Saturday, April 28, 2018

Quotes to Ponder.....

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends

Saw what I thought was a 
great quote for today. so
here it is below.

Be on the lookout for mercies. 
 The more we look for them, 
the more of them we will see...
Better to lose count while naming
 your blessings, than to lose your 
blessings, to counting your troubles.

Author unknown

Now isn't that the truth!!

Happy Mercie Pondering

Have a Blessed Day,

Friday, April 27, 2018

Thankful Thursday April 26th, 2018, Golf cart tour of charleston homes #3

Devote yourselves to prayer,
 being watchful and thankful.
Colossian 4:2  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are ya??  Enjoying these last
days of April,  I hope.....

I am just amazed that we are about
to leave April and enter May.....
Where is the time is
almost shocking!!

Not much exciting going on here
this week, other than sewing and
doing laundry and the typical
household things. Lil darling is
coming for a sleepover on Sat.
So excited about that!

Today I have
more pics of homes in Charleston, 
and this can go on for quite awhile,
as I took a lot of pics this last time. 
Glad that everyone seems to love them, 
 as lots of people come by when I post 
them.  If you missed part 2 and would
enjoy seeing them.  Just click here.

#1 and 2
Thankful for a fun time at a Mary Kay
party on Sat. afternoon, and thankful that
I met 2 ladies that go to my church that I
 had never met before, and I am a greeter
 in the main lobby every Sunday, so they
 must come and go thru another door, as
I have never even seen them before.  lol

Thankful for a fun time out afterwards
 with hubby doing some errands and then
 going out for Mexican food at one of
 our favorite places.

Thankful for finding some really cute
 baby boy clothes at a great price for 
a gift for the couple in our class.
 Lil boys clothes are not nearly as much 
fun to buy, at least for me, as lil girl 
clothes, but these were really adorable.
They are by Garanimals and I found
them unexpectantly at Wally World.
I used to buy Garanimals for my son
when he was little,  and he is 40 yrs.
old now,  so they are well made and
the Co. must be doing something be in business after all
these years.

Thankful that we finished my Friends
 Sister's cushions on Monday and we 
were happy with the way they came out, 
and I think we probably saved her
 between $90-120.00. and she was able
 to get all the fabric for just $5.00....
Now how is that for being thrifty!!

Thankful that my Friends sister and
I have become fast friends thru doing
this project together.....we work really
well together, and she is a quick learner,
 and we really had a great time.
I have known her for almost 37 yrs.
but never really did anything one on one
 with her, was mainly around her with my
 friend an her family, and she is hilarious,
and keeps me laughing and brings out 
my funny side too and who couldn't 
use more laughter in their
So we will definitely be getting
together again soon.

Thankful that I got a bush by our mail-
box trimmed back finally.....It has been
 bugging me for awhile but it is always
 in the hot sun, so was waiting for an over-
cast day, as it is much cooler then.........
So today was the day, so got dressed and 
by the time I did.....the sun came out.....
so thought of well, today is the day!! lol
It looks like a well groomed shrub now,
and it wasn't too hot since there was
a nice breeze blowing.

Thankful that I found a tablecloth that
I had for my porch some years back,
but it was rarely used, but realized it
matches my rugs and cushions out
there, and with a few small changes
I can have a nice change out there,
so doing some thinking about that
now.......hmmm.....maybe for

Thankful for the fun of seeing a Opossum
scamper through our yard.  It was in the
daytime tho, so makes me wonder if he
is sick or rabid, as they are nocturnal and
you don't usually see them in the daytime.

Note:  I checked online about seeing the
Opossum in the daytime, they said they
rarely get rabies as they have a very low
temp, which prevents the virus that carries 
rabies from taking root, and that it wasn't
all that unusual to see them out in the day-
time if their sleep was interrupted or 
something scared them awake or if there
was a shortage of food like in the Winter
 time.  Interesting!!

Thankful for lovely pics from a dear
long time friends, daughters wedding.
So enjoyed seeing them, and think there
 are more to come. They got married at
 the Biltmore Estate Conservatory in 
Asheville, N.C. and the scenery was
beautiful and it looked like a Fairy Tale
Wedding  Our friends live in Tenn. and 
their daughter and new hubby live in
 California. So this must have been
quite a feat to pull off......but looked


Thankful for a new lil black sleeve-
less summer casual dress I got for
my birthday while in Charleston.
I have worn it twice now and it 
pairs great with my white sandals,
silver earrings and my now silver
hair.  lol  and best of all......
  I feel good in it.
It is comfy and stylish!!


Thankful I am feeling better today,
last night about 5, I started feeling
very nauseous and tired so laid
down for a lil while and did feel
some better, but was pretty much
down for the count last night,
but feel much better today.
Think I must have just been that sometimes
 happens when I am overtired....

Well, there you have it folks
another week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by,

Have a Super Duper Friday 
and weekend.

Love, Hugs and
End of April Blessings,


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

After Easter, Spring Decorating

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you fine and dandy,
as someone used to say, when I was

Gorgeous day out,  which is nice
cause we have had a number of
overcast and rainy days,  so nice to
 see the sunshine the last few days.

Had a nice weekend and sewed most
 of the day on Monday with a new 
found friend, and have been doing
 more cooking and reading lately too.
So that has been nice.

Am still trying to get my house 
redecorated after Easter..... and I am 
making progess....slowly.  So will
 show you some of the progress
today.......these pics are from our
family room.  You can click on
any picture for better viewing

So on we go............

Decided on something simple for 
the coffee table

with photocopy affect

 For the mantle I wanted to use the
 Magnolia print I got in January and 
also wanted to add these 2 grateful
 plaques that friends gave hubby for
 his birthday.  Thought they went
well with the picture.

At first the plaques just didn't show up 
that well and because I was using a lot
 of white, I decided to add some card-
stock behind them, and it did the trick.

I had to work with this a bit as it needed 
something, and couldn't figure out quite
what it was, so I added white flowers, and
 then the bird nest and eggs and replaced
a white pitcher with this pink vase with
 greenery,  cause I am using pink in the
room too, so finally I like the way it
 looked.  lol  So what you are seeing
   is the finished product after lots
 of tweaking.

Poster edges affect

Next was the sofa table.

Love this lil nest picture I found online
somewhere last year,  I think in the 
botanical prints from Google images
 maybe....and of course,  bird nests 
with eggs just scream Spring to me.

Here is a clear shot of the picture. 
 Hard to get a good shot do to the 
lighting and glare.

Enjoying the new look, but think 
I want to move the furniture 
around yet.....and yes, very

Thanks for stopping by to visit,

Have a lovely rest of the week


keep your light shining brightly.

With light affect

Love, Hugs and 
end of April Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Shabby Art Boutique

Starfish Cottage


Life and Linda

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning.....

Here is the scripture for the day!

He replied, (the He is Jesus)
 “If you have faith as small as
 a mustard seed,
 you can say to this mulberry tree,
 ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’
 and it will obey you.

Luke 17:6 NIV

Really makes you think.....

Have a Very Blessed Day,


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A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Shabby Art Boutique

Starfish Cottage

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday April 19, 2018, spring golf cart home tour of Charleston #2

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
 his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to these days??

I have been up to taking down my
 Easter things and packing them away 
and trying to make it look more like 
Spring in here.
I am having trouble getting my
 mojo on for some reason, so it has
 been like pulling teeth, but it's coming
along slowly....much slower than I 
would like.....but coming along. lol

Today I added  more pics from
 Charleston!!  Sorry for some of the
 wonky pics....I thought about not
using them,  but thought ehh, a lil
inperfection is good

So will get on with my post.

Thankful Susan is totally back to she had a pretty rough
 go of it for well over a week.

Thankful for a fun date night on Sat.
night, we went to Home Goods and
 then to our new "At Home' store for 
the first time, then to dinner.

Thankful that we got some more
things that we needed to accomplish
 off our retirement to do list.

Thankful that we only saw about
1/3 of the "At Home" store which
 was the outdoor department, mostly
 outdoor furniture, cushions, pillows,
 gardening stuff and decorations, and
we weren't all that impressed, but
it was fun just to do something diff-
erent for a change, and think our next
 visit will more than likely be better,
and it will give us some new things
to check out..........mostly things that
 go inside the home hopefully.  lol

Thankful for a fun time at Scott
and Megans house on Sunday,
and the yummy baked ziti they

Thankful for perfect timing, as
our power went out, right after
we left to go to Scott and Megans
and came back on right before we
 got home from Scott and Megans,
according to voice mails we got 
from our power Company.....and
it was a rainy and muggy night.
So thankful to have escaped that.

Thankful that Mom and baby are
fine for a couple from our class.
The had quite a traumatic experience
as the baby was suppose to be born
at home with a midwife.  The mid
wife did not make it in time and
the Dad had to deliver the baby.
Thank the Lord all went well.
Baby was born on Easter Sunday
and we saw him and his Mom
yesterday and they are doing
great!   God is good!!

Thankful that we have successfully
freed one of our trees that grape
vine was trying to takeover, cause if
 it does it will kill the tree. We have 
some like that already.
 Of course, this will be an ongoing
 battle as grapevine proliferates
 incredibly fast.

Have to say I thought this house had a message
all it's own, they love God, they love America,
they love babies and relaxation.  lol


Thankful that a situation with the
paperwork on my late Mom's
home, got solved very quickly,
even tho the realtor wasn't too
thrilled about it...but I was!!

Thankful for leftover Ziti that
Megan sent us home with on
Sunday night.  It was dinner
on Tues. night and tasted even
better than on Sunday, gotta 
love leftovers like that........

Thankful for sweet lil surprises
left by our grandaughter after
she has been here on Wed.
An Easter egg hidden in a dish
and a strawberry shortcake 
figure, and sometimes she groups 
things as a family if I have them
 separated.  Such sweet and fun 
reminders of her,

Thankful for the God's word, the
 Bible and the guidance it provides
 us, each and every day.

Well, there you have it folks,

another week at Cozy Place.

If you missed house tour #1
and would like to view it
Click Here
Glad you came by today and hope
you have a sweet rest of the week!!

Love, Hugs and
Mid-April Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Saavy Southern Style

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends

Here is the scripture for today.

Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the
resurrection of the Christ, that he was not 
abandoned to the grave, nor did his body
see decay.  God has raised this Jesus
to life, and we are all witnesses of
the fact.

Acts 2:31-32 NIV

The above was written by Luke, 
who also wrote the gospel of Luke

Have a peaceful day!

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...