Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday May 31, 2018, Pretty Carnations.............

give thanks in all circumstances;
 for this is God’s will for you
 in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you high and dry!

We have been having monsoon

Pics today are from some years
back, but thought they would be
nice eye candy....

Will get on with my list........

Thankful we got to go see our lil
 darling graduate from kindergarten.
They were all so adorable, but her
especially.............of course!!  lol

Thankful for some new things I 
learned using my card making
 package over the weekend.

Thankful that my son made it
safely to Israel for a trip with his
job.  Fortunately he is in the Tel
Aviv area which is a ways from
Jerusalem where all the bad 
stuff was happening. If you feel
led we would appreciate your
prayers for his safety while
 there and as he heads home.

Thankful my daughter-in-love has
a lot of family visiting this long
weekend as it will help the time 
pass quickly and keep her mind
occupied so she doesn't worry
to much.

Thankful that hubby and I were
finally able to come to a decision 
about the young marrieds class. 
We have been pondering and praying 
about it for a while now, and we have
 finally felt a peace about stepping
 down,  as we love the kids (as we
call them) and have loved being
involved with them, but all good
things much come to an end, and
we are entering a new season of life
that is gonna have lots of changes
 and we feel like the Lord has other 
things in mind for us as well, one
will be continuing to keep our
lil darling and help home school
her on that day, and picking her
up from school on Tuesdays

#6 and 7

Thankful for a lovely lunch out
with friends, as we have not been
able to connect for awhile do to
each others schedule and travels.
Thankful for a good lunch at
Ruby Tuesdays,  that has never
been one of our fav restaurants,
and we have never been to thrilled
about the food there, so it has been
a long time since we have eaten
there, but the lunch today was
really good, so think we will 
probably go there again soon.


Thankful that our local Publix grocery
store once again has Meyer Lemon
cookies in the bakery.  They are a 
seasonal item, and we discovered them
last year, just as the season ended and
were so bummed, but think they just
came into season again, so we should
be able to enjoy them for about 3 mos.
now I would think. 

Thankful to see and watch
a pretty cardinal in our bird 
bath....bathing away!
We get others bird too, but
cardinals are my favorite
as they show up so well so
 you can see everything
they are neat!
and saw our lil bunny again
this week.

Thankful for a heartwarming
 movie by Hallmark called
"love under the Stars".

It was really was about

 a lil girl who lost her Mom to

 cancer and a college student who

was searching for her career path

that volunteered at a school.

Thankful for all the cute and
funny things are lil darling says
that just crack us up. Today my
hubby was teasing her and she
put her arm around him and
 looked him in the face and said.
 very seriously, are you trying to
trick us??  Also, it was raining and
 thundering out and she was saying 
the thunder scared her and I was
telling her when we were kids 
when it thundered people used
to say God was just moving
furniture, and she said NO,
It's just thundering!!  lol
Kids are such a hoot!!

Thankful today was hubbies
last day as a full time employee.
yippee.....let the fun begin!!

Well, here another week at
Cozy Place

Thanks for visiting and have a
 super duper Friday and weekend
with your family/ and or friends
 or furry friends.

Love, Hugs and
last day of May Blessings,

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Picture compliments of Google Images

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well this
 Memorial Day,  but some of you
maybe not so good, if you have
lost a loved one who has served
our country with their very life.

I have to say I find it hard to say
Happy Memorial Day because of 
what this day really stands for....
it seems like Somber Memorial
Day would be more befitting.
Since it is really a day for
 remembering those who have
paid the ultimate sacrifice for
our freedoms.

So today.....
We are thanking the Lord for all the
brave service men and women, and our
brave police men and women, who have
served our country by paying the ultimate 
price, their lives, to protect us,
 our freedom, and our country.
We thank you for your sacrifice!

The Bible says:
Greater love has no one than this: 
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
John 15:13

We are also praying for the families
 of those who have lost their lives, as 
they have paid a huge price as well 
and have to carry on without those 
they loved.  We pray comfort, peace
 and healing for each family member,
and we thank you for your sacrifice
as well..............

We are also praying for Permanent
 Peace for our World,
as President Trump has asked our
nation to do on this Memorial Day.

President Donald Trump 
has proclaimed Memorial Day, 
May 28, 2018, as a Day for Prayer
 for Permanent Peace.
 He called on all American’s, saying, 
“On this day, let us also unite in prayer
 for lasting peace in our troubled world
so that future generations will enjoy the
 blessings of liberty and independence.”

Excerpt from the
 Presidential Prayer Team

We are also thanking the Lord Jesus
 for being the first one to give the
 greatest sacrifice by laying down his
life to save us from our sins......

We are also thanking God for our
President and leaders and for the 
amazing priviledge we have to live
in this great country called the 
United States of America,
cause even with all her problems 
I can't think of any place else I
would rather live.........
I am proud to be an American!!

So I will leave you with this 
wonderful patriotic song.

Click Here or type it in yourself,

Remembering with Love 
and Gratitude,


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the scripture for Today!!

 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
 with whom you were sealed
 for the day of redemption. 
 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger,
 brawling and slander, along 
with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as in Christ
 God forgave you.

Ephesian 4:30-32 NIV

Have a Restful Sunday,

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thankful Thursday May 24, 2018, Golf cart home tour # 7

 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 
 Worship the LORD with gladness; 
come before him with joyful songs. 
 Know that the LORD is God.
 It is he who made us, and we are his ; 
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 
 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
 and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name. 
 For the LORD is good and
 his love endures forever; his faithfulness
 continues through all generations.
Psalm 100

Greetings Sweet Friends

How are ya today??  

I am fine, just doing laundry again
today, and some paper work and stuff.  
About an hour ago I was feeling a bit
 stressed and very annoyed but it got
 taken care of quickly, thank heavens
 and you will read about it in #12.....

Can you believe we are only 1 week
away from June........Amazing!!

Pictures today are of the final Spring
golf cart tour of Charleton S. C.......
If you missed Tour #6 , and would
like to see it.  Just click here.

So gonna get on with my list.

Thankful for a fun sleepover with lil 
darling on Friday nite and Sat. Morning.
  She loves helping to make and eating a
breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and 
cinnamon or orange  rolls.....So sweet!

Thankful for a short window of op-
portunity to get our long grass mowed
right after lil darling left and before
it commenced raining again.  It had
been raining all week long and the
grass looks wonderful, so groomed,
lush and green now.

Thankful for a lovely belated Mother's
day get together with the family, and for 
the sweet card and gifts.

Thankful for a huge answer to prayer,
concerning where lil darling will be
going to school this coming year.
We are all beyond thrilled with the

Thankful for seeing a sweet lil brown
bunny grazing for his breakfast at dawn.
Been quite awhile since we have seen
any bunnies, so always love that!
and a few hours later we had 4 sandhill 
cranes in the front yard.  Just love the
 wildlife we see here at times.

Thankful my Vit D test came back in
the normal range.  It is on the low end
of normal tho so think I am gonna
continue to take it for a bit longer and
try to get it up more.

Thankful for the convenience of
the microwave.  I don't really cook
in it that often, other than rice, as
it cooks up so well, but I am always
heating something in it is
quite a handy kitchen appliance.

Thankful for a very quick answer
to pray....last night we were looking
at supplemental Ins. for medicare,
and it was overwhelming and looked
extremely expensive and we were
feeling somewhat discouraged but
we sat down and prayed about it,
and this morning we feel like the
Lord has given us an answer and
it was way way better than what
we were thinking it would cost,
and I have already called all our
Drs. and they all said they take it.
Always pays to pray!!

Thankful for a very sweet Thank
You letter from one of our students.

Thankful for 2 sunny days on Wed.
and Thursday, after a full week of 
rainy and dreary.
It's good to see the sun!! 

Thankful hubby only has another
week until his semi retirement starts,
and only 1 more day to actually go
into work.

Thankful that another situation that 
was a bit alarming and aggravating
today, turned out to be bum information 
from our banks customer service rep
 in another state, I then called to make
an appt. to go back to the bank to have 
it taken care of and the lady there told 
me there was no reason to come in, 
that they already had the information
 I was concerned about.
So it was another quick answer
to prayer........God has really been
merciful to us this week!!

Here's to another week at cozy place.

Thanks for dropping by.........

Feel free to share something you are
thankful for.....

Have a Sweet rest of the Week!!

Blessings Abundant,


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Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My heartsie Girl

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The Dedicated House

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

After Easter, Spring Decorating #4

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week
 so far,

Ours is good, rainy and dreary......
a continuation of last week, and it is
suppose to be like this for the next 10
days.... When we get in these spells it is 
hard to believe we live in

Told yall a few weeks back that hubby
decided to take me shopping @ the
"At Home" store as part of my 
Mother's Day Gift, as he knows I love
shopping for things for our home.

So this was the first thing I spotted when 
I walked in the door, a cute lumbar
 pillow for just $5.00.  

So that was great for me,  as I had been
wanting some pink pillows for the sofa

So decided to go check and see what others
pillows they might have. They do a very
cool thing there that I love, they put all
their pillows of the same color all in the
same place so you can easily find the
color right away that you are looking for,
 It 's sort of like shopping in Charming
Charlies if you have ever been there,
 accept they sell jewelry and accessories,
 but it is so easy to find just what your
 looking for in a matter of minutes. 
 Smart person who came up with this idea.
So all you have to do is look down the
aisle and all the pink pillows or whatever
color pillow are all in the same area.
Works for me!!

So lookie wha else we found, these
pretty pale pink ones, and the prices
were great.  The last time I looked at
 pillows I could hardly find any under
 $30.00 a piece, so then I as looking for 
pillow covers but could not find any 
in pink, so then decided I would just
 make some but  so far hadn't found
 any fabric I liked so.......
these babies went home with me. 
 Happy Mother's day to me!!  lol

Two look like they have embrodery
and the other had a pleated look.  

I got all 4 pillows for just over $30.00

The next week we had to return 
something so we went back again, and 
as soon as I walked in the door they
 had these great lanterns in 3 different
colors with a faux led candle for just
 $10.00, that is when I realized that they 
obviously have a special every week, as
this lantern would have been $30-40 at
 Home Goods, Marshalls or Ross and 
since I was still trying to figure out what 
to put on our hearth I thought this would
be perfect so the lantern came home 
with us too.
Again Happy Mother's day to me!!  lol

Also bought a pink candle for the candle 
holder, it had a cream candle before.
Their candles are priced well too, only
$2,  which would be $4-5 somewhere

Here's how the sofa looks with all 
the pretty new pillows.  So hard to
 see them  well unless you click 
on the picture.

Here is the lantern on the hearth.
I rearranged the mantle a bit since you saw
it last, because I wanted to have a candle
on each side, but looking at this picture
I realize I have too much white on one
side.  I also broke one of my birds when 
I rearranged it too, and forgot to put some
thing else there or take away the other

Hubby was taken with their led candles
 that look like a real flame is burning..the 
first time we saw one of those, in a shop
 in Asheville a few years back, and thought
it was really neat, but  then we saw the
 price tag it was $65.00, so we were like
 never  We found one at the
At Home store, same size for $10. and it 
has a 4 hr timer.  So that is what you see
 on the mantle, on the brass candlestick.
  It's great that it turns itself on and off. 
A ver nice feature.

So now you know why the "At Home"
store is quickly becoming my favorite
store. I get no compensation in any way 
for saying favorable things about this
store,  I just really like it and think you 
might too........especially if you like a 
deal and you have one close to you.

Just threw this picture in due to the
 room change. I sort of want to paint
 my garden stool I have there by the 
chair, but can't decide what color to 
paint it, as I want it to be neutral
 since I change my accent colors 
with the seasons.

Got any ideas about what color 
might look good??  I was just
thinking wondering how robins
egg blue would be,  would it be
too much blue........ah maybe,

what do you think??

Well, that's it for the family room 
changes...It just needed a few more 
pink touches!!  and now I am content
with the way it looks...

If you missed part 3 and would
like to check it out...
just click here.

Thanks for spending some time
with me today......

Have a lovely week.

Love, Hugs and
end of May Blessings,

(only 9 more days of May -
Isn't it crazy how fast May went by.)

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...