Friday, January 12, 2018

Thankful Thursday Jan. 11, 2017, scenes from Winters past.....

He put a new song in my mouth,
 a hymn of praise to our God. 
Many will see and fear the LORD
and put their trust in him.
Psalm 40:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How ya doing today?  Are you
keeping warm??  

 We have some sunshine and warmer
 weather until tomorrow.  It was 79
 here yesterday so I actually stole
a few mins, in the sunshine which
felt glorious since we haven't seen
Mr. Sun too much lately here in
Florida.  lol

We had a lil excitement here last
night.....was lying in bed and
saw lights shining in our living
room window,  then they went
away so just thought it was a
car backing in or something,
then I saw it again and again 
so got up to explore and it was
our neighbors next door and
they had seen a man standing
in our yard and I guess when he
 saw them, they thought he came
 down the side of our house as it 
is wooded over there, so they 
were looking around and called 
the Sheriff's dept. They had
their car robbed some months
back....but hubby checked the
 car and all was well and we
 turned on all the lights outside,
 prayed and went back to sleep.

  So thankful to God for his 
protection and thankful for good
 neighbors and the police who
 came out to check on things.

Thankful for a fun sleepover
last Friday with lil darling, as it has
 been awhile,  and a good evening 
with her and our son.

Thankful that a friend at church
told me she was reading a book
I gave her last year, and it was
really hitting her where she's at 
right now. It is a great book that 
I have read about 3 times and 
think every christian in midlife 
should is called 
Life in the Middle,  midlife and
the Grace of God. In fact, think
I am gonna look mine up and
read it again,  it is such a help-
ful, hopeful and encouraging
book, especially in times of 

Thankful for a new tea hubby
brought me from the store.
It is called Cinnamon Apple
Spice and it is by Celestial
Seasonings.  Delicious!
and.... I can drink it without
sugar too....really like that...
as I can not do coffee without
cream and sugar!!  Plus I get
 tired of coffee after awhile.

Thankful for a good report
at the dentist on Tuesday.

Thankful for a nice relaxing
hand wax scented with lavendar
for free at my dentist office.
Something new they are doing
as it can relax their patients
while getting their dental work
done. I really liked it myself,
it was relaxing and makes 
your hands look and feel
so soft.

Thankful for a fun day out
shopping afterwards.  Found
a couple of new colored glass
candlesticks for when I start
my Winter decorating soon.

Thankful that I had made 
Chili last night for dinner I was starving
when I got home.  Had a
smoothie around lunch time
but it wore

for a sweet day with lil darling,
on Wednesday, and she and
my son stayed for dinner.

Thankful for a call from one of
my best friends on Monday, 
always so great to hear from her.
We always just pick up where
we left that!!

Thankful for the Hallmark chanel
and all the good movies and series
that they have.  We found a new
one called "Signed, Sealed and
Delivered" and we love it, have
only seen 4 episodes, and they
were great.....clean, cute and a
lil bit corny at times,  but so

Thankful that my son-in-love.
Jerry finally got all his birthday
gifts.  His birthday was last
Thursday but because of the
snow in Charleston,  he got nada,
  not even a card in the mail, but he 
did get texts and ecards.....thank
Goodness and they couldn't go
out to dinner either, but everything
 came this passed Tuesday, Finally!
At least it all arrived on the same
 day, so it seemed more like
his birthday!!

Glad you could stop in.....

Have a lovely Friday and

Keep you light shining
brightly...... Love, Hugs and 
January Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique


The Dedicated House

Life and Linda

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His promises, protection, and provisions! I'll pray for the LORD to have His guardian angels to surround your property and keep you safe!
    #2. Thanks to the LORD for His Love to us and ours to Him and family!
    #3. That's an idea! I need to look for my copy and read it again!
    #4. The other day when it was so cold, I pour some of my Crystal Lite ice tea in a cup and heated it in the microwave. It was really good hot instead of cold!
    #5. Yea! Always great feeling when we know nothing else has to be done!
    #6. Hand spa at the Dentist office, lol!
    #7. I can hardly wait to see what you do with the decorating with them!
    #8. I baked myself some spaghetti and cheese today! I hadn't had it in a while! It was good!
    #9. I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time at the table.
    #10. I know how that is (but mine is with Sylvia and Tuesday brunches!)
    #11. GRIT TV has started showing old western movies from the 50's and 60's! From 7:00 on...
    #12. I sent him a text message! He was happy and thanked me!
    Love you all so much, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for your prayers as always....Isn't that crystal light peach tea?? I love peach tea,
    I just finished off some Dee gave me that was called Peach Bellini, it was really good too.

    Yea, I always say going to the dentist for me now, is like going to the spa....just one more
    thing that makes it so..........and my hands still feel and look nice.

    Spaghetti pie sounds good, I haven't made that in a long time.......

    Well, thanks for stoppin in...

    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  3. Nellie, I think "cozy" is the most important word in home decorating! Re:4 I think tea is a much cozier beverage than coffee! :-)

  4. Hi Jean,
    Nice to meet you hear in blogland.....
    I am with you.... I think cozy is very important too.....who wants a sterile look when decorating their home....definitely not me.... or you from the sound of

    Yes, I love tea as well.....and it does conjure up a more cozy feeling.....but have to say
    I live with coffee lovers....when someone comes to visit the first thing my hubby says is
    you want some coffee.....he has the gift of hospitality......and it is so cute because now
    both of our adult children say the same thing when we come

    Have a lovely week, and hope you come to visit again.
    Blessings, Nellie

    Will try to stop by soon to visit you as well.....


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie