put it where
 I wanted.....

The After Pictures..

Remember you can click on any pic and
it enlarges them all for better viewing

 Unfortunately they don't show up that
well in the pics,  but they look just 
fine in person.

Here is a close up of the
wall words........
This is at the end of the table

These are on each side of the

After I finished the table and putting
 up the wall words,  I went to working
on the artwork for over the futon.

This was the before pic...........and I love
 these prints so wanted to keep them as
 they are perfect with my french theme
but did want to change it up a bit.

Some of you will probably remember
that I had bought and tried several
different art pieces I liked for in between
the pictures, but wound up not liking
them, as they were just to dark, and I 
was going for a lighter neutral look.

So believe the Lord brought to mind
 a plaque I had over my living room
windows.........so decided to give it
a try and we liked it....

The after pic............not a huge
change but enough to make me

Here is a close up of the prints
just so you can see them better.

Believe it or not....I found these prints 
13 years ago at Walmart for $2 each,
and they were destined for my porch
wall........but before I could put them
up we had 3 hurricanes in a row,
starting with Hurricane charlie, after
having to prepare and put stuff away
3 times, I decided forget the porch.....
just more stuff to have to deal with
when a storm comes.

So eventually they found there way
into the office area, and have been
here every since cause I just love
them.............recently I saw them
online and they were like much
more expensive,  around $35 or
so a piece. Different stores fronts
but done the same way........so I
was tickled to see them still for
sale and that I got such a great

Well, gonna stop here for today,
If you missed part 3 and would
like to see it just click here

So... there will be one more post.
Come back next Tuesday for Part
5, the total room reveal....with
all the tweaks......

Have a delightfully pleasant
rest of the week.....

Love, Hugs and First of
August Blessings,


Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life with Lorelai


Stone Gable

The Dedicated House

Saavy Southern Style


  1. What fun you're having, creating a space and using/rearranging things you already have on hand!

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Great to hear from you, and hope this finds you doing well.
    Yes, I was having fun and now enjoying the benefits, love it
    when I can change things up without a lot of $$ spent.
    A fun challenge for me..........

    Thanks for stopping by hon, and for taking the time to

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Hi, Nellie.
    It's been 6 years since I had to go back to the classroom! Praise the LORD for my retirement!
    I "love" your first sign, "Home is where Love Reside" even if is only me, the LORD and my animals! The memories and laughter occur wherever our LORD's Love is! Praise Him for His peace in the love and joy of His presence with us, our families, and our friends! Love you all, Susan

  4. Hi Susan,
    wow, can't believe it has been 6 yrs. already, but then in some ways it seems much longer,
    guess because of some many things that have happened.....

    Yea, I was really tickled to find the wall words as I really loved what they said too.
    Yep, You are a family even if it is just you and your pets...........
    His love is so amazing............

    Thanks for coming by,
    and have a good weekend,
    Love ya, Nellie

  5. Cozy touches Nellie and I love your pictures!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  6. HI Cindy,
    So nice to hear from you....
    thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    They are appreciated and thanks for hosting Amaze
    Me Monday every week. It is a very enjoyable post.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie