Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring/Easter in the Family room #2

Happy Wednesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a nice weekend
and week, so far.
  Also hope you weren't in any of
the areas where all the bad storms

Our daughter and hubby got
 stranded in Texas overnight because 
of it, they headed home from Calif.
 on Sat. early afternoon and flew to 
Dallas, and then all the planes were 
cancelled going to their area. At
least they were able to get a hotel
room and a good nights sleep sans
luggage...........they finally made
it home Sunday late afternoon,
still sans luggage. They finally
got their luggage back Monday

Our weekend was good, they
came and worked on our shed
 some,  and we got some work 
done on our business, watched
a good movie, played some
cards, and church on Sunday,
and that's all can remember
right now.  lol  I wrote this
on Tuesday but didn't get
finished until today.

Thought I would show you
our Spring/Easter mantle in our
 family room.  If you missed 
part 1and would like to see it.
Just Click here.

So on with the mantle.....

Some pictures were taken at night, 
and others were taken in the daytime.

I had purchased these Beautiful
carved plaques back in February
when we were visiting my daughter
in S.C......actually bought them
for our master bath, but decided
to use them on the mantle for
spring, cause love how they show
up so well...........

and since we have all these LED
candles, thanks to hubby's new
 infatuation,  and mine too now....
I just decided to put them on these 
blue salad plates, as they make for
 a simple statement, and love that
they turn themselves on and off
 every evening and make the 
mantle looks so nice.

Also love this tall picture of the
 Amarillos I found some years
 back.  Very simple and modern
looking. Also like using my
white pitchers on the hearth
as well.  Just made for a very
simple yet pretty look.....

Did you notice there is some-
thing else
on the mantle now???

You have to look hard to see it.

It is difficult to get pics in this
room without reflections.

This cute lil lamb......

I kept thinking that maybe it just needed 
something in that lower right hand corner
 since that corner of the picture seems
kind of emptyand before I could think
of  anything to put therelil darling was
 here helping me, when I first started
getting my Easter decorations out and
 she put the lamb right where I was
 thinking it needed something.  

Anyway, I loved it, and
thought it looked so cute.  Think she
has maybe gotten the decorating gene,
from her Mom, Dad, Aunt and Me.

But as I continued getting my 
other decorations out.....
 I came across my Jesus figurine
 that a neighbor/friend gave me
 years ago, so wound up putting
it in the place of the lamb since
I couldn't figure out a place that
it looked as nice.
But when lil darling came and
saw I had changed it, I saw her
lil face fall, so the next time she
cames I put the lamb back and
 move the figurine to another 
spot for the day, and since I put 
it in a lower place she seems to 
like to be able to look at it up 
close, so I decided to leave
it in the new spot.

She asked me why he was with
 children.....and I told her because
He says Children are the greatest
in His kingdom, and that He
really likes and loves lil children,
and she said does He like me??
 and I said, absolutely, you
are very special to Him.

Amazing how a figurine can
trigger such a great interaction.

and be a wonderful reminder 
of His great love for us!

I had a similiar conversation
with the lil boy that lives
across the street when he
saw the figurine years back.
He is about to graduate
 from High School this 
How time does fly......

Thanks for visiting today and
hope you enjoyed your visit.

Love, Hugs and
Pre Easter Blessings,


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1 comment:

  1. I love the theme of your decorating... rather than bunnies (which are cute and fun), you emphasize spring and Jesus (who is the lamb of God, so that was a perfect addition). Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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