Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My daughter's belated Birthday table

Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today??  
Doing well, I hope.

I am doing well, just very tired and 
a bit down as I am missing my girl
 already.  They just left yesterday and
 we all had a great time but always
 sorry to see them go......you older
 Mom's with adult kids know what
 I mean, I'm sure!

I wrote the above yesterday and
after a good nights sleep I am
definitely feeling better today.
Thank Heavens....

Since we celebrated Dee's birthday
while she was here thought I would
share the table I did for her.

It all started with me finding these
gorgeous paper goods at BJ's whole-
sale way back in May of this year. 
Have been waiting for a chance to
do a table with them since they are
just so pretty and I always know
they will get used at some point.

So this was a great time to use 
them, cause whenever they visit
 now, I try to just use pretty paper
 goods as we want to have a pretty
 table but want to spend the bulk 
of my time visiting, not doing
clean up.

So next was what to do for
 a centerpiece???

So decided to pull out all my
 cobalt blue and white pieces to
see what I could come up with. It
seemed to demand a white table-
cloth, for sure, so added some
white hydrangeas to the planter
and put it in the middle of the
table and arranged the other pieces 
all around it, and  there you have it.
 Pretty simple yet pretty elegant,
 I think.

Just love the colors.

Used my wedding silverware
 and my shabby chic glasses
with it.

Love the beautiful patterns on 
the plates and napkins as well.

The centerpiece was the first thing
I worked on.............

Here is a closeup of the left side

and the right side. This adorable
lil elephant was a gift from a
sweet friend and neighbor who
was dying of cancer.

I call this my Alice in Wonderland
 photo affect, It's really called polar
 opposites. I think it is a fun affect.

an overview

from the other end of the table

This has a photo copy affect

I like adding napkins to the 
glasses for a lil added 
color and flair.

Overview from the opposite end 
of the table.

Thanks for coming by and hope
 you enjoyed your visit.

Have a Wonderful Week.

Love, Hugs and
Last of August Blessings,



  1. Hi, Nellie!
    It was definitely a gorgeous table setting! Blue is my favorite color too! I really love the little ceramic elephant! I surely enjoyed being with all the family and seeing Dee and Jerry again! It was a blessed celebration! Love you all, Susan

  2. Lovely Blue table. The elephant looks cute. Hope you had a great time. Sujatha:))

  3. Thanks Susan,
    It was definitely a blessed time for all of us.

    Thanks for coming by hon,

    Love, Nellie

  4. Thanks Sujatha for coming by and for your kind comments.
    It was so nice to hear from you hon.

    Have a Happy September!!


  5. The blue table is very pretty. I hope everyone enjoyed the birthday celebration. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  6. Thank You for coming by Donna and for your sweet comments, and thanks for hosting as well.
    Happy Labor Day, hope you have a lovely holiday.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie