May your unfailing love be with us,
even as we put our hope in you.
even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:22 NIV
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope you are having a good day.
Running a lil late here, and have
a Drs. appt. today, so gotta get a
move on.........
so will just get on with my post.
Hope you are having a good day.
Running a lil late here, and have
a Drs. appt. today, so gotta get a
move on.........
so will just get on with my post.
I am thankful
for a very heart warming movie
we watched on netflik this week
called "Riding the Bus with
my Sister".
for another answer to prayer
concerning my nephew.
for a new book I am reading
by John Eldridge, called
"Waking the Dead", so far,
it's pretty good. Have read
several of his books, and
they were quite good.
for hearing from a friend that
I haven't seen in months and
hoping to get together next
week maybe.........
for a fun time with out lil
furry grandaughter dog, Lola
from Friday to Monday. She
is the sweetest and most lovey
little doggie........
for some interesting fruit that
my son brought us, I have only
heard about them but never
actually seen them or tasted
them before. My son is in the
Agriculture field and when he
visits nurseries and farms a
lot of growers give him some
of the things they are growing
so he can try them out. This
was the case.
that we had no ill affects from
that Tropical Storm that popped
up in the Gulf of Mexico this
week, it came very close to
us, and we had a lot of rain,
but thank the Lord that was
that a friend of mines Father
came to know Jesus today.
Many of us have been pray-
ing for him for years. Such
great news for him. and my
friend.....and all that have
prayed for him as well.

for a sparkling clean bath-
room.......can you tell I have
been cleaning
for followers of my blog and
blog friends that I visit. You are
all an inspiration to me, but in
so many varied ways. There is
just so much talent, ingenuity,
wisdom, incite, humor, and
fun to be had from you ladies.
You are such a blessing in so
many various ways.
for Tarragon Chicken Salad Subs.
Our local Publix grocery store makes
them, and they are quite good, and
really hit the spot yesterday.
for the fun of feeding one lone
sandhill crane bread this morning.
He or She seemed like it was
really hungry..........
Well, here is to another week at
Cozy Place..........
If you missed last Thursdays
post and golf tour #8 and
would like to see it....
Just click here!
Thanks for your visit, and hope
you have a really great weekend,
Love, Hugs and
First of August Blessings,
Sharing with:
Starfish Cottage
Walking on Sunshine Recipes
Life with Lorelai
Stone Gable
The Dedicated House
Saavy Southern Style
concerning my nephew.
for a new book I am reading
by John Eldridge, called
"Waking the Dead", so far,
it's pretty good. Have read
several of his books, and
they were quite good.
for hearing from a friend that
I haven't seen in months and
hoping to get together next
week maybe.........
for a fun time with out lil
furry grandaughter dog, Lola
from Friday to Monday. She
is the sweetest and most lovey
little doggie........
for some interesting fruit that
my son brought us, I have only
heard about them but never
actually seen them or tasted
them before. My son is in the
Agriculture field and when he
visits nurseries and farms a
lot of growers give him some
of the things they are growing
so he can try them out. This
was the case.
that we had no ill affects from
that Tropical Storm that popped
up in the Gulf of Mexico this
week, it came very close to
us, and we had a lot of rain,
but thank the Lord that was
that a friend of mines Father
came to know Jesus today.
Many of us have been pray-
ing for him for years. Such
great news for him. and my
friend.....and all that have
prayed for him as well.
for a sparkling clean bath-
room.......can you tell I have
been cleaning
for followers of my blog and
blog friends that I visit. You are
all an inspiration to me, but in
so many varied ways. There is
just so much talent, ingenuity,
wisdom, incite, humor, and
fun to be had from you ladies.
You are such a blessing in so
many various ways.
Our local Publix grocery store makes
them, and they are quite good, and
really hit the spot yesterday.
for the fun of feeding one lone
sandhill crane bread this morning.
He or She seemed like it was
really hungry..........
Well, here is to another week at
Cozy Place..........
If you missed last Thursdays
post and golf tour #8 and
would like to see it....
Just click here!
Thanks for your visit, and hope
you have a really great weekend,
Love, Hugs and
First of August Blessings,
Sharing with:
Starfish Cottage
Walking on Sunshine Recipes
Life with Lorelai
Stone Gable
The Dedicated House
Saavy Southern Style
#1. We are really blessed with today's entertainment! I often think of those many years ago who only had candlelight and books compared to the pleasures we have today with electricity, televisions, and movies we now watch in our homes rather than going to the theaters!
ReplyDelete#2. Praise the LORD for answered prayers to all who are praying for him!
#3. There is much material from Christian writers that would make great movies. This is where all the great Christian movies come from!
#4. GREAT! Sylvia is coming back soon from being away all summer with hubby. We have our second Tuesday brunch set.
#5. She truly is and to everyone she comes into contact with, especially Sweetie Pie!
#6. Wow! How did you like it? Did it taste different than other fruits?
#7. AMEN! My grass is really growing this summer. Since my sweet Xena dog passed, the holes she used to dig have all filled in with the grass, thanks to all the rain we have had and Steve letting it go to seed before cutting it!
#8. HALLELUJAH To our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD!!! I'm praying for those on my "Salvation List" will also come to the LORD!
#9. The hard water stains are really bad! But, I just squeeze SnoBowl in and let it stay overnight and it cleans easy and quick the next morning!
#10. As so you are too, Nellie!
#11. I'll have to go by Sunday after church and get one!
#12. Good for you...and the Sandhill Crane! They are so beautiful. I praise the LORD for all of them He brings into my backyard. You also get the beautiful Ibis in numbers as well!
Love you all, Susan
Morning Susan,
ReplyDeleteYes, we really are blessed with so many great things to watch besides what is on TV since
there really isn't much that you would want to watch these days, so nice to have a good
selections to choose from to replace them
Know you are looking forward to seeing Sylvia after such a long break.
As to the of them was called Dragon Fruit and it was very pretty hot pink and green on the outside and then you cut it in half and it is white peppered wit black tiny seedsalmost looks like cracked pepper, so interesting, and it doesn't really have a lot of taste,doesn't taste bad but it's not super exciting either, but you just scoop it out
with a spoon, Scott said he has had some that were sweeter and tasted better. The other one was a guava but it was a white guava and he said you sort of eat it like an apple.
So I just cut off some of the outside and it taste pretty good, but it has lots of seeds
in it too, that not sure if you are suppose to eat or not, so I didn't. but it tasted
pretty good, he said they don't taste the same as the red guavas.....but it was fun seeing
them and trying them out......a bowl full of the dragon fruit would be beautiful if you
needed a centerpiece for a luau or something.........
Sorry you couldn't get your sandwich, maybe next time now that you know what to tell them.
Thanks for coming by and for taking the time to leave all these comments.
Love, Nellie