Sunday, April 28, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today.

This is what the Sovereign Lord, 
the Holy One of Israel says:
"In repentance and rest is you salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength.:
Isaiah 30:15

Have a quiet and Trusting Day,

Hugs and Blessings,

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday April 25, 2019, Spring/Easter decorating in the family room #4

Glory in His holy name;
Let the hearts of those who 
seek the Lord Rejoice
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles16:10-11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week 
for's been a good week
here. Can hardly believe we are
 about to go into May already.  
This year is just flying by it
seems to me, how about you??
Do you feel that way??

Pictures today are more of
Spring/Easter decorating in
the Family room.  I am late
as usual so just gonna get
on with my thankful post.

Thankful that I got all my 
Easter dinner prepared on
Sat. and just had to pop it
in the oven.  Always love
that, as I don't like spend-
time in the kitchen on a

Thankful for a really lovely
Easter Sunday Service.

Thankful that Scott (our son) 
and his wife Megan and lil
 darling were able to come for 
Easter dinner, and my 
sister-in-law Susan as well. 
We ate later in the day as
 they did things with Megans
family too.

Thankful for a fun after-
noon and evening with the
family as well.  We had 3
Easter Egg hunts, so lil
darling loved that, and we
all had a good time too.

Thankful that the fellow
came to cut our tree on Tues.
and that everything went well,
 no damage to anything or 
anybody.  Always a good

Thankful to find out that
the tree was diseased and
rotting on the inside, as it
was another reason that
made it easier to let it go.
Just hate to cut down a
living tree and it was look-
ing so pretty again after our
episode with it last Fall. So
 it was hard to believe it was
 rotting inside, but we saw 
it with our own eyes.

Lovely printables from Ann at
On Sutton Place. Visit her here
or type in
You will enjoy it....

Thankful for the way the
Lord goes before us in
situations and protect us and
provides for us even when
 we have no idea something
is even a problem. Like the
tree....The Lord knew about it 
being rotten, but we had no 
idea, and it could have fallen
 during a storm on something 
or someone, so really happy
 to have it down now.

Thankful for these new 
veggie tots and Brocoli
tots made by Green Giant.
You can find them in the
frozen foods, and they are
really good.  The veggie
tots are sweet potatoes
and cauliflower.  They
taste like sweet potato
fries.  We had them for
dinner and really enjoyed
them with our leftover
ham from Easter.

This was where Miss Bunny
hung out before Easter din din.
You can see her here.

Thankful for a nice time
going to lil darlings end of
 the school year assembly
and out to lunch with she
and her parents to Olive
Garden (her restaurant of
choice) to celebrate.

Thankful that our yard trash
workers took away most of
the debri from our tree, we
still have some more for
next week, but we knew 
that would be the case.

With posterized affect
Thankful for a very nice
but unexpected snail mail
card from someone I don't
know....just know of! She 
was one of the recipients
of the cards I made for my
late cousin.

Thankful for a marathon
phone call with my daughter
Today, since hubby wanted
to saw up the rest of the wood
into logs and  clean up the 
debri from the tree, and her
 hubby was working.
Next best thing to spending
the day together. Makes us

Well, this was our week at 
Cozy Place.

Thankful that you could
come and visit.....

Have an eggcellent week!!

Love, Hugs and
Post Easter Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Life and Linda


Oh My Heartsie Girl

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our Easter Table

Happy Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a Wonderful 
Easter celebration last Sunday.

We sure did, it was a very enjoy-
able day with family, but we
did miss our daughter, son-in-
love and new furry grandson  but we are getting
 used to it since we don't have
a choice. They come for as 
many holidays as they can
which is such a blessing.

Well, not only were we waiting
 for Easter Din Din
but so was Miss Bunny......

Isn't see just the cutest!!

I decided on green, peach and 
white this year........
This was lil darlings place.

Here is part of the centerpiece,  
you will see that there are 
pinky peach carnations
on both sides as well as 
egg cup candles.
Borrowed Mr. Bunny from the

Used my white corelle ware with my
 silver rimmed Rosenthal dessert plates.
I tried my shabby chic ones but this 
table needed white rather than cream.

Used these pretty peach stemware
that belonged to my late mother-in-law

Always like to add some candy and a bit
more than 1 pc. since it is Easter and
since the adults no longer get Easter
baskets.  lol

This is the opposite side of the
 centerpiece, just added the 
flowers over there with some
 faux eggs.

and see the lil Easter basket on the
corner of the platter??  The platter
is made so that you can change 
out that piece for any holiday.
Our daughter gave it to me last
year for My birthday or Mother's I now have a white and
 gold present, a red santa
hat for christmas, the Easter basket
and a Jack O' lantern, I just got for
my birthday.  It is a very heavy duty
platter and is made by Nora Fleming.
I have used it so much more in my 
decorating than for food even.
A great idea so you don't have to
store so many different holiday 
platters, just saw them even have
things in melamine now.
If you are interested in seeing
more about it, as they have many
other items as well.  Just click here
or go to

I get no compensation in any way for
telling you about her products, I just thought
 it wasa very unique gift idea, and love mine,
 so thought some of you might too!

Heres a nice overview so you can
 see the whole centerpiece.

I love to use carnations because 
they really last a long time (about 
10-14 days) if you use the flower
 fresh that usually comes with them,
and just keep adding water every
few days.

I want to thank Yvonne over at
 Stone Gable
for these beautiful Printables
 she offered to everyone for Easter, 
 so I used them as a decoration
 at each place.

Aren't they lovely and it was such
 a nice touch. If you have never visited
Yvonne at Stone Gable you are really
missing out, especially if you love
decorating.  Stop by for a visit, you
won't be sorry.  Just click here, or
go to

Posterized affect for fun.

Notice there is a candle on the platter
with the bunny.  It is a yankee candle
and it is the most wonderful scent.
So the next time you visit one check
it out and I bet you will go home
with one if you haven't already
discovered them.
It is called  "Magnolia and Lily"
It smells  simply divine.

P.S. Same goes for this product
as with the Nora Fleming things.
I get no compensations, just
sharing something I discovered
and really like.........


Thanks for coming by and
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a great rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 
 After Easter Blessings,

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter, Scripture Sunday

Happy Easter 
Sweet Friends.

Hope you have a wonderful
time of celebration with 
your family/friends this
Resurrection Sunday.

He has Risen......
He has Risen Indeed!

Praise be to the God and Father 
of our Lord Jesus Christ! 
In his great mercy
he has given us new birth
 into a living hope through the
 resurrection of Jesus Christ
 from the dead
1 Peter 1:3 NIV

Love and
 Easter Blessings,


Friday, April 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday April 18, 2019, Spring/Easter in the Family Room #3

 So then, just as you received
 Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live
 your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, 
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your day been going??
Well, I hope....
Mine has been good so far, slept in, 
talked with my daughter, straightened
 up the house while talking, and got in 
lots of steps on my fit bit, did some
 candy bags for the table and a gift
bag for lil darling and am to start 
setting the table for Sunday's dinner.

Here are more pics for the family
room,  If you missed number #2
and would like to see....
click here

Well, best get on with it since
 I am already

Thankful for a sweet surprise
from my cousin who just 
lost his sister a few weeks he has been going
thru her things he found a
picture of my Paternal
Grandmother when she
was younger and sent it
to me.  I remember seeing
it in her home as a child.
So what a precious gift.

Thankful that we got a lot
of work done towards our
business this week, more
to go, but it's coming

Thankful that got our shed
framed out and a small
window put in this week.

Thankful that my daughter
and son-in-love got home
safely from California after 
having a great time and then 
getting stranded in Texas
 overnight cause of all the
 bad storms.

Thankful that the man doing
our shed was able to give us
a referral to someone who
can help us since we are
having what is probably
drain field problems.

Thankful that I got all the
Easter cards mailed off to
my cousins family members.

Thankful for strawberry
lemonade from Wendy's.
That is some good stuff.

Thankful to have figured
out how I want our shed doors
 and shutters to look, so I can 
tell our contractor.

Thankful that the Lord allowed
our big tree out front to have
broken off last Fall and had to 
be cut back so severely that it
 doesn't look as nice as it used
 to....because we have to cut
it down because it is what has
called our drain field problems,
and they can't guarantee our
new drainfield if we leave it
up,  so it has to come down!
But due to what happened to
it last year, that makes it some
what easier to let it go.....and
it will also solve some problems
with our driveway, as over the
years it has cracked and raised
the driveway some and we want
to replace it next year (it was
the plan for this year) but now
with the drainfield it will be
pushed back, but it will be an
easier fix if we no longer have
the tree....we are really gonna
miss the shade tho.

Thankful for something so
cute that lil darling said to
me when she was leaving
on Wednesday.
She is such a riot....She said
Good Bye, My beautiful
Makes me smile everytime
I think about it......
I am sure someone must
have said that to her.....
Probably her Mommy or
 other Gram-ma.

Thankful for a good nights
rest.  I slept 11 hours...I have
been waking up too early on
too many mornings and guess
it finally caught up with me.
So feel very good today....
yesterday (Thurs.) I felt like
someone hooked a vacuum
cleaner to me and sucked 
out all my energy.  lol

Thankful that we were able
to get everything else we
needed for Easter Thursday
evening, so now I can just
focus on the table and food.
Have been craving my Mom's
recipe for potato salad, so we 
are having that and Ham, 
baked beans, and something
we all love called "Strawberry
Fluff" (a jello/coolwhip dish,
super easy to make)and my SIL
 Susan is making fresh green
 beans and bringing carrot cake
from our fav bakery, Publix.

Thanks for coming by and

Hope you have a Wonderful
Easter with your family
 and/or friends.

Love,  Hugs and
Happy Easter Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

My Flagstaff Home


Life and Linda

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring/Easter in the Family room #2

Happy Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a nice weekend
and week, so far.
  Also hope you weren't in any of
the areas where all the bad storms

Our daughter and hubby got
 stranded in Texas overnight because 
of it, they headed home from Calif.
 on Sat. early afternoon and flew to 
Dallas, and then all the planes were 
cancelled going to their area. At
least they were able to get a hotel
room and a good nights sleep sans
luggage...........they finally made
it home Sunday late afternoon,
still sans luggage. They finally
got their luggage back Monday

Our weekend was good, they
came and worked on our shed
 some,  and we got some work 
done on our business, watched
a good movie, played some
cards, and church on Sunday,
and that's all can remember
right now.  lol  I wrote this
on Tuesday but didn't get
finished until today.

Thought I would show you
our Spring/Easter mantle in our
 family room.  If you missed 
part 1and would like to see it.
Just Click here.

So on with the mantle.....

Some pictures were taken at night, 
and others were taken in the daytime.

I had purchased these Beautiful
carved plaques back in February
when we were visiting my daughter
in S.C......actually bought them
for our master bath, but decided
to use them on the mantle for
spring, cause love how they show
up so well...........

and since we have all these LED
candles, thanks to hubby's new
 infatuation,  and mine too now....
I just decided to put them on these 
blue salad plates, as they make for
 a simple statement, and love that
they turn themselves on and off
 every evening and make the 
mantle looks so nice.

Also love this tall picture of the
 Amarillos I found some years
 back.  Very simple and modern
looking. Also like using my
white pitchers on the hearth
as well.  Just made for a very
simple yet pretty look.....

Did you notice there is some-
thing else
on the mantle now???

You have to look hard to see it.

It is difficult to get pics in this
room without reflections.

This cute lil lamb......

I kept thinking that maybe it just needed 
something in that lower right hand corner
 since that corner of the picture seems
kind of emptyand before I could think
of  anything to put therelil darling was
 here helping me, when I first started
getting my Easter decorations out and
 she put the lamb right where I was
 thinking it needed something.  

Anyway, I loved it, and
thought it looked so cute.  Think she
has maybe gotten the decorating gene,
from her Mom, Dad, Aunt and Me.

But as I continued getting my 
other decorations out.....
 I came across my Jesus figurine
 that a neighbor/friend gave me
 years ago, so wound up putting
it in the place of the lamb since
I couldn't figure out a place that
it looked as nice.
But when lil darling came and
saw I had changed it, I saw her
lil face fall, so the next time she
cames I put the lamb back and
 move the figurine to another 
spot for the day, and since I put 
it in a lower place she seems to 
like to be able to look at it up 
close, so I decided to leave
it in the new spot.

She asked me why he was with
 children.....and I told her because
He says Children are the greatest
in His kingdom, and that He
really likes and loves lil children,
and she said does He like me??
 and I said, absolutely, you
are very special to Him.

Amazing how a figurine can
trigger such a great interaction.

and be a wonderful reminder 
of His great love for us!

I had a similiar conversation
with the lil boy that lives
across the street when he
saw the figurine years back.
He is about to graduate
 from High School this 
How time does fly......

Thanks for visiting today and
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Love, Hugs and
Pre Easter Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie