Friday, January 26, 2018

Thankful Thursday January 25, 2018, Winters Past #3

 Praise be to the Lord,
 to God our Savior,
 who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 68:19 NIV

Winter Greetings
Sweet Friends.

How are things going at your house??

They are going over
 In fact, my Christmas stuff has gone
and my Winter decorating is still
coming along........getting closer to
being finished all the time.  I am
so ready for it to be done.  As I
have other fish to

Todays pictures are from another 
Winter Past......hopefully next week 
you will be able to see some from

So on with my thankful list...........

So thankful that my daughters cat
 scan came back with no abnormalities.
Praise God..... from whom all 
blessings  flow.......She is also feel-
ing better, we now think it was a
pulled muscle under her ribcage.

Thankful we got both of our cars
serviced this week, and a dangerous
 airbag recall notice taken care of, 
another relief for this week!

Pic in center is from a Christmas card

#3, 4 and 5
Thankful that we were able to go
out shopping afterwards and to
dinner.  Thankful we also found
a cool new store, that has vintage
and antiques, and all sorts of cool
pieces like Joanna Gaines uses
while decorating, and they have
all sorts of different vendors.
What a fun store.....haven't seen
any stores like this in years, so
what a fun discovery.
Thankful too that we rediscovered
a restaurant we tried before but
weren't too impressed with some
yrs. back, so never went there again.
  They were packed out on Sat. night
 but we both really enjoyed it very 
much, and they are much more
 reasonably priced and have such a
 nice atmosphere and the service 
was good too.  They are called

Decided to change it up, since it
didn't show up all that well.

Thankful for the "Planet Earth"
video Series, they are just so 
interesting and educational, and
sometimes downright funny.
We were watching Planet Earth
part 2, Season 1 and episode 2,
and they had grizzly bears that
just came out of hibernation 
scratching their backs on trees
and then later a huge flock of
flamingos, marching together
and looked like an animated
Disney show, but was for real.
So funny and cute...........
We get it thru netflix in case
you are interested.............

The snow scene came from the
back cover of a Winter cottage
magazine some years back and
I stuck the lil sign on it.

Thankful I got all my laundry
done before the next cold wave.

Thankful for the blessing

of hearing lil darling singing
"This is the day that the Lord
has made" on Wednesday.

Thankful to have had contact
thru email with a childhood
friend this week, and for her
sharing some encouraging 
thoughts with me.

Thankful to have all the 
Christmas stuff down and packed
 away for another year.

Thankful to have the family room
and everything but the table redone,
in the dining room, due to it holding
 all the stuff I am using to redecorate.
In process with the foyer and living
room now..........

Thankful for Heaven and that we
know what a marvelous and
Wonderful place it will be where
there will be no more sorrow or
tears, and no more worries or
problems, and just a pefect and
Joyful, peaceful place..... just the
 thought of it is so encouraging!! 
Not that I am ready to go yet, 
 but readier than I used to
The longer we live and the more
people we lose to Heaven and the
trials and tribulations of this world,
I believe God uses to make us 
more and more ready for Heaven.

Well, there you have it folks
another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by Today,

Have a Wonderful Weekend,

Blessings Galore,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

The Dedicated House

Life and Linda


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. PRAISE OUR LORD for answered prayers! Joyful, joyful we adore Thee! I am overjoyed to hear the GOD news!
    #2. Yes, I'm so glad all is now well!
    #3 #4 #5. I hope the prices are great too!
    #6. I have always loved wildlife shows! Of course we have some in our own back yards too!
    #7. I need to refresh some jackets in the DRYER (thank You!!)
    #8. I can hardly wait to hear her sing it!!!
    #9. Lovely surprises!
    #10. I'm sure you are! When tasks are done, it's great to relax from it and enjoy the new tasks at hand!
    #11. It's almost like a package opening like Christmas! Only you already know what's in it!
    #12. Amen! And especially after seeing a quick news clip of the "Doomsday Clock" being moved to 2 minutes before 12:00! I thank our Almighty GOD that He has everything in control on His own time clock! Come, LORD Jesus, even NOW! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Yes, that new store actually has pretty good pricing....course, if you are looking for antiques they are gonna be more, but I still think they are reasonably priced. They actually have something for everyone and prices in every range.....which is great. I bought a lil
    vintage dish for $4. and it is so cute.

    Haven't seen or heard anything about the "Doomsday clock"....not that we need to worry cause
    they are always wrong.........and no one knows when the Lord is coming but God......
    I think of so many times people have said that the Lord is coming back and they have been
    wrong everytime.....they are lucky they didn't live in bible times or they would have been
    stoned to death............

    Have a good day and thanks for coming by,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie