Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Manna

Glorious Monday to You,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Our's was very nice, quiet, relaxing,  yet productive.
Talked, ate, read, sat out in the yard, played some cards
and some music, and did some bowling on the wii.........
we are hooked on that!!  lol
Yet I got the porch cleaned, as the spiders were trying
to take over out there, once it starts raining seems like
they all run inside on the porch, course, they do that any-
way, but it only gets worse when it rains,  then my kitty 
is shedding and so her hair gets stuck in the webs, 
 so it looks like a pretty nasty
So hopefully that will last a few days anyway!

We got our yard all mowed and edged and it looks
so pretty since everything is so green and lush from
all the rain this past week.  Then we got all our book-
keeping caught up which is always a good thing!!  lol

It is just a simply gloriously beautiful day here in central
 Florida.  Went out for a short walk again,  then worked in
 the backyard for a bit, trimming some branches on a tree,
 looks so much better now.  I feel great and am still trying
 to figure out what I want for breakfast, so thought 
I would do a post while I was thinking!! lol

I happened to come across this lil track that I found
in my purse,  it has been there for years,  but thought
it would be good to share it with you.

It is called
What Money Can Buy

Money Will Buy:

A bed BUT NOT sleep.
Books BUT NOT brains.
Food BUT NOT an appetite.
Finery BUT NOT beauty.
A house BUT NOT a home.
Medicine BUT NOT health.
Luxuries BUT NOT culture.
Amusement BUT NOT happiness.
A crucifix BUT NOT a saviour.
A church pew BUT NOT heaven.

What money can't buy,
Jesus Christ can give freely
 without charge

Have to say I have found that to be so true
and sure hope you have too. 

John 14:6
Jesus answered,  I am the way, and the truth,
and the life.  No one comes unto the Father
except through me. 

 So if you are searching
Jesus is your Man,  God/Man that is.........
Fully God (Divine just like God and
Fully Man (human just like us)
accept He Never Sinned or Did Anything Wrong!

Well, I am off to have some breakfast,  course,
it is probably more like lunch since it is 11:00,
and I remembered  we have leftover pizza,
and a pc. of chocolate cream pie we got
at Publix, goes wonderfully well with a nice
cold glass of

Thanks for stoppin' by and make sure
 to say Hi............cause I just love 
hearing from ya!

Have a sunny week!

Hugs and
What money can't buy Blessings,


  1. I love the idea of lush green lawns in your area. There isn't much extra water here for green lawns. Yes, Jesus gives for free.

  2. We enjoyed many hours outdoors, too, over the weekend!

    It's dry here, also. We gave the sprinklers a good workout.

  3. It hasn't rained here for a while. It's still green though.

    So glad you're enjoying life. Have a great week!

  4. We had a wonderful weekend. Long run on Saturday. Bought a lot to build a house on! Worship on Sunday and lots of family time with the kids. Wonderful!

  5. Looks like it was a beautiful weekend to be outside for many of us. I love mowing the lawn and the smell of fresh mown grass.. Things are green and lush here and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

    Glad you found joy in your weekend.

  6. Ha... I cleaned my porch today, too. It was my back screened in porch and oh how I love sitting out there now. All nice and clean. For awhile anyway Ü

  7. I love that...what money can't buy. So thought-provoking, don't you think? It's so easy to chase after what money *can* buy that it's REALLY nice to be reminded about what really matters. Thank you!


  8. John 14:6 is one of my absolute favorite Scripture passages!!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. The reason you couldn't leave a comment is that I have had comments disabled. I actually went back and removed them again, as getting caught up in how many comments I receive really detracts from blogging for me. Sadly, as with everything else, blogging has become about "the numbers"...the higher the number, the more successful we feel. So I have removed what, for me, has become a stumbling block.

    Not much new. Hope all is well on your end.


  9. It's THURSDAY! I thought I'd better check my blogs!!!! I love your poem! It is so true!!! I've got to get to straightening up for next week. On Tuesday, Mid-Florida comes to do their yearly care for my air conditioner. Thursday, West Pest comes to do their yearly check up for termites. I need to ask how to get rid of the flour moths in the bird's room!
    Love you all, Susan

  10. The weather here has been glorious! We are supposed to have 90's over the weekend, so that is a bit warm for me. We do need some rain, the yard is "browning" a bit.

    Have you seen "Walk It Out" for the Wii? I do it every day during the week. It is wonderful walking exercise and so fun (at least the first few times you solve it). I've done it so much now that I turn off their music and put on my own. I just want them to come about with part 2, so far not happeing.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie