Monday, August 20, 2018

Playing with dishes

Happy late Summer 
Sweet Friends,

Know most of you must have your
kiddles back to school and might
be glad to be back on some sort of
 schedule yet missing your chicks.

We have been getting prepared for
our daughter and son-in-loves visit
on Thursday.  So was planning
 ahead for a few nice tables so I
could put them together quickly,
if need be.

So did this one last week,  and
thought I would share it with yall.
As it might be my last summer 
table, and might have been my
only summer table....not sure,
cause I don't remember!!  lol

I wanted to use my new dishes that they
gave me for Mother's day, they were
actually to use on our porch as they
are melamine, but by the time I was
gifted with them, and we got home
from our trip,  it was already getting
too hot, muggy and rainy, so never
got to use them out there. So decided
there was no time like the present,
as I want them to know I really
liked and appreciated the pretty
dishes....would rather be using
them on the porch, but that will
have to wait for Spring, I guess.

Thought this fav tablecloth would
 go well with them, so started
with that.  Just love these colors
especially for spring and summer.

Decided the plates sort of got
 lost in all the florals,  so thought
 it needed the green place mats,
and liked it much better.

Decided to use my pearl handled
flatware, since I haven't used it
in awhile...........

My biggest problem was what to
 do for a centerpiece.  I do have
some blue items but they were
all coastal looking and I wasn't
going for a coastal look, so went
 looking thru my stash and found
 my french looking crate basket, 
and it had some gray on it, as does
the tablecloth, and I had 2 other
 plates and bowls left, so decided 
to put those in the crate, along with
 some greenish/yellow hydrangeas.

I used a plate, napkins and the
hydrangeas for the back side.
Also found these 2 blue candles,
 so that took care of that problem!!

Also used these short glasses that I found
later that matched my dishes, I really
 wanted some goblets but there were none
 to be found anywhere in the right color,
so I settled on these, as I do like them.

but these pretty green glass
 goblets make for a much prettier

So I would probably use the 
green ones for dinner
and blue ones for breakfast.

Already had the green napkins,
so that was nice....

This is from one end of the table.

and this is from the other!!

I always enjoy seeing pretty
tables and think most of you
do too......

So thanks for coming by,
hope you have a great week.

Love, Hugs, and
Colorful Summer Blessings,

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  1. Isn't it amazing how the same colors are in your tablecloth, they match perfectly, Nellie.What is it about us ladies we love dishes so much? yours are beautiful.
    Have a blessed week.

  2. Thanks Sue,
    I know, I think it is the lil girl in us who used to love playing with tea sets. lol
    I love dishes on the wall too.....I think I might have given my love of dishes to lil darling as least I hope so...........I think it is just such a lovely thing to sit at
    a pretty table and eat a delicious meal and then sit around the table and talk. I think it
    make the ordinary special, and don't we all need to to feel special at times.

    Hope your having a good Monday,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. This is so fresh and pretty Nellie! I love what you do to make everything look special. Blue and green should never be seen was an old saying...but look at this! Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Morning Mimi,

    Who ever said blue and green should never be seen, must have never been outside.....cause
    God uses blue and green all over the place in his world. lol

    Hope this finds you doing well hon, thanks for coming by and leaving your sweet comments,
    they were appreciated as always.
    Have a great week,

  5. Beautiful settings, Nellie! I like the setting with the blue glasses! Melamine is great for
    summer (and year around)! See you on Friday! Love you all, Susan

  6. Thanks Susan,
    Yes, our first dishes as a married couple were
    It is nice they make so many pretty melamine dishes for outdoors....that way if something hits
    the floor you don't get glass all over the place or especially in a pool areawhere people go barefoot typically.

    See ya Friday,
    Love, Nellie

  7. Hello Nellie, love the green and blue. The florals are so pretty. No worries about three postings. I can fix it. Blessings to you dear Nellie.

  8. Hi Linda,
    Very nice to hear from you hon. Thanks for fixing that.....don't know what happened. lol
    Also thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Hope you are doing well hon,

  9. Hi Nellie, I wanted to thank you for participating in the #OMHGFF each week and this week your post is being featured on Oh my Heartsie Girl and was shared on Pinterest and Instagram!!! Congratulations!!! Hope you'll stop by again!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  10. Hi Karen,
    Oh what a lovely surprise.....thank you so much for featuring my post on your blog and on
    pinterest and instagram. Thanks for letting me know and also for hosting every week, as it
    brings a lot of fun to everyone and also brings traffic to our blogs as well. I will be
    stopping by very soon.
    Hope you have a great weekend too.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie