Friday, August 24, 2018

Thankful Thursday August 23, 2018, White images

 But may the righteous be glad
 and rejoice before God; 
may they be happy and joyful.
Psalm 68:3 NIV

Happy Thursday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week.

Ours has been a good one, as we
started homeschooling lil darling
on Wed., and had our daughter
and son-in-love arrive late Wed.
night, so we have really been
enjoying their visit.

I have been up since early this
morning setting the table for to-
night, and wanted it to be all done 
before DeeAnna got up, as we
 will be celebrating her birthday 
today. Her birthday was actually
last Friday....but we are gonna
just act like it's today!!  lol
As you know if you have been
reading my blog long, we believe
in celebrating birthdays and drag-
ging them out for as longgggg
 as possible.  lol

Pictures today are from a meme
that I think is no longer with us
called White Wednesdays,
these are pics from past posts.

Thankful for my daughter who
is beautiful inside and outside.
August 17th was her birthday.
She was born the day after my
 Mom's birthday,  just 4 hrs.
and 5 mins. later, and she
is truly a treasure..........

Thankful for Era detergent and
Dawn dish soap as they are both
 great stain removers.
Dawn for grease stains and Era
for everything else.  Got tomato,
blood or grass stains, Era's your 
best bet.

Thankful for a new show we
found on netflik called "Stay
here", it is like an HGTV show,
but isn't.  It is very interesting
as they look at and incorporate
ways to make rental properties
generate more income by
making them more appealing,
so that more vacationers want
 to stay there.  Lots of ideas
for these landlords.

Thankful that lil darling did
well her first day of kinder-

Thankful we got our screened
porch cleaned up this morning
finally, much easier to do in the
early morning when it is not so
hot and also since it isn't wet
from rain.

Thankful that our first day of
homeschooling lil darling went
well.  We got everything done
and was able to make most of
it fun as well.

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love made it in safely on
Wed. night and will be here until
Sunday.  Great to have them
here as we haven't seen them
since early June.

Thankful that we saw and was
able to get a baby snake out of
our house.  It was just a garter
snake thank heavens.

Thankful for those gadgets
they call we
have several we got at the
dollar tree and it sure came in 
handy for getting the garter
snake out of the house, and
another one we had some
years back. We will never
ever make fun of those


Thankful, so Thankful it was
only a garter snake and not
a poisonous snake.....

Thankful that lil darling had a
good 2nd day of school this week
too. We went to pick her up today
 and she looked so cute in her lil
uniform, and was hugging her
new friend good bye, and was
also very happy to see her Aunt
Deenie (as she calls her) and her
uncle Jerry. So sweet!

Thankful for a fun family dinner
at Texas Roadhouse with all our
adult children and lil darling.

Well there you have it,  another
week at Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop in.......

and would love for you to share
something you are thankful for
as well...........

Love, Hugs, and
last of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Life with Lorelai

Life and Linda

Starfish Cottage.

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Stone Gable


  1. #1. The LORD has surely blessed you with a wonderful daughter (my niece) as well as her with a wonderful mom (you)!
    #2. That's great to know! Thank You! I have used Dawn for a long time. You surely don't need to use much of it!!!
    #3. Informational shows are great and interesting especially with new ideas no one has thought of as yet, ha!
    #4. Fantastic for her!!! She is quite the smart little girl!
    #5. I water washed mine the other day. What a difference!
    #6. I really enjoyed teaching kindergarten, especially when I worked one on one!
    #7. I'm sure they are just as excited to be visiting with you too!!!
    #8. Praise the LORD it wasn't a poisonous snake. I (a year ago or more) had a garter I used my grasper and clasped it behind the head. It wrapped itself around the handle and I threw it out into the grass saying, "This is your lucky dayyyyy!" HA!
    #9. ditto!
    #10. Praise the LORD!
    #11. Fantastic for her making friends! I'm sure she really enjoys school!
    #12. Yum, yum! I know Jerry really enjoyed it, ha! (Since he is a meat/potato guy!)
    I surely enjoyed myself being with all of you! I really enjoyed playing with Sweetie Pie!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan
    Yes, it was a good time had by all........but I am exhausted today. A good exhausted but
    still exhausted. We did manage to get the yard mowed and a few things done, but I am ready
    to call it a night. lol
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet and encouraging comments
    Hope you had a good day.

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie