Friday, August 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday August 30, 2018, Summer decor from the past

 You are my strength, 
I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress, 
my God on whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this week finds you well 
and happy.

That has been our week and I 
would add busy to that, as well.
Not complaining, just saying!
Happy that there is nothing we 
have to do today, I am sure we 
will do some things, but the 
operative words are we don't

Pictures today are from our
house.....summer decor from
the past.........since we are about
to leave Summer behind.
Can hardly digest that tomorrow
 is Sept. 1st,
Wowzers.......can you believe
that Fall will be here soon.
Course, it doesn't feel like Fall
her in Florida until mid or the 
end of October, but think I am
 gonna start my Fall decorating
 next week.  Looking forward to 
it since I haven't done much
decorating since Spring.

Well on with Thankful

Thankful for a great time with our
daughter and son-in-love, and with 
the whole family being together.
Such a blessing.

Thankful they made it home safely
on Sunday evening.

#3 and 4
Thankful for people who we can
learn from whether by a positive
or negative example.

Sunday I had a  man come by as
I was greeting in the foyer of our
church (which I do every Sunday)
I have never even had a conversation
with the man, as he is not the least
bit friendly. but all of a sudden he
stopped and seemed unusually 
friendly all of a sudden, and said
I heard your husband retired and I 
said yes, he has and we are very 
excited about it, and he said yea, 
well that is when all the bad stuff 
starts to happen, so I said something
 positive to sort of change the subject
 so he repeated it again, and then left,
and I thought wow, what a ray
of sunshine you
then I thought oh Lord, please don't
ever let me be that sort of negative 
voice to anyone.  I like to learn
from negative
I am also Thankful that someone
like this man is a rare find in our
church.  lol

Thankful that my daughter went
to Trader Joe's in Charleston and
brought us 6 bags of their movie
theatre popcorn.  It is so good!!

#6 and 7
Thankful for our cozy comfy bed 
and thankful that our new sheets
arrived for our bed.  Hope these
last longer than the others.  We
only had them for 21/2 years and
they were a high thread count and
they were worn so thin that one of 
them ripped....I could not believe
 it, as I have had sheets that were
 200- 300 thread count that lasted
 for 15 years. So not sure if it was
 the high thread count or just that 
the quality control is not as good
 as it used to be.

Thankful that hubby was able to
figure out and fix a problem we
were having with our van.
My Hero!!

Thankful hubby and I are making
a good team as we are teaching
lil darling on Wednesdays.
What one doesn't think of the
other one does........which is

Thankful that my SIL Susan was
able to get some much needed
work done at her house this week,
and I know that is quite a relief
to her.

Thankful for the show "Ann with
an E".  It is about Ann of green
gables.....just a delightful series.
I just love the character of Ann,
she is so alive, vibrant, postive,
imaginative and victorious over
her life, and things from her
past.  Sometimes the things
she goes thru makes one cry
as get the tissues
if you decide to watch it.

Thankful for a wonderful smoothie
called "Chocolate Elvis" from
planet smoothie.  It is delicious,
and has a very soothing affect
on my tummy when it is not
feeling good.

Well, there you have it another
week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by.......


Keep your light shining brightly,

Love, Hugs and 
last day of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


Life and Linda

Starfish cottage

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable


  1. #1. Yes, it is, praise our LORD!
    #2. Our GOD answers our prayers for protection.
    #3 & #4. He need's some Sonshine in his life!
    #5. Yum, I have just started eating popcorn. I get the small bags for the microwave.
    #6 & #7. I try not to use bleach in the wash of my sheets, that can cause less lifespan.
    #8. Yea! No money to the car shop!
    #9. So much fun, I bet too!!!
    #10. Yes, praise the LORD for His blessing on it!
    #11. Some of the old western movies I watch have had me shed a tear or two also!
    #12. Sounds yummy to the tummy, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi hon,
    I love popcorn too, and it is good fiber as
    I never use bleach either for the same reason....I use dishwasher detergent mixed with my
    other detergent. Learned that from Mrs. Cook years ago.....that is how she used to wash
    the church tablecloths. It takes out any oil and whitens as well.

    Well, have a great weekend,
    Love, Nellie

  3. That's a great idea! i bet Dawn detergent would really do well! Love you, Susan

  4. Yes Susan, Dawn is a great thing for oil or grease spots if you put it right on the spots.
    But with the dishwasher detergent you just put it in like you would the reg detergent,
    as it is low suds...but if you put a cup of dawn your washer might be overflowing with
    suds. lol I typically use 1 cup of Era and 1 cup of Cascade liquid for washing whites.

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...