Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Manna

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a fun weekend.

Ours was good mostly Fun on Saturday cause
Dee and Jerry came over.  Otherwise, it was a 
typical quiet and restful weekend.  We did watch
a movie called "Loves Begins", which was 
pretty good and a sweet movie based on
a Janette Oke book series.

Have been working on a  birthday card today,
  and reading.  I came across a quote from a
 fellow named John Piper,  think he is a christian
counselor and author,  anyway, I thought his
 quote very thought provoking and thought
I would share it with you as well.
It is.......................

"When God calls us to suffer,  He is not calling
us away from Joy, but into Joy".

Think that is because He is trying to help us
learn to find our Joy in Him alone,  which is
certainly an ongoing process this side of heaven.

So what are your thoughts on that quote???

Have a good evening,



  1. John Piper HAS written books, but is a pastor. I believe he is retiring in the very near future. I That is a great quote.

  2. Yes, John Piper is a very respected author, preacher. My kids introduced me to his writings several years ago.
    That is a profound and convicting quote Nellie. I would like to live that way. If my priorities were such, it would be pleasing to our GOD.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have to agree with that quote because it's when I'm at my weakest I need to turn to the Lord more and more during the day! Hope you're having a nice day! My mother is doing pretty good. We're heading to the surgeon on Thursday to see him. I think they finally have the medication regulated as her heart rate, while not perfect, is not as high as it has been. She's been going in and out of afib for over a week now. But now it's been down in the low 100s and sometimes down to 90. I'm sure the surgeon will advise us on that as well. Take care Nellie!

  4. Our Joy is eternal and directs us to our Heavenly Father and the Joy of our salvation. Sometimes temporary suffering is needed to guide us back to that fellowship with the Holy Spirit in us when we tend to get off the Path. I pray I never get off His Path for me.
    Love to you all, Susan

  5. No suffering on my vacation please! LOL! I love those movies based on Janette Oke books. We don't get the Hallmark channel here. :( That's where I see all those great movies. I just get to see it in Florida. When I went last Christmas I spent all night catching up on the Hallmark channel. Maybe when I move I can change cable carriers and get it back. I miss it!
    Have a great day tomorrow.

  6. Well, you know that I am currently in the process of learning this truth! And I tell you what...I wouldn't trade off what I'm dealing with if it meant I couldn't learn it!

    It is so amazing to know that joy can be found in such abundance when things get thick. We just have to surrender it to God and in floods the joy and peace that truly satisfy!!

    Love ya!
    Had a blast today!! ;o)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie