Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Most Viewed Posts of 2017 Part 1

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

So do you have all you Christmas
decorations down yet??

I just started on ours yesterday,
 just took down the stuff in the
 guest bath and tried to give it
 a more winterized look....and
 trying to figure out what I can 
leave for awhile that doesn't look 
quite so Christmasy or just take it
all down at once.....know for sure
the tree has to go....lol  but we 
have been enjoying it so much
we aren't quite ready to take her 
down yet. lol

Probably want get a lot done 
today anyway, as I have a dental 
appt. and will probably do a lil 
shopping afterwards since I will 
already be out, and so figured
I would leave the tree up for a
few days since lil darling loves
it too............

Well, since I have nothing new
to share decided to post my most
viewed posts from last year.
Just doing Jan. thru June today.

So here goes......

For January 

Thankful Thursday Jan. 12, 2017.
2 Fun Winter Tables

For February 

Thankful Thursday Feb. 2, 2017
Winter Vignettes from 2017

For March

Thankful Thursday March 2, 2017
Golf Cart House Tour of Charleston

For April

Thankful Thursday April 13, 2017.
Spring/Easter Touches

For May

Thankful Thursday May 18, 2017,
Spring Golf Cart Tour of Charleston

For June

Thankful Thursday June 1, 2017
Spring Golf Cart Tour #3

Thanks for coming by......


Have a lovely week ahead!

Love, Hugs and
Winter Blessings!


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A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable


  1. I think the colder weather lasting for so long makes it fill like Christmas still! My week
    is busy. I met Sylvia for brunch today, tomorrow is Bible study starting up again, Thursday I go for the skin surgery on my cheek, Friday is my hair day/grocery day! Have a great day! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and wow, you do have a busy week!
    Hope your cheek is feeling much better....

    Have a good weekend,
    Love and Blessings,

  3. You are busy! Fun to see past posts... love the snowmen. My tree is still up!

  4. Hi Snap,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland......
    My tree is finally down as of last Saturday evening....really hated to see it go, but must
    get on with Winter life.....lol So how about yours, is it still up or down now?? lol
    Thanks for your visit and kind comments.

    Blessings for a Happy New Year,

    Will come by for a visit soon.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie