Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thankful Thursday August 10, 2017, Spring golf cart tour #10

For God is the King of all the earth;
 sing to him a psalm of praise. 
Psalm 47:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well
 and full of energy and excitement. 
Know a lot of you will be sending
your kiddles back to school this
coming week, so hope you are
having your last hoo-ray before
school starts.....

Lil darling wil be doing more
half days at preschool this coming 
week, so I will be picking her up 
on Wednesday's now.  Hoping 
she want be too tired when I pick
her up............

For a while now I have just been
feeling very tired, and just thought
maybe I was trying to fight some-
thing off, but it just seemed to be
getting worse and lasting too long,
so finally made a Dr. appt. for last hopefully by next
Friday I will have some answers.

Well, on with thankful are still from
my Spring golf cart tour of
Charleston. S.C. ...Can you
If you missed #9 and would
like to see it,  just click here.

I am thankful

for a fun afternoon out shopping by
 myself after my Drs. visit, and a fun 
evening shopping and going to
 dinner with my hubby.

for 2 fun new food discoveries
 at LongHorns Steak house.  I got 
their shrimp sans some tomato type
 marinade, and it was really great, 
and hubby got their Tilapia with
Shrimp on top and he loved it too.
We always wind up getting steaks
there,  so that was a nice change. 

for being able to sleep later on
Saturday morning, which is totally
unusual for me, and then a nice day
 just enjoying each others company 
with a good breakfast and fun

that I got out early on Monday
 and got my bloodwork done
and over with............required
from my Drs. visit on Friday.

that I made it thru an ultrasound on
 Tuesday where I was in pain from
 having such a full bladder (and if you
have never had an ultrasound or sono-
gram, they make you drink a lot of 
water beforehand as the water helps 
them see things better, so it is hard
to hold it, then once she started to
do the sonogram I was in pain almost
immediately because my bladder 
evidently refluxed  into my kidneys.
 which felt like someone stabbing me
so it was instant back pain in the kidney
 area......I could hardly stand it, and was 
very happy and thankful when it was over,
even tho my back was still hurting for
 awhile afterwards. I have had a number
 of sonograms over the years, but never
 experienced anything like this before,
and definitely would not like to have
a repeat!   lol

that I got quick and  good results back
 from the ultrasound on Tuesday after-
noon, always a relief to get back good
results from any medical tests.

for the Fall issue of Magnolia Home,
had time to read most of it as I was
convalescing on the couch after my
ultrasound ordeal........This issue is
focused on being Thankful.  Love
these magazines....they were a great
Christmas gift from hubby...........
and the only magazine I usually read
cover to cover........

that when my Magnolia home magazine
came in the mail, it reminded me that I had
gotten a Fall Cottage Journal magazine 
when we were at SAMS last week.....and
then was thinking where is it, and asked
hubby if he remembered seeing it, so we
looked in the car and it wasn't in the car, 
 and I then realized we left it in the top
 part of our basket when leaving Sams,
so decided to just call and see if anyone
turned it in....and they said I could just
come and get another copy.  So have
been enjoying it too.

that Yvonne over at Stone Gables
was featured in the Fall Cottage exciting for her
and all of those that read her blog.
They had a page in the front of
the magazine that didn't say any
source at all.......but I thought I
recognized it as part of Yvonnes
dining room,  and I was right.
Great photo shoot......what a
well deserved honor!!

that lil darling just started to get
excited about coloring,  she has
never really wanted to do that 
with me, at least, so last week I just 
decided to get the regular crayons
rather than the fat ones, and just
started coloring and she followed
suit, just as I had hoped she would, 
and she is already coloring within
 the lines, a great improvement 
from last week, which will help her
 when she starts writing her ABC's.
I never used fat crayons or pencils
with my own children, but I made
the mistake of listening to others
about that with lil darling and I
honestly think it hindered her
more than helped her, as I was
amazed at how much more con-
trol she had with the new 
skinnier crayons.  Amazing!

for Chicken Cacciatore. I made
some on Tuesday and it was great.
I haven't made that in almost 40
yrs.  Why?? I do not know!!  lol
There was an Italian restaurant here
 in town that made it and I got it there
 a few times and it reminded me that I
 used to make it, and wondered how I 
ever got out of the habit. 
 So that restaurant stopped making it
to my dismay, so decided to make
my own easy recipe, using rotisserie
chicken, and it came out pretty
good, if I do say so myself.  lol
A nice blast from the past!!

that I have an abdominal sono-
gram on Saturday that will check
out many organs, so maybe they
will be able to figure out why I
am feeling so exhausted and
bloated lately. Just hoping this
 sonogram is nothing like the
 last one!!  lol
This time it is fasting,  no food
or drink, not even water, and it
isn't until if you feel
so led,  please say a prayer I do
fine until it is over and also that
the results are good......
Thanks 😊

Well.....this has been our week at 
Cozy Place.......

Happy that you came by today,  
and hope you will share something
 you are thankful for with us.

Hope you have a Great
 Back to School Weekend............

Hugs and Blessings,

Sharing with:

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for the love and joy both of you have for one another! Hallelujah to our LORD!
    #2. I just finished the tarragon chicken salad sandwich you recommended! It was great!
    #3. Sleep is wonderful. I wonder what it's going to be like in heaven when we won't need it anymore!!!
    #4. It's always good when that is over with. Next month I have my physical and that will be part of it too!
    #5. I'm glad you were able to hold your bladder!!! If it had been me, I probably would have
    relieved mine!!! My bladder isn't as strong as it used to be!
    #6. Yea!!! Praise the LORD for His blessings on good results! I am thanking Him!
    #7. The LORD always gets good news to us through one means or another!
    #8. That was nice of them!!
    #9. Yes, I should say too, what an honor for her!
    #10. Good for her! I always loved to color (being a kindergarten teacher, I would color along with the kids sometimes, ha!) We even had a coloring game I would do on the overhead!
    #11. I know you enjoyed it. 40 years ago, wow! LOL!
    #12. You know I am praying for you all throughout the day! Stanley had a great message on his daily devotion today, "Overcoming Obstacles." You can read it on
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,

    Glad you liked the Tarragon Chicken salad is a nice change from the normal.
    I think sleeping will be like eating in heaven.....we want need it but we can still do it if
    we want There are times when I get involved in something that I wish I had that
    option not to

    That was a good devotional from Charles Stanley, thanks, always full of truth and help!!

    Thanks for coming by and for all your assorted comments.
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie