Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our Easter Table

Happy Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a Wonderful 
Easter celebration last Sunday.

We sure did, it was a very enjoy-
able day with family, but we
did miss our daughter, son-in-
love and new furry grandson  but we are getting
 used to it since we don't have
a choice. They come for as 
many holidays as they can
which is such a blessing.

Well, not only were we waiting
 for Easter Din Din
but so was Miss Bunny......

Isn't see just the cutest!!

I decided on green, peach and 
white this year........
This was lil darlings place.

Here is part of the centerpiece,  
you will see that there are 
pinky peach carnations
on both sides as well as 
egg cup candles.
Borrowed Mr. Bunny from the

Used my white corelle ware with my
 silver rimmed Rosenthal dessert plates.
I tried my shabby chic ones but this 
table needed white rather than cream.

Used these pretty peach stemware
that belonged to my late mother-in-law

Always like to add some candy and a bit
more than 1 pc. since it is Easter and
since the adults no longer get Easter
baskets.  lol

This is the opposite side of the
 centerpiece, just added the 
flowers over there with some
 faux eggs.

and see the lil Easter basket on the
corner of the platter??  The platter
is made so that you can change 
out that piece for any holiday.
Our daughter gave it to me last
year for My birthday or Mother's I now have a white and
 gold present, a red santa
hat for christmas, the Easter basket
and a Jack O' lantern, I just got for
my birthday.  It is a very heavy duty
platter and is made by Nora Fleming.
I have used it so much more in my 
decorating than for food even.
A great idea so you don't have to
store so many different holiday 
platters, just saw them even have
things in melamine now.
If you are interested in seeing
more about it, as they have many
other items as well.  Just click here
or go to

I get no compensation in any way for
telling you about her products, I just thought
 it wasa very unique gift idea, and love mine,
 so thought some of you might too!

Heres a nice overview so you can
 see the whole centerpiece.

I love to use carnations because 
they really last a long time (about 
10-14 days) if you use the flower
 fresh that usually comes with them,
and just keep adding water every
few days.

I want to thank Yvonne over at
 Stone Gable
for these beautiful Printables
 she offered to everyone for Easter, 
 so I used them as a decoration
 at each place.

Aren't they lovely and it was such
 a nice touch. If you have never visited
Yvonne at Stone Gable you are really
missing out, especially if you love
decorating.  Stop by for a visit, you
won't be sorry.  Just click here, or
go to

Posterized affect for fun.

Notice there is a candle on the platter
with the bunny.  It is a yankee candle
and it is the most wonderful scent.
So the next time you visit one check
it out and I bet you will go home
with one if you haven't already
discovered them.
It is called  "Magnolia and Lily"
It smells  simply divine.

P.S. Same goes for this product
as with the Nora Fleming things.
I get no compensations, just
sharing something I discovered
and really like.........


Thanks for coming by and
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Have a great rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 
 After Easter Blessings,

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May the Lord Bless You!!

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