Friday, April 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday April 18, 2019, Spring/Easter in the Family Room #3

 So then, just as you received
 Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live
 your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, 
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6-7  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How has your day been going??
Well, I hope....
Mine has been good so far, slept in, 
talked with my daughter, straightened
 up the house while talking, and got in 
lots of steps on my fit bit, did some
 candy bags for the table and a gift
bag for lil darling and am to start 
setting the table for Sunday's dinner.

Here are more pics for the family
room,  If you missed number #2
and would like to see....
click here

Well, best get on with it since
 I am already

Thankful for a sweet surprise
from my cousin who just 
lost his sister a few weeks he has been going
thru her things he found a
picture of my Paternal
Grandmother when she
was younger and sent it
to me.  I remember seeing
it in her home as a child.
So what a precious gift.

Thankful that we got a lot
of work done towards our
business this week, more
to go, but it's coming

Thankful that got our shed
framed out and a small
window put in this week.

Thankful that my daughter
and son-in-love got home
safely from California after 
having a great time and then 
getting stranded in Texas
 overnight cause of all the
 bad storms.

Thankful that the man doing
our shed was able to give us
a referral to someone who
can help us since we are
having what is probably
drain field problems.

Thankful that I got all the
Easter cards mailed off to
my cousins family members.

Thankful for strawberry
lemonade from Wendy's.
That is some good stuff.

Thankful to have figured
out how I want our shed doors
 and shutters to look, so I can 
tell our contractor.

Thankful that the Lord allowed
our big tree out front to have
broken off last Fall and had to 
be cut back so severely that it
 doesn't look as nice as it used
 to....because we have to cut
it down because it is what has
called our drain field problems,
and they can't guarantee our
new drainfield if we leave it
up,  so it has to come down!
But due to what happened to
it last year, that makes it some
what easier to let it go.....and
it will also solve some problems
with our driveway, as over the
years it has cracked and raised
the driveway some and we want
to replace it next year (it was
the plan for this year) but now
with the drainfield it will be
pushed back, but it will be an
easier fix if we no longer have
the tree....we are really gonna
miss the shade tho.

Thankful for something so
cute that lil darling said to
me when she was leaving
on Wednesday.
She is such a riot....She said
Good Bye, My beautiful
Makes me smile everytime
I think about it......
I am sure someone must
have said that to her.....
Probably her Mommy or
 other Gram-ma.

Thankful for a good nights
rest.  I slept 11 hours...I have
been waking up too early on
too many mornings and guess
it finally caught up with me.
So feel very good today....
yesterday (Thurs.) I felt like
someone hooked a vacuum
cleaner to me and sucked 
out all my energy.  lol

Thankful that we were able
to get everything else we
needed for Easter Thursday
evening, so now I can just
focus on the table and food.
Have been craving my Mom's
recipe for potato salad, so we 
are having that and Ham, 
baked beans, and something
we all love called "Strawberry
Fluff" (a jello/coolwhip dish,
super easy to make)and my SIL
 Susan is making fresh green
 beans and bringing carrot cake
from our fav bakery, Publix.

Thanks for coming by and

Hope you have a Wonderful
Easter with your family
 and/or friends.

Love,  Hugs and
Happy Easter Blessings,


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Life and Linda

1 comment:

  1. #1. What a coincident, I found a picture of my grandmother and her sister in a box!
    #2. Fantastic! I have been praying for the LORD's blessings on your business!
    #3. The window is just enough for the light to shine in when it's completed!
    #4. Praise our LORD for their safety home (to Bentley, ha!)
    #5. Yes, the LORD surely blesses when we are led to people we can trust!
    #6. Great! I didn't think to get any :-(
    #7. I'll have to try it!
    #8. It's going to be a nice looking asset to your backyard!
    #9. Trees are wonderful when they are in the right place! My driveway is cracked and there are no trees! I guess just the years of the ground settling.
    #10. I remember the sweet things my kindergartners used to say. They surely are sweethearts!
    #11. It's hard to change sleeping patterns! I was so used to getting up at 6, I still do after almost 8 years of not having too! But I go to bed by 10!
    #12. It surely all tasted great. My leftovers carried me for two days! I'll be finishing it up today! Yummy! Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie