Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Simple Pleasures

Morning Sweet Folks,

So how are you today???
Doing well,  I hope...................
Same here!! 

Well, last week I came across some pictures that
 I had taken to do a "Simple Pleasures" post, 
actually it is a linky party,  but when I went over
 to check it out last night I didn't see where she had
 been doing any of those posts in the last month,  so
 guess she isn't doing it anymore,  so just decided I
 would go ahead and do it all by my lonesome.
Then if I find out the linky party is still on...
 I will just  link up!!

Now..............For My Simple Pleasure 

I am so grateful for the new blinds that we got in our
 computer room probably almost a year ago. If you
 remember the old ones were broken and I couldn't
 open them. 

 So to be able to look out into the back yard every
day as I am working at the computer, is
 A simple pleasure for sure! 

and here is reason why.................

these are some of the things I see.......

Sunny day with lush greenery

Beautiful blue skies and tree tops

Little bunnies

so sweet

 Can you tell what this is???

Maybe now??  It's rain!!  lol

and also
 squirrels and birds and sometimes flowers
 and my kitty Molly surveying her kingdom.
Our backyard is a sanctuary for me for sure,
and truly a simple pleasure for this woman!!

Thanks for stoppin' in,

Come again soon.....................


Have a lovely day!

Hugs and
Simple Pleasure Blessings,



  1. I'd LOVE to see some rain here! Bunnies, not so much. They're cute as can be, but not so friendly to some of my plants!

    Have a pleasure-filled day, Nellie!

  2. I wish you would send me some of your rain. I need it soooo bad on my garden Ü

  3. You have a beautiful view out your window! I like the concept of thinking of simple pleasures. Life is good when you're a child of the King!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  4. Hi Sweet Nellie

    Love the bunnies....and the rain. We have been having some showers here lately. It is supposed to be nice for the long weekend. I can't wait to relax outside and watch the birds.
    I am finally feeling better. I hope to get my BLOG back up and going.
    Thanks for all making me smile and feel blessed!

  5. It's been raining here for a few days now! And I have to agree with you, it's usually the simple things that make me the happiest! Hope you're having a good week.

  6. It is so beautiful and lush! My back yard is now having more birds since George and Lillian trapped all the ferral cats. My heart breaks for them, for I know they will be put to sleep. My tow are growing and bounding all over the place, ha! They are now nine weeks old. I told Tom when I took them for their check up that I'm just "fostering" and hope to find homes for them! Their check up came out great, no leuk., or the immune defiency disease. Waiting for your Thankful Thursday! Love you all, Susan

  7. I really don't like storms, but I love a gentle rain...the smell, nothing like it! I agree that being able to look out makes all the difference.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie