Friday, April 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday April 11, 2019, Spring/Easter in the family room #1

                                           I will be glad and
 rejoice in your love, 
for you saw my affliction and
 knew the anguish of my soul.
Psalm 1:7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How ya doing??? Hope it 

has been a good week for you.

Our's has been good, it was fun, 

surprising, relation building,
educational, productive and 
tiring, but a good tiring!

Finally took a few pics of our

Spring/Easter decor so I could
show is just the
So more to come in the weeks

So gonna get on with the real

reason for the post.

Thankful for my sweet and
 thoughtful children who
had us over to celebrate my
birthday after they got back
from their trip. We all had
a really fun time.
Thanks Scott and Megan!

Thankful for the nice surprise
of getting to see my nephew
at church on Sunday and then
having lunch with him after.
In case, you didn't see Tues.
post, he was from out of town.

Thankful for the movie
"unplanned" as it shows the
reality of life, and how people
are deceived into thinking they 
are helping when it just isn't
 really true. It also has so much
we can learn from it.

Thankful that the Easter cards
for my late cousin's family, are 
all ready to be mailed on Sunday.

Thankful that my friend's Wedding
Invitations are all printed, cut and
ready to go.  Still working on the 
reception invites and some verses
 she wants to use for the reception 
tables. That will be next weeks
project.  lol

Thankful that we found our fitbit 
my daughter gave my husband a
few years back, I have been wear-
ing it for a few days and have
gotten more steps in everyday.
Was up to 8439 steps last night
but think it was really higher
cause I walked around some be-
fore and after I had it one. Trying
to get to 10,000 a day.  

Thankful that hubby read about
 a way to store my blog which
he did, so now we have it stored
on our computer just in case
 google should ever decide to
 just discontinue blogger, since
we never know what they will
change next.

Don't you just love his cute lil face?

Thankful that my daughter and
her hubby are vacationing in
California and having a great
time. They were suppose to
go last year, cause her hubby
had to go there for a seminar 
for work but that is when
her lil dog Rosie got so sick
and passed away. So they had
some reservations that would
not reimburse them, but would
reschedule them, so they de-
cided to try and go again, as
Dee has always wanted to
visit there.

Thankful that she has a number
 of ladies/friends she works with
 that wanted to keep her new puppy 
Bentley, so what a blessing that is!!

Thankful for the fun and
laughter of watching this
 utube video of a Scottish
  Grandmother reading a story
 to her grandbaby, and it is 
called the "Wonky Donky.
She is just overcome with
laughter and it is so infectious.
We saw it awhile back on face
book and hubby told our kids 
about it when we were over the
 other night and they watched it 
and we were all dying laughing. 
It is really so cute and it went 
viral. So if you could us a good
laugh make sure to watch it....
and watch the whole video as it
 just gets funnier and funnier.  
Because of her video the book
 sold like crazy, and Barnes and 
Noble actually brought her to
 America and she read to the
 kids in their store.

Click here to watch it or

go to utube and type in
Grandma reads the story of
Wonky Donky. 

Thankful for Rugaluch 
pastries, we have bought them
a few times in the last week at
our local Publix grocery store
 and they are just so yummy.


Thankful they got the slab
poured for our Shed last
weekend,  and hopefully
they will start building 
this weekend.

Well, there you have it another

week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by.....

Sorry for how Wonky the print

 is.....I tried a gazillion times to
 fix it, but nothing would work.  

Hope you have an Amazing


Love, Hugs and

Thankful Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. Yes, thank you Scott and Megan! Happy Birthday again, Nellie!
    #2. Praise the LORD for family!
    #3. That's why we need to depend upon the LORD for everything and His leadership in our lives!
    #4. Good for you!
    #5. I have recently found out the printer cartridges have less ink in them than they ever had before!!! And I get the ones that are suppose to have more than the regular!
    #6. I walk around in the house and down to the mailbox once a day...I'm lucky if my steps would be 500!!
    #7. It makes you wonder. I'm down to one blog a week now on Sunday!
    #8. I prayed for a safe journey there and home!
    #9. Good for her...and Bentley. He can get used to seeing other people while he is young and won't become shy like my Dolly is!
    #10. Did you have the "after effects" of laughing every time you thought about it? Ha!
    #11. I love their apple fritters!
    #12. Yea for what they have gotten done!!!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Super sweet post, and of course the Lord calls us to count our blessings in order to be content in His goodness! So glad you shared at Homestyle Gathering, Nellie! Hope to see you each week!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie