Friday, January 19, 2018

Thankful Thursday January 18, 2017, Scenes of Winters Past #2

You will keep in perfect peace those
 whose minds are steadfast,
 because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

All I can say is BRRRRR!
It is cold out there..... hope you are
 keeping toasty warm and cozy.....
 No snow for us tho..... so we have to
fake it here in Florida, which 
explains my winter's past photos
this week......

We have had a lot of stressful things
 going on these last few weeks, but
God has been good in the midst
of it you will read.....

#1  and 2

Thankful for a fun day out on Monday
since hubby was off. We went looking
for a new dresser and night stands in
 White, but didn't find anything we
 liked or that the drawers were made
 well...which is the problem we are
 having with our dresser we have
right now........
But thankful however, we did visit 
a Lazy Boy store which did not have
 any bedroom furniture but we did find 
out that they had reclining sofas that
 were electric and mechanicalwhich is 
what we have now and love,  but it is 
getting old and we have not seen any-
thing we like to replace it with, so we
 were considering just having it
 recovered, but the Lazy Boy sales
 person said you can have just about
any sofa or chair in the store made
 with just about any fabric you would
 like....which was music to my ears,
 cause most of the reclining sofas are 
leather or leather look, and it just
doesn't go with the cozy look that
we like, so that was good info to 
tuck away for future use.

Thankful for our we 
have been having lots of fires at night
 lately, and they are so nice and cozy.

#4 and 5
Thankful that my daughter had a cat
scan Thursday and that everything 
went well and hopefully will get the
results tomorrow, and thankful
that her new Dr. took her seriously
and sent her right away to have it just waiting to hear
the results........and praying they
are good.......

Thankful for a new ethnic restaurant
that we tried that we had heard about
and that is close by....they make
 fabulous Puerto Rican food.  They
make a shredded beef dish which
is like a cuban dish I make, called
Ropa Veija, and it tastes as good
as mine.............yum....gonna get
some tonight.

#7, 8 and 9
Thankful that we are close to finally
having my Mom's estate settled, as it
has been a longggg time in coming.
thankful that things got dispersed to
those I wanted it to.......
thankful we are in the process of getting
 a new realtor, which is a very good the empty house can now
 be sold......

Thankful for some really sweet and
special to me blessings from the 
Lord this week....
I call them mini miracles....and I would 
tell you about them but it is just too long
 a story....but they have to do with
 receiving some of my Mom's jewelry
 last Saturday.  My Mom has been in
 heaven for over 12 yrs. now.

Thankful for facebook, as it helped me
find out that some dear friends of 48
yrs, lost their daughter few months 
ago.....and we were able connect with
 them. So heartbreaking as she was 
 a sweet and beautiful young lady........
and her parents are just wonderful 
people.....the Good news is they are
 people of faith and know that their 
daughter is with Jesus.  

Thankful that I have finally gotten
all the Christmas things down and
packed away.   yay!!

With colored pencil affect.


Another week at Cozy Place...........

Glad you dropped by....

Have a Warm and Wonderful

Love, Hugs and 
Winter time Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique


The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1 & #2. My recliner is the leather kind. It can be cold when I first sit in it, but I don't have to worry with the cats using it as a "scratching post." My living room sofa and love seat as well and they leave them alone too!
    #3. Wouldn't you know, the room I spend most of my time in, is the farthest from the heater vent! At least the bird's room is the closest and it stays perfect for them. They talk, tweet, and chatter all day long! I just bundle up in my long gown, jacket, and blanket!
    #4 & #5. Praise the LORD for those good results. I've been in prayer all throughout the night!
    #6. I'll have to find out from you where it is! I wonder if they have take out?
    #7, #8, & #9. Hallelujah to our LORD!
    #10. Yes!!! Thank you for sharing with me the LORD's miracle to you!
    #11. That is sorrowful, but what a blessing we have in the LORD that the separation is only for a little while!
    #12. Yea, now the spring things will be coming in a couple of months! I'm sure you will be ready for it just as I am!! I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Nellie,
    Sorry to hear about all the stress going on. It just wouldn't be life without it right? Always something going on or pending over your hear! I hope everything turned out well for your daughter and that the results came back with good news. Medical issues are the most stressful for sure. Wishing you all the strength you need to get through this rough patch.
    lots of hugs,

  3. HI Susan,

    Yes, leather is great if you have pets...........

    and yes, they do have takeout.....I email you.........

    Winter is what makes Spring soooo wonderful......and of course, the beauty of all the new

    Love and blessings,

  4. Nellie, I'm thankful for my fireplace as well!! The snow last week was pretty, but I was happier by the warm fire. Thanks for sharing with us at our #HomeMattersParty! Hope to see you this Friday as well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie