Thursday, May 31, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - May 31, 2012

 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
 since as members of one body you were called to peace.
 And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Happy Thursday Sweet Peas,

What sort of week did you have??
Hope it has been a good one, or at least
you have had joy and peace... regardless
 of the circumstances.

Have to say my week has been busy,  but a good busy,
and  a very good week.  So guess I will get on
with my thankfuls.......................

I am thankful
for flowers of any kind,  they just add such
color and pleasantry to life,  whether they
are in the yard, in a field or in a vase.
A true gift from God, that shows more of
His wonderful creativeness and handiwork.

I am thankful
that my kitty is doing much better since she
got her allergy shot last Thursday.  She actually
pulls her fur out and I have to say was looking
a bit rugged.  Still looking somewhat rugged
but her hair is already coming back some and
nice not to see her licking and chewing.

I am thankful
that I got to have a long phone conversation
with a friend on Tuesday and Wednesday,  it has
 been awhile since we have seen each other just
 due to so much going on in her life.  So it has
been great catching up.

I am thankful
for the lovely time we had at my daughters
for Memorial Day.

I am thankful
for games of all kinds,  they somehow spell
love to me..........think it is because it was one
of the most loving things my grandmother who
was not such a nice lady actually did with us.
Plus I just think it draws a family together,
and brings some fun to any occasion.

I am thankful
for the excitement, pleasure and anticipation
of  planning special events.  Father's Day is
coming up next,  so gotta put my thinking cap
on, a fun thing to do for me!!

I am thankful
for older neighborhoods and how quaint, quiet
and welcoming they are...............just something
about them............any time you visit one......
makes you want to just move there.  We have lived
 in our neighborhood for 32 yrs. now,  and I am guessing
people probably feel that way about our neighborhood
too, at least I hope so.................

I am thankful
for  the lovely home we have and for the ability
to keep it......not just financially but in practical
ways like cleaning and painting it.  It has been
a dream come true for this woman who came
from a financially challenged single parent home.
It was like moving into a palace for me!!
just in case that confuses you because I have
said before that my dad and grandparents
owned a diner,  well they did,  but I only lived
summers with my dad,  the rest of the time
I lived with my Mom,  and like most single
Mom's finances were a big problem.
Not complaining,  just saying............
Because honestly,  I learned a great deal about life,
 living in those circumstances...............
.and wouldn't change a thing!!  Think it has made
me appreciate the things I do have so much.

I am thankful
for Christian music and teaching on radio
and TV,  and how it just lifts your spirits
anytime  but especially when I really need it.

I am thankful
for my lil mint cleaner and for swiffer dusters
and how much easier they make cleaning for me.
Can you tell I am cleaning today???  lol

I am thankful
that our Pastor has been invited to one of our
local TV stations and programs tomorrow.
Not sure when it airs,  but can't wait to see it,
as he is really a man who loves God and I
am sure the Lord will really use him.

I am thankful
to hear that a 17 yr. old  girl who is an honor student that
was suppose to be put in jail for truancy has gotten a
 reprieve because of the outcry of help from her community. 
 I read about it Sunday morning and it just made me cry.
 This kid has really been going through it, her parents 
divorced and moved away leaving her to help take care
 of a brother who was in college and a younger sister and 
she was working 2 jobs, and going to High School and
 taking AP classes and honor classes, trying to do her work
 and keep her grades up and I am sure she is grieving 
about the divorce and the loss of her parents, and the
 judge just did not take into account or did not know all
 the circumstances but thankfully, an attorney went to bat
 for her. Not sure if she had to stay in jail for the day or not, 
 but at least they cleared her record. The community took
 up a huge collection for her and it is about $100,000,  but 
she refuses to accept it and wants to give it to someone
 less fortunate than herself. What a kid!! So happy to see
 all the good things that have happened for her.
This is one time to be proud of our news media. and
really renews your faith in the heart of people for giving
so generously.

Well,  that is my list of blessings for
 this week, and hope it helps you
 to count yours too.

Glad you came to visit.............
 love hearing from you!

Love,  Hugs, and 
 Sweet Life Blessings,



  1. I am so thankful for all my blessings in this life and today I get to add a new one.

    3 years ago , one of neighbors several houses away stopped speaking to me. I never knew why and the one time I made contact she said she was busy and hung up.. I tried to think of what on earth I could have done and never came up with anything.
    This afternoon I was watering all the new plantings we had put in this year and she walked into the yard and up to me smiling and saying she just had to stop by and tell me how beautiful the yard looked. I jsut smiled and thanked her like nothing had ever happened. We talked about mundane issues- the weather- price of yard help and such and then said " see ya later"..
    While this was a wonderful experience, I have to say the greatest blessing is , I am a different person than I was even 2 years ago, becuase that person would have challlneged her and asked what exactly had been her problem for 3 years.. The person I am today, didnt ask, she smiled and accepted with gratitude having this person back in her life..

    Have a wonderful weekend sweet friend.

  2. Your list is lovely and sets an upbeat tone for your day and week.

  3. That's an impressive story about the young girl! Your list is GREAT as usual. I'm thankful for flowers also this week. I've been spending time in our garden and working on planting flowers in pots. AND really learning to enjoy everything I do, that is one lesson the Lord has been teaching me and I'm happy to be learning this! I feel that so many years I've rushed through everyday life just to get to the next day to rush again. Thankful the Lord is helping me to enjoy my life! enjoy your weekend!

  4. #1. I can hardly wait until the wildflowers on my back property bloom again! It is so pretty to look across and see the colors!
    #2. Sam (my dog) has alergies too. It happens every Spring and Fall. I usually have to get him a shot too!
    #3. Catching up with friends is so wonderful. I'm so surprised there is so much to catch up on every month Sylvia and I get together!
    #4. What a great time to spend with family. (That was my housework day, yuk!)
    #5. I remember when as a kid we used to pay 500 rummy back in the '60's. Of course, dad usually always won. I don't know how he did that!!
    #6. I'm glad we have a special day for our dads! They deserve their day just as our moms!
    #7. Don't you know it. I have lived in mine for 28 years. Being on a culdesac, we built first, then George & Lillian (Ely's 1st), Alice and Boddy, then Linda. Having the same neighbors for so many years makes such a difference. Also, no kids screaming, yelling, or parents hollaring at them, ha!
    #8. Ditto! Until we sold out in the Keys and moved here, we always lived in trailors. I didn't know what it was to live in a house!
    #9. Amen! My favorite is to watch the Gaither's hour of singing!
    #10. DON'T YOU KNOW IT! Thank you for giving me my Mint! I have been in a totally different mind set since I got rid of the carpeting and continued my laminate flooring!
    #11. I can't thank the LORD enough for me being able to get into video taping his sermons along with one other camera! I am so blessed by doing so!
    #12. GOD will richly bless her for giving "it" all by asking them to give it to someone "less fortunate." I pray the LORD has a great future for her.
    Love to you all, Susan.

  5. Nellie

    A great list of thankfuls and beautiful flowers. We have been enjoying the cool weather all the not enjoying the flying cottonwood that gets my allergies going.
    I love you and your BLOG. I love to see the positive ane encouragement from you.

    Blessings & Love

  6. I saw that story too about going to jail for missing too much school. Ridiculous! That's why we need to stick together as a people.
    32 years in the same neighborhood! WOW! I have never stayed anywhere more than 3 or 4 years. Changed countries, continents you name it.

  7. You are a beautiful person. I love how you count your blessings.

  8. OK. I'm worried. It's not like you to go so long w/o a post! Hope all is well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie