Wednesday, April 25, 2018

After Easter, Spring Decorating

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you fine and dandy,
as someone used to say, when I was

Gorgeous day out,  which is nice
cause we have had a number of
overcast and rainy days,  so nice to
 see the sunshine the last few days.

Had a nice weekend and sewed most
 of the day on Monday with a new 
found friend, and have been doing
 more cooking and reading lately too.
So that has been nice.

Am still trying to get my house 
redecorated after Easter..... and I am 
making progess....slowly.  So will
 show you some of the progress
today.......these pics are from our
family room.  You can click on
any picture for better viewing

So on we go............

Decided on something simple for 
the coffee table

with photocopy affect

 For the mantle I wanted to use the
 Magnolia print I got in January and 
also wanted to add these 2 grateful
 plaques that friends gave hubby for
 his birthday.  Thought they went
well with the picture.

At first the plaques just didn't show up 
that well and because I was using a lot
 of white, I decided to add some card-
stock behind them, and it did the trick.

I had to work with this a bit as it needed 
something, and couldn't figure out quite
what it was, so I added white flowers, and
 then the bird nest and eggs and replaced
a white pitcher with this pink vase with
 greenery,  cause I am using pink in the
room too, so finally I like the way it
 looked.  lol  So what you are seeing
   is the finished product after lots
 of tweaking.

Poster edges affect

Next was the sofa table.

Love this lil nest picture I found online
somewhere last year,  I think in the 
botanical prints from Google images
 maybe....and of course,  bird nests 
with eggs just scream Spring to me.

Here is a clear shot of the picture. 
 Hard to get a good shot do to the 
lighting and glare.

Enjoying the new look, but think 
I want to move the furniture 
around yet.....and yes, very

Thanks for stopping by to visit,

Have a lovely rest of the week


keep your light shining brightly.

With light affect

Love, Hugs and 
end of April Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

Shabby Art Boutique

Starfish Cottage


Life and Linda


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Yes, it is beautiful outside. Steve and his dad came to do my yard and cut back the bougainvillea. After his dad had cut the back, we sat and talked a long while. It really
    was a nice day in the shade with the cool breeze!

    Your decorating is beautiful! You have so many pretty things to display! I love the magnolia picture! I've got to get busy, for next week Mid-Florida comes to do their termite check! Have a great day! Love you, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,

    Yes, it is lovely out when you are in the shade with the cool breeze. Nice they got your
    yard all shaped up for you.
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.

    Good Luck on your termite inspection. Glad to see you were feeling much better again.
    Maybe that cold or virus is gone for good now. Hope so.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie