Friday, August 10, 2018

Thankful Thursday August 9, 2018, with scenic images

Praise our God, all peoples,
 let the sound of his praise be heard;
Psalm 66:8  NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy

We are happy but have been a lil
under the weather for a few days,
think it is overtiredness mostly.
It has been a good but busy week,
much to be thankful for  tho,
as always!

3 pics today are compliments
of Google Images and some are

Thankful that we got all the paper-
work off last Friday for the closing 
on my late Mother's home, that was
 suppose to be this past (Monday).  
It was like a nightmare and all we
 did for two days last Thursday and
Friday, but finally got them all 
printed (in spite of our printer
making them look all wonky as
it died, without any inkling of 
any problems), so had to go to
my SIL Susan's to print them.
Thankful for  Susan!
Then read them, and had my daughter
 -in-love explain them (as that is what 
she does as her job),
Thankful for Megan!
Then I signed what I could and 
had to go to 2 different branches of our
 bank to get them notarized and witnessed,
 as the first lady clearly did not seem to 
know what she was doing and seemed
to be looking for any reason she could 
find not to do them, so we left there
with them unsigned, and had to figure
out what to do next, so we decided to
try another branch of our bank and
thankfully the 2nd lady was incredibly
knowledgeable, helpful and wonderful 
to work with,
Thankful for Jean!
 then it was a race to get it to FED X by
 5 pm., then we went out of our way only
 to find it was the wrong place and their
 was no FED X office, so had to back track 
and it was actually near our house and we
 made it just in the nick of time, the FED X
 truck pulled up just as I was walking in the
door, so we made it.....or so we thought.
  They were suppose to overnight it so it 
would be there on Monday morning at 
10:30....and after all didn't
 arrive until Tuesday at said time. When
we tracked it on Monday it was in
Ohio, (we live in central Florida and
 it was only going to North Florida) so
 they obviously forgot to overnight it.

But anyway, Praise and thanks to my
 heavenly Father, it made it there 
Tuesday morning and it is finally a done
deal,  after nearly 13  long years.
I can hardly wrap my mind around
the fact I want have to deal with this
anymore.........such a relief for many

and last but certainly not least 
Thankful to my Mom who left 
the house to me and my Aunt,
her Sister, and Thankful my 
Aunt was able to live there free
 of charge for approx. 10 years.
My Mom would have been
happy about that, as she was
always about taking care
of others...........

Image result for google images - free images of scenery

Thankful for a night out just to
celebrate the completion and
hassle of doing all the above
in Thankful 1-6.  

Thankful we rejoined Sam's
club as we had decided to try
BJ's wholesale, but have not
been too thrilled with it.  So
it was nice to be back at Sams,
and they have changed quite
a few things for the better it

Thankful that we ran into
several friends while we were
there and chatted for close to
an hour,  as we haven't seen
them for awhile.

Thankful that we finally went
to visit an Aldi grocery store,
I have heard about them for
years now,  and they are in
 another town nearby but just
kept forgetting about them as
they are sort of off the beaten
path from where we typically
go.  It was a quick trip as we
were tired, but we will definitely
 go back again, as it will be right 
on the way when we start picking
lil darling up from school
on Tuesday afternoons soon.

Image result for google images - free images of scenery

Thankful that our church just
hired a full time music minister
again.  We have had a part time
interim music Pastor who has
done a great job, so he will be
missed, but guess it is time
for a full time person.

Thankful to see another young
couple we just adore and attended
their wedding about 12 yrs. ago.
The hubby grew up in our church 
and we met the wife when they
were dating, such a precious and
godly couple......they were home 
visiting with their less than 2 yr.
 old daughter.  They are all just
adorable and seem very happy.
It was great to see them!

Image result for google images - free images of scenery

Thankful we got our new micro- no more sticky rice
making!!  lol  and hopefully
no more bugs in our rice.  If
I ever see anything black in
anything anymore, I will be
on high alert for sure.
(If you are wondering what I
am talking about.  
click here
and read Thankful #3   lol

Happy you could stop by...........

Hope this post reminds you of some 
things you are thankful for as well.

Have a Delightful Friday
and weekend,

Love, Hugs, and
 Back to school Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House


  1. #1-#5, I've been praising the LORD for your paperwork going through this first time! I thank Megan for all her expertise as well!!! And you are welcome for using my printer that you got for me. Anytime you want to use it, it is ready for you! Praise the LORD it is done!
    #6. Yea, a time for joyful celebration!!!
    #7. It's always a joy to find lower pricing!!!
    #8. I did so too, but it was on the phone with a surprise call from my friend I haven't seen or talked with in a long time!
    #9. I get into a habit of going to places that are near to the house.
    #10. The LORD's blessings on us all!
    #11. I can't believe one of my past kindergartners is getting married and becoming a fire(woman) as well. Her dad is an usher in our church.
    #12. I probably would have thought it to be pepper, lol! Love you, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,

    Thanks for all your prayers, help and happiness for us about this situation. I am overjoyed
    to know it's all over.

    Have a great day,

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie