Sunday, April 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday April 19, 2018, spring golf cart home tour of Charleston #2

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
 his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Greetings Sweet Friends,

What cha' been up to these days??

I have been up to taking down my
 Easter things and packing them away 
and trying to make it look more like 
Spring in here.
I am having trouble getting my
 mojo on for some reason, so it has
 been like pulling teeth, but it's coming
along slowly....much slower than I 
would like.....but coming along. lol

Today I added  more pics from
 Charleston!!  Sorry for some of the
 wonky pics....I thought about not
using them,  but thought ehh, a lil
inperfection is good

So will get on with my post.

Thankful Susan is totally back to she had a pretty rough
 go of it for well over a week.

Thankful for a fun date night on Sat.
night, we went to Home Goods and
 then to our new "At Home' store for 
the first time, then to dinner.

Thankful that we got some more
things that we needed to accomplish
 off our retirement to do list.

Thankful that we only saw about
1/3 of the "At Home" store which
 was the outdoor department, mostly
 outdoor furniture, cushions, pillows,
 gardening stuff and decorations, and
we weren't all that impressed, but
it was fun just to do something diff-
erent for a change, and think our next
 visit will more than likely be better,
and it will give us some new things
to check out..........mostly things that
 go inside the home hopefully.  lol

Thankful for a fun time at Scott
and Megans house on Sunday,
and the yummy baked ziti they

Thankful for perfect timing, as
our power went out, right after
we left to go to Scott and Megans
and came back on right before we
 got home from Scott and Megans,
according to voice mails we got 
from our power Company.....and
it was a rainy and muggy night.
So thankful to have escaped that.

Thankful that Mom and baby are
fine for a couple from our class.
The had quite a traumatic experience
as the baby was suppose to be born
at home with a midwife.  The mid
wife did not make it in time and
the Dad had to deliver the baby.
Thank the Lord all went well.
Baby was born on Easter Sunday
and we saw him and his Mom
yesterday and they are doing
great!   God is good!!

Thankful that we have successfully
freed one of our trees that grape
vine was trying to takeover, cause if
 it does it will kill the tree. We have 
some like that already.
 Of course, this will be an ongoing
 battle as grapevine proliferates
 incredibly fast.

Have to say I thought this house had a message
all it's own, they love God, they love America,
they love babies and relaxation.  lol


Thankful that a situation with the
paperwork on my late Mom's
home, got solved very quickly,
even tho the realtor wasn't too
thrilled about it...but I was!!

Thankful for leftover Ziti that
Megan sent us home with on
Sunday night.  It was dinner
on Tues. night and tasted even
better than on Sunday, gotta 
love leftovers like that........

Thankful for sweet lil surprises
left by our grandaughter after
she has been here on Wed.
An Easter egg hidden in a dish
and a strawberry shortcake 
figure, and sometimes she groups 
things as a family if I have them
 separated.  Such sweet and fun 
reminders of her,

Thankful for the God's word, the
 Bible and the guidance it provides
 us, each and every day.

Well, there you have it folks,

another week at Cozy Place.

If you missed house tour #1
and would like to view it
Click Here
Glad you came by today and hope
you have a sweet rest of the week!!

Love, Hugs and
Mid-April Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Saavy Southern Style

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable


  1. #1. Amen, Praise our LORD! It takes something like that to realize how blessed it is to have good health!
    #2. Your dates should never stop! What a joy to spend in one another's company!
    #3. Yahoo! Isn't it great! Thank the LORD for His blessings of retirement! Hallelujah!
    #4. All the more to look forward to it once you know what they offer!
    #5. Sounds delicious! Did Scott do the cooking?
    #6. I haven't had any power outage, but several times this passed week there were a couple of blips that were enough to make my TV go off and immediately back on.
    #7. What an experience for each of them, mom, dad, and baby!!!
    #8. IT IS AN ONGOING BATTLE! Thank the LORD for Steve and his dad! They have done a great job of keeping it off my fence line. It was a horrible mess when they first cleared it. They now keep it in control to not ever get like that again!
    #9. Yea! I pray for you every day for the LORD's blessing on its sell!
    #10. That's how it was with me when I went out with the ladies. I ordered an extra Turkey dinner and it lasted me two meals! coconut pie too!
    #11. As she gets older she will surprise you even more with her love for you!
    #12. Yes! GOD speaks to us through His Word and we surely are given daily direction by reading what He has for us in His plan for our lives.
    Love you all, Susan

  2. The pictures of Charleston are always beautiful. I like some of the things on your thankful list and how we need to appreciate the little blessings in life. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  3. Hi Susan,
    Yea, AT Home is a very large store, so it will take 2 more times to get throught it probably,
    but I am sure our 2nd visit will be more enjoyable probably, so looking forward to it.

    As far as the Ziti, it was a team effort, Scott and Megan did it together and it turned out really well

    It is great that you have Steve and his Dad to keep up with that for you. I wish we only
    had one area to worry about......but once Jim retires we will have more time to work out
    there which will help a lot.

    Have a great day
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Donna,
    Thanks so much for coming by and for your encouraging comments, they are very appreciated.
    Also thanks for hosting at Home Matters, as well.
    Blessings for a lovely week,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie