Friday, April 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday April 19, 2018, Spring Golf Cart Home Tour of Charleston

May the righteous be glad and rejoice 
before God;
 may they be happy and joyful.
Psalm 68:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week,

Ours has been good and fairly quiet
with a few exciting things!!

I feel like I have Spring fever or
something,  just so unmotivated
this week,  hopefully next week
will be better.........think it could
just be me,  missing my girl.....

Added some lovely home photos
 from our trip to Charleston a week
 or so ago.  Enjoy!!

So on with my Thankfuls.......

Thankful for my amazingly brilliant
husband. Last week our internet and
phone were out....they sent us a new 
modem and  hubby put it in and every-
thing worked fine but our phone,
so they sent someone out on Sunday
afternoon as the problem was on their
side.....and the fellow came and could
not figure it out, so they were gonna
have to send another person out, and
now our phone was out completely,
where it was working for people to
call in, we just couldn't call out.
So anyway my hubby got on the
internet and found a way to fix it.
Who needs ATT when you have
a brilliant guy on your hands.
My Hero.....he can fix anything!

Thankful to have our phone back
up an running and not to have to
have someone else come to fix it.

Thankful for a restful weekend
after being away, traveling and 
watching lil darling and unpacking.
Really wanted to have the family 
over last weekend, but just didn't 
have the energy,

Thankful that my daughter and her
hubby made it to his brothers wedding
 and back safely and that they had 
a great time with his family.

Thankful that my sister-in-law 
checked out at the Dr. okay,  as she
was feeling really bad and had a
stiff neck....some meds and some
more rest and hopefully she will
be good as new in a few days.
Update: Doing better but not
quite there yet....still very tired.
If anyone feels led to pray for
her, we would appreciate it.

#6, 7, and 8
Thankful that my late Mom's house
 is on the market again and we have
a number of offers coming in.....
Hopefully soon this will be a done
deal.......what an ordeal this has
been.......have been waiting for
this to happen for almost 13 yrs. 
now,  sooo... looking forward to 
this coming to an end. 
Longggg story!!

Thankful for all the prayers that
 have been answered over the years
 as we have been dealing with 
this issue.

Thankful that we now have a 

buyer......... yippee!  and will
hopefully close the deal in May!

Thankful for the new realtor we 
have as well,  Such an amazing
difference from the last one.....
She is very nice lady and a 
shaker and a mover for sure.
She was one of those answers
to prayer too......

Thankful that lil darling was okay
on Wed. when I picked her up from
preschool.  She was bawling her
eyes out and holding her ears and
I thought she might have a terrible
earache, but it turned out that she
and another lil girl were in the rest-
room with the teacher, and the one
 lil girl screamed so loudly and lil
 one couldn't see her and didn't
 know what it was or where the 
noise came from so it startled her
 and scared her....bless her heart!!
So Grammy was very happy it
wasn't anything worse.

Thankful for a fun night playing cards
 and listening to music on Pandora with 
hubby, which is a rarity, and even more
 rare was listening to the Bee Gee's, one
of my favorites back in the day!!  
and still love their
It has been forever since we have
listened to them, so it was a fun blast
 from the past....

Thankful for the new "When 
calls the heart" movie.  Watched
it on the Hallmark chanel, and
it was great....just like the other
series.  This series is just such a 
refreshing, clean, innocent show 
with such a wonderful story line.
If you haven't watched it and get
the it, you want
be sorry.........

Well, that's all folks......

Thanks for coming by


Have a wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and
Mid April Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai


Shabby Art Boutique

Stone Gable 


Life and Linda

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


  1. #1. Yes he is great with electronics! I'm so thankful he has kept my computer going over the years!
    #2. Thankful for other means of communicating! Texting!!
    #3. We certainly need more rest as we get older! Kind of in reverse with Sweetie Pie's schedule, ha!
    #4. One of life's joyful blessings!
    #5. Thank you for all the prayers! Each morning I wake up feeling better, but by noon, my energy is all gone! The antibiotics are doing their job! Being older now, it takes a little longer to recuperate than when I was younger.
    #6 #7 #8. I know you will be glad when it is finally over! That's a long time to be dealing with it!
    #9. Thank our LORD for His blessing and timing.
    #10. Praise the LORD, yes I'm thankful all is well!
    #11. Whoever invented playing cards really did a great recreation for many. I play cards even by myself a lot. Dolly even gets excited when I start shuffling, by running to her chew bone, bringing it to my feet and begins chewing on it while wagging her tail, ha!
    #12. I don't watch the major networks anymore because of the shows they have. I also find the networks that show DECENT programming. Love you all, Susan

  2. That's great news that the house is under contract! Stopping by from the #HomeMattersParty linky.

  3. I enjoyed reading of all the blessings in your life last week. There is so much for which to be thankful if we only took the time to reflect. Thank you for sharing yours with us. And, I also enjoyed the home tour. Such a beautiful place to live.

  4. Thanks Nicole and thanks for stopping by and for always hosting at Home matters........
    cause Home Matters a lot........

    Have a lovely day hon,

  5. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by, so glad you are doing so much better...hope today will be better yet.
    These virus's just seem to take a long time to go away anymore.

    Have a great day,
    Love and Blessings,

  6. Hi Elizabeth,
    So nice to meet you here in blogland....always nice to meet another sister in Christ.
    Thank your for your encouraging words, and I agree there is always something to be thankful
    for if we take the time to look for happy you enjoyed the post.
    Hope you have a lovely day,

    I will be over to visit soon!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...